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feat(Associations): Enabled wildcard searching for associations (#269)
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ndickerson authored Sep 28, 2018
1 parent bbcc5d4 commit 7b07cb6
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Showing 12 changed files with 175 additions and 13 deletions.
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions
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# processEmptyAssociations -- If set to true then all To-Many association cells that are empty will remove any
# existing associations. Default value is false, which will ignore the empty cells.
# wildcardMatching -- If set to true then wildcards (*) can be used within cell to search for multiple associations
# without having to list all of them explicitly. For example, "Java*" can be used to match
# skill entries like "Java" and "Javascript".
# For Search entities, the literal matching is removed, and the full lucene syntax is supported:
# See all available search options here:
# For Query entities, (*) is is replaced with (%) and the full MSSQL 'like' syntax is supported.
# See all available query options here:
# singleByteEncoding -- If set to true then CSV files will be read in using the ISO-8859-1 (single-byte) encoding.
# If set to false then CVS files will be read in using the UTF-8 (multi-byte) encoding.
# The single byte encoding covers only latin characters and some accented characters while
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dateFormat=MM/dd/yy HH:mm

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/main/java/com/bullhorn/dataloader/enums/
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Expand Up @@ -23,7 +23,8 @@ public enum Property {

private final String propertyName;

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7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions src/main/java/com/bullhorn/dataloader/rest/
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Expand Up @@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ public <T extends QueryEntity> List<T> queryForList(Class<T> type,
return list;

// TODO: Remove this now that the regular queryForList is recursive
<T extends QueryEntity & AllRecordsEntity> List<T> queryForAllRecordsList(Class<T> type,
String where,
Set<String> fieldSet,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -162,7 +163,8 @@ public <T extends AssociationEntity, E extends BullhornEntity> List<E> getAllAss
public <C extends CrudResponse, T extends AssociationEntity> C associateWithEntity(
Class<T> type, Integer entityId, AssociationField<T, ? extends BullhornEntity> associationName,
Set<Integer> associationIds) {
printUtil.log(Level.DEBUG, "Associate(" + type.getSimpleName() + "): #" + entityId + " - " + associationName.getAssociationFieldName());
printUtil.log(Level.DEBUG, "Associate(" + type.getSimpleName() + "): #" + entityId + " - " + associationName.getAssociationFieldName()
+ " (" + associationIds.size() + " associations)");
C crudResponse = bullhornData.associateWithEntity(type, entityId, associationName, associationIds);
return crudResponse;
Expand All @@ -171,7 +173,8 @@ public <C extends CrudResponse, T extends AssociationEntity> C associateWithEnti
public <C extends CrudResponse, T extends AssociationEntity> C disassociateWithEntity(
Class<T> type, Integer entityId, AssociationField<T, ? extends BullhornEntity> associationName,
Set<Integer> associationIds) {
printUtil.log(Level.DEBUG, "Disassociate(" + type.getSimpleName() + "): #" + entityId + " - " + associationName.getAssociationFieldName());
printUtil.log(Level.DEBUG, "Disassociate(" + type.getSimpleName() + "): #" + entityId + " - " + associationName.getAssociationFieldName()
+ " (" + associationIds.size() + " associations)");
C crudResponse = bullhornData.disassociateWithEntity(type, entityId, associationName, associationIds);
return crudResponse;
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22 changes: 20 additions & 2 deletions src/main/java/com/bullhorn/dataloader/task/
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Expand Up @@ -162,28 +162,46 @@ private <Q extends QueryEntity> List<B> queryForEntity(List<Field> entityExistFi
Sets.newHashSet("id"), ParamFactory.queryParams());

// TODO: Move to utility
String getQueryStatement(String field, String value, Class fieldType, EntityInfo fieldEntityInfo) {
// Fix for the Note entity doing it's own thing when it comes to the 'id' field
if (fieldEntityInfo == EntityInfo.NOTE && field.equals(StringConsts.ID)) {
field = StringConsts.NOTE_ID;

if (Integer.class.equals(fieldType) || BigDecimal.class.equals(fieldType) || Boolean.class.equals(fieldType)) {
return field + ":" + value;
} else if (DateTime.class.equals(fieldType) || String.class.equals(fieldType)) {
} else if (DateTime.class.equals(fieldType)) {
return field + ":\"" + value + "\"";
} else if (String.class.equals(fieldType)) {
if (propertyFileUtil.getWildcardMatching()) {
return field + ": " + value; // Flexible match - non quoted string (falls back to whatever text exists in the cell)
} else {
return field + ":\"" + value + "\""; // Literal match - equals quoted string
} else {
throw new RestApiException("Failed to create lucene search string for: '" + field
+ "' with unsupported field type: " + fieldType);

// TODO: Move to utility
String getWhereStatement(String field, String value, Class fieldType) {
if (Integer.class.equals(fieldType) || BigDecimal.class.equals(fieldType) || Double.class.equals(fieldType)) {
return field + "=" + value;
} else if (Boolean.class.equals(fieldType)) {
return field + "=" + getBooleanWhereStatement(value);
} else if (String.class.equals(fieldType)) {
return field + "='" + value + "'";
if (propertyFileUtil.getWildcardMatching()) {
// Not all string fields in query entities support the like syntax. Only use it if there is a non-escaped asterisk.
if (value.matches(".*[^\\\\][*].*")) {
return field + " like '" + value.replaceAll("[*]", "%") + "'"; // Flexible match - using like syntax
} else {
return field + "='" + value.replaceAll("[\\\\][*]", "*") + "'"; // Literal match after unescaping asterisks
} else {
return field + "='" + value + "'"; // Literal match - equals quoted string
} else if (DateTime.class.equals(fieldType)) {
// TODO: This needs to be of the format: `dateOfBirth:[20170808 TO 20170808235959]` for dates
// Format: [yyyyMMdd TO yyyyMMddHHmmss] - a date range of one day
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5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions src/main/java/com/bullhorn/dataloader/task/
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Expand Up @@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ private List<B> findAssociations(Field field) throws InvocationTargetException,
if (!field.getStringValue().isEmpty()) {
Set<String> values = Sets.newHashSet(field.getStringValue().split(propertyFileUtil.getListDelimiter()));
associations = doFindAssociations(field);
if (associations.size() != values.size()) {
if (!propertyFileUtil.getWildcardMatching() && associations.size() != values.size()) {
Set<String> existingAssociationValues = getFieldValueSet(field, associations);
if (associations.size() > values.size()) {
String duplicates = -> "\t" + n)
Expand All @@ -280,8 +280,7 @@ private List<B> findAssociations(Field field) throws InvocationTargetException,

* Makes the lookup call to check that all associated values are present, and there are no duplicates. This will
* work with up to 500 associated records, such as candidates or businessSectors. It will perform the lookup using
* the field given after the period, like: '' or ''
* perform the lookup using the field given after the period, like 'name' from ''.
* @param field the To-Many association field to lookup records for
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Expand Up @@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ public class PropertyFileUtil {
private Integer numThreads;
private Integer waitSecondsBetweenFilesInDirectory;
private Boolean processEmptyAssociations;
private Boolean wildcardMatching;
private Boolean singleByteEncoding;
private Boolean resultsFileEnabled;
private String resultsFilePath;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -191,6 +192,10 @@ public Boolean getProcessEmptyAssociations() {
return processEmptyAssociations;

public Boolean getWildcardMatching() {
return wildcardMatching;

public Boolean getSingleByteEncoding() {
return singleByteEncoding;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -342,6 +347,8 @@ private void processProperties(Properties properties, PropertyValidationUtil pro
processEmptyAssociations = propertyValidationUtil.validateBooleanProperty(
wildcardMatching = propertyValidationUtil.validateBooleanProperty(
singleByteEncoding = propertyValidationUtil.validateBooleanProperty(
resultsFileEnabled = propertyValidationUtil.validateBooleanProperty(
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -64,10 +64,10 @@ public void testIntegration() throws IOException {
// Test using more than 100,000 characters in a field
insertUpdateDeleteFromDirectory(TestUtils.getResourceFilePath("longFields"), false);

// Test using more than 500 associations in a To-Many field
// TODO: This is broken right now - can't use 1000 OR statements in where clause
// TODO: This will be fixed when wildcard searching for multiple records is enabled
//insertUpdateDeleteFromDirectory(TestUtils.getResourceFilePath("associationsOver500"), false);
// Test using more than 500 associations in a To-Many field - requires that wildcard matching is enabled
System.setProperty("wildcardMatching", "true");
insertUpdateDeleteFromDirectory(TestUtils.getResourceFilePath("associationsOver500"), false);
System.setProperty("wildcardMatching", "false");

// Test for ignoring soft deleted entities
insertUpdateDeleteFromDirectory(TestUtils.getResourceFilePath("softDeletes"), true);
Expand All @@ -78,6 +78,11 @@ public void testIntegration() throws IOException {
// Test that the byte order mark is ignored when it's present in the input file as the first (hidden) character
insertUpdateDeleteFromDirectory(TestUtils.getResourceFilePath("byteOrderMark"), false);

// Test for wildcard associations for candidates in a note
System.setProperty("wildcardMatching", "true");
insertUpdateDeleteFromDirectory(TestUtils.getResourceFilePath("wildcardMatching"), false);
System.setProperty("wildcardMatching", "false");

// Run a test for processing empty association fields (with the setting turned on)
System.setProperty("processEmptyAssociations", "true");
insertUpdateDeleteFromDirectory(TestUtils.getResourceFilePath("processEmptyFields"), false);
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112 changes: 112 additions & 0 deletions src/test/java/com/bullhorn/dataloader/task/
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Expand Up @@ -1128,6 +1128,25 @@ public void testRunLuceneSearchStatementAllFieldTypes() throws Exception {
TestUtils.verifyActionTotals(actionTotalsMock, Result.Action.INSERT, 1);

public void testRunLuceneSearchStatementWildcardMatching() throws Exception {
String[] headerArray = new String[]{"action", "candidates.companyName", "comments"};
String[] valueArray = new String[]{"Email", "Boeing*", "Candidates generated from the companyName field"};
Row row = TestUtils.createRow(headerArray, valueArray);
when(restApiMock.insertEntity(any())).thenReturn(TestUtils.getResponse(ChangeType.INSERT, 90));

LoadTask task = new LoadTask(EntityInfo.NOTE, row, csvFileWriterMock,
propertyFileUtilMock, restApiMock, printUtilMock, actionTotalsMock, completeUtilMock);;

String expectedQuery = "(companyName: Boeing*) AND isDeleted:0";
verify(restApiMock, times(1)).searchForList(eq(Candidate.class), eq(expectedQuery), any(), any());
Result expectedResult = new Result(Result.Status.SUCCESS, Result.Action.INSERT, 90, "");
verify(csvFileWriterMock, times(1)).writeRow(any(), eq(expectedResult));
TestUtils.verifyActionTotals(actionTotalsMock, Result.Action.INSERT, 1);

public void testRunLuceneSearchStatementNullFieldDefaults() throws Exception {
String[] headerArray = new String[]{"dayRate", "isLockedOut", "customInt1", "customFloat1", "customDate1"};
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1228,6 +1247,99 @@ public void testRunDatabaseQueryWhereStatementNullFieldDefaults() throws Excepti
TestUtils.verifyActionTotals(actionTotalsMock, Result.Action.INSERT, 1);

public void testRunDatabaseQueryWhereStatementToManyWildcardMatching() throws Exception {
String[] headerArray = new String[]{"firstName", "lastName", ""};
String[] valueArray = new String[]{"Stephanie", "Scribbles", "Sales*;Market*;IT"};
Row row = TestUtils.createRow(headerArray, valueArray);
when(restApiMock.queryForList(eq(Skill.class), any(), any(), any())).thenReturn(TestUtils.getList
(Skill.class, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6));
when(restApiMock.getAllAssociationsList(eq(Candidate.class), any(),
eq(CandidateAssociations.getInstance().primarySkills()), any(), any()))
.thenReturn(TestUtils.getList(Skill.class, 1, 2));
when(restApiMock.insertEntity(any())).thenReturn(TestUtils.getResponse(ChangeType.INSERT, 100));

LoadTask task = new LoadTask(EntityInfo.CANDIDATE, row, csvFileWriterMock,
propertyFileUtilMock, restApiMock, printUtilMock, actionTotalsMock, completeUtilMock);;

String expectedQuery = "name like 'Sales%' OR name like 'Market%' OR name='IT'";
verify(restApiMock, times(1)).queryForList(eq(Skill.class), eq(expectedQuery),
any(), any());
verify(restApiMock, times(1)).associateWithEntity(eq(Candidate.class),
eq(100), eq(CandidateAssociations.getInstance().primarySkills()), eq(Sets.newHashSet(3, 4, 5, 6)));
Result expectedResult = new Result(Result.Status.SUCCESS, Result.Action.INSERT, 100, "");
verify(csvFileWriterMock, times(1)).writeRow(any(), eq(expectedResult));
TestUtils.verifyActionTotals(actionTotalsMock, Result.Action.INSERT, 1);

public void testRunDatabaseQueryWhereStatementToOneWildcardMatching() throws Exception {
String[] headerArray = new String[]{"firstName", "lastName", ""};
String[] valueArray = new String[]{"Stephanie", "Scribbles", "Sales*"};
Row row = TestUtils.createRow(headerArray, valueArray);
when(restApiMock.insertEntity(any())).thenReturn(TestUtils.getResponse(ChangeType.INSERT, 100));
when(restApiMock.queryForList(eq(Category.class), any(), any(), any())).thenReturn(TestUtils.getList
(Category.class, 1));

LoadTask task = new LoadTask(EntityInfo.CANDIDATE, row, csvFileWriterMock,
propertyFileUtilMock, restApiMock, printUtilMock, actionTotalsMock, completeUtilMock);;

String expectedQuery = "name like 'Sales%'";
verify(restApiMock, times(1)).queryForList(eq(Category.class), eq(expectedQuery),
any(), any());
Result expectedResult = new Result(Result.Status.SUCCESS, Result.Action.INSERT, 100, "");
verify(csvFileWriterMock, times(1)).writeRow(any(), eq(expectedResult));
TestUtils.verifyActionTotals(actionTotalsMock, Result.Action.INSERT, 1);

public void testRunDatabaseQueryWhereStatementLimitWildcardMatching() throws Exception {
String[] headerArray = new String[]{"firstName", "lastName", ""};
String[] valueArray = new String[]{"Stephanie", "Scribbles", "Bob Smiley"};
Row row = TestUtils.createRow(headerArray, valueArray);
when(restApiMock.insertEntity(any())).thenReturn(TestUtils.getResponse(ChangeType.INSERT, 80));
when(restApiMock.queryForList(eq(CorporateUser.class), any(), any(), any())).thenReturn(TestUtils.getList
(CorporateUser.class, 1));

LoadTask task = new LoadTask(EntityInfo.CANDIDATE, row, csvFileWriterMock,
propertyFileUtilMock, restApiMock, printUtilMock, actionTotalsMock, completeUtilMock);;

String expectedQuery = "name='Bob Smiley'";
verify(restApiMock, times(1)).queryForList(eq(CorporateUser.class), eq(expectedQuery),
any(), any());
Result expectedResult = new Result(Result.Status.SUCCESS, Result.Action.INSERT, 80, "");
verify(csvFileWriterMock, times(1)).writeRow(any(), eq(expectedResult));
TestUtils.verifyActionTotals(actionTotalsMock, Result.Action.INSERT, 1);

public void testRunDatabaseQueryWhereStatementLimitWildcardMatchingWhenEscaped() throws Exception {
String[] headerArray = new String[]{"firstName", "lastName", ""};
String[] valueArray = new String[]{"Stephanie", "Scribbles", "\\*Bob Smiley\\*"};
Row row = TestUtils.createRow(headerArray, valueArray);
when(restApiMock.insertEntity(any())).thenReturn(TestUtils.getResponse(ChangeType.INSERT, 80));
when(restApiMock.queryForList(eq(CorporateUser.class), any(), any(), any())).thenReturn(TestUtils.getList
(CorporateUser.class, 1));

LoadTask task = new LoadTask(EntityInfo.CANDIDATE, row, csvFileWriterMock,
propertyFileUtilMock, restApiMock, printUtilMock, actionTotalsMock, completeUtilMock);;

String expectedQuery = "name='*Bob Smiley*'";
verify(restApiMock, times(1)).queryForList(eq(CorporateUser.class), eq(expectedQuery),
any(), any());
Result expectedResult = new Result(Result.Status.SUCCESS, Result.Action.INSERT, 80, "");
verify(csvFileWriterMock, times(1)).writeRow(any(), eq(expectedResult));
TestUtils.verifyActionTotals(actionTotalsMock, Result.Action.INSERT, 1);

public void testRunDatabaseQueryWhereStatementInvalidValues() throws Exception {
Row row = TestUtils.createRow("salary1,isLastJob,customInt1,companyName,startDate",
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