We really like contributions and bug reports, in fact the project wouldn't have got to this stage without them. We do have a few guidelines to bear in mind.
If you’ve got an idea or suggestion you can:
- email govuk-design-system-support@digital.cabinet-office.gov.uk
- get in touch on developer Slack channel(open in app)
- create a GitHub issue
When raising bugs please explain the issue in good detail and provide a guide to how to replicate it. When describing the bug it's useful to follow the format:
- what you did
- what you expected to happen
- what happened
Please raise feature requests as issues before contributing any code.
This ensures they are discussed properly before any time is spent on them.
Your JavaScript code should pass linting.
For anything else, maintain 2-space, soft-tabs only indentation. No trailing whitespace.
Please see our Git style guide in the 'How to store source code' page of the GDS Way, which describes how we prefer Git history and commit messages to read.
When a pull request is opened, Heroku may create a review app that will allow you and your reviewers to preview how your changes will appear for users. If a review app is not created automatically, you can ask someone from the Prototype Kit team to create one.
Review apps are password protected with the username govuk
and the password govuk