- NB-15 extracts features from Argus and Zeek programs. featuresNB15.py joins with label file provided by the pcap source and calculates 12 extra features as described in (Moustafa et al 2015).
- CICFlowMeter extracts CIC features. featuresCIC.py joins with label file provided by the pcap source and adds Flow ID.
AB-TRAP (bonafide) is extracted from MAWILab by filering with labeled file provided by the pcap source. bonafide is split for processing in Argus/Zeek. Files must be joined before calculating group features. attack is generated by simulation and each ip represents an attack category. attack and bonafide datasets must be joined at the end. attacks and traffic occur separatedly in time.
UNSW-NB15 label file NUSW-NB15_GT.csv is provided by the pcap source. CIC-IDS2017 label files in GeneratedLabelledFlows.zip are provided by the pcap source.
Some packet capture files used/generated during aBFF development
- Original MAWILab pcap files extracted from: http://www.fukuda-lab.org/mawilab/
R. Fontugne, P. Borgnat, P. Abry, K. Fukuda. "MAWILab: Combining diverse anomaly detectors for automated anomaly labeling and performance benchmarking". ACM CoNEXT 2010. Philadelphia, PA. December 2010.
- CIC-BoT-IoT and CIC-ToN-IoT extracted from https://staff.itee.uq.edu.au/marius/NIDS_datasets/
M. Sarhan, S. Layeghy, and M. Portmann, An explainable machine learning-based network intrusion detection system for enabling generalisability in securing iot networks, 2021. arXiv:2104.07183 [cs.CR]
Join CIC-IDS2017 label files as "CIC"_CIC.csv for CIC-IDS2017 case if not extracting directly from PCAP file
Generates files for later extraction of dataset features Requires: Argus, Zeek, cicflowmeter.py
- Argus: [sudo apt-get install argus-server] OR http://qosient.com/argus/src/argus-
- Zeek: https://download.zeek.org/zeek-4.1.1.tar.gz
- CICFlowMeter: [sudo python3 -m pip install cicflowmeter] OR
- [git clone https://github.com/CanadianInstituteForCybersecurity/CICFlowMeter.git]
Creates inner directory per pcap file and runs Argus, Zeek and CICFlowMeter on all PCAP files in current directory.
NOTE_1: For running MAWILab and CIC-IDS through CICFlowMeter it was necessary to force linktype to 1 [EN10MB(Ethernet)] in utils.py as: https://www.tcpdump.org/linktypes.html
import numpy
def __truediv__(self, other):
type: (_Decimal) -> EDecimal
return EDecimal(Decimal.__truediv__(self, Decimal(numpy.float64(other))))
GET ALT -> if(): else: linktype = 1
Build NB15 and CIC type datasets for each pcap Requires: featuresNB15.py featuresCIC.py
- SupportFils:
- featuresCIC.py: Sets labels and fixes minor formatting issues in UNBW-NB15;
- featuresNB15.py: not in use currently.
Train ML models for each data set. Requires: train_model.py
- SupportFils:
- train_model.py: Train after loading full data set or building if not found. Under or Oversamples before training if option selected.
Evaluate models performance in other data sets available Requires: evaluateBinary.py / evaluate.py
- SupportFils:
- evaluate.py: For the selected Dataset: [1] save each model's F-score table (k-split training) and [2] evaluate their F-score on other Datasets (fscore_{0}.csv)
- evaluateBinary.py: For the selected Dataset: [1] save each model's F-score table (k-split training) and [2] evaluate their full confusion matrix on other Datasets (fscore_b_{0}.csv)
Calculate SHAP values and plot feature SHAP mean value and distribution impact on classification graphs Requires: SHAP module
Calculate SHAP values and plot feature SHAP mean value and distribution impact on classification graphs Requires: SHAP module
- SupportFils:
- explain.py: calculates SHAP values for one model (algorithm/dataset pair) on one target dataset
Build graphs for f-score
Build graphs for different metrics using confusion matrix (including MCC)
Build feature importance graphs for each model with a personalized method
Build LaTeX tables with importance calculated as explained in analysis.ipynb