Those are my personal notes and may or may not cover all the course material so proceed with care. Feel free to contribute.
- COMP23412 - Software Engineering 2
- COMP25212 - System Architecture
- COMP26120 - Algorithms and Imperative Programming
- COMP27112 - Computer Graphics & Image Processing
- COMP28112 - Distributed Computing
- UCIL24002 - Art of Enterprise
- COMP22712 - Microcontrollers - This is a lab only course, link to lab manual
- COMP24412 - Symbollic AI - Courtesy of Alex Paul Copil
- Todd's notes. Some may not be 100% up to date but they are really good!
- Alex's notes. More up to date, but does not cover everything.
Here are some shell aliases that helped me during my time doing CS@UoM
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* "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42):
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