!! Choose one of the following alternatives and then delete the task:
!! Uncomment if needed one of the alternatives and replace the links with the concrete links into the CAMARA wiki - then delete the task:
Sandbox API Repository to describe, develop, document, and test the §repo_name§ Service API(s). The repository does not yet belong to a CAMARA Sub Project.
- API Repository wiki page: https://lf-camaraproject.atlassian.net/wiki/x/AgDe !! Update with concrete link when available and delete the task
- Service API(s) “§repo_name§” (see APIBacklog.md)
- The API(s) provide(s) the API consumer with the ability to:
- §Short API scope description§ !! Add here a scope description according to the API proposal
- Describe, develop, document, and test the API(s)
- Started: §start date§
The repository has no (pre)releases yet, work in progress is within the main branch.
- Meetings are held virtually
- Schedule: !! tbd
- Registration / Join !! Update this link with your meeting registration/join link and delete the task
- Minutes: Access meeting minutes !! update this link to your wiki page using the "Share" link and delete the task
- Mailing List
- Subscribe / Unsubscribe to the mailing list https://lists.camaraproject.org/g/$mailinglistname§.
- A message to the community of this Sub Project can be sent using <$mailinglistname§@lists.camaraproject.org>.