Build the project inside storm (takes forever)
rm -rf build
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j18
Execute the file (see shell example)
root@019fd5784489:/workspaces/storm# ./build/bin/storm-bn-robin asia
Build the project inside storm (takes forever)
rm -rf build
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..
make -j18
Execute the file (see shell example)
gdb ./build/bin/storm-bn-robin
run asia
Execute the file (see shell example)
lldb ./build/bin/storm-bn-robin
run asia
Navigate through the program
run somearguments
print someVariableName
list functionName
list lineNumber
info args
Hackie start (not recommended)
g++ workspaces/storm/src/storm-bn-robin-cli/storm-bn-robin.cpp -I " ${workspaceFolder} " -I " /workspaces/storm/src" -I " /workspaces/storm/build/include" -I " /workspaces/storm/resources/3rdparty/modernjson/src" -I " /workspaces/storm/build/resources/3rdparty/carl/include" -I " /workspaces/storm/resources/3rdparty/l3pp" -o storm-bn-robin.out
When creating new .cpp .h files, don't forget to add them in src/storm-bn-robin/CMakeLists.txt