Michael G. Campana & Ellie E. Armstrong, 2019-2024
Smithsonian's National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute
Stanford University
Here we document the usage and functions of the Ruby scripts included in the RatesTools package.
- calc_denovo_mutation_rate.rb
- denovolib.rb
- dnm_summary_stats.rb
- filterGM.rb
- indels2bed.rb
- kochDNp.rb
- logstats.sh
- nextflow_split.rb
- plotDPGQ.R
- RM2bed.rb
- simplify_bed.rb
- simplify_sorted_bed.rb
- summarize_denovo.rb
- References
The calc_denovo_mutation_rate.rb script calculates the genomic de novo mutation (DNM) rate from a multi-individual all-sites VCF. The script can optionally perform block bootstrapping to estimate the confidence interval for the estimated DNM rates. All individuals that are not specified as either the 'sire' or 'dam' are assumed to be offspring of the specified individuals. Genotypes used by the script after adjusting for the --minAD1 and --minAF filters are printed to the VCF tag DNM_GT. Results are printed to STDOUT.
Basic usage is: calc_denovo_mutation_rate.rb [options]
. Help is available using calc_denovo_mutation_rate.rb -h
The following calc_denovo_mutation_rate.rb options are available:
-i, --input [FILE]
: Input VCF (Required). Files with the final extension '.gz' are assumed to be gzip-compressed.
-s, --sire [NAME]
: Sire's name in VCF (Required).
-d, --dam [NAME]
: Dam's name in VCF (Required).
-k, --kochDNp
: Use Koch et al. DNp statistic [1] to filter candidate DNM sites.
-m, --mu [VALUE]
: Mutation rate (mu) for Koch DNp (Default = 1e-6)
-t, --theta [VALUE]
: Heterozygosity (theta) for Koch DNp (Default = 0.008)
-c, --cutoff [VALUE]
: Koch DNp cutoff (Default = 0.3)
: Require parents to be homozygous at candidate DNM sites. Parental heterozygosity forces the candidate site(s) to be discarded.
: Call all alleles at a site with an allelic depth of at least 1 (even if not called by the genotyper). Requires the 'AD' tag to be specified in the VCF. If the total allelic depth is 0 (e.g. if no informative reads are included but the total read depth is greater than the required threshold), the site is discarded as a potential DNM. If both --minAD1
and --minAF
options specified, --minAD1
is applied to the parents and --minAF
is applied to the offspring for maximally conservative DNM calling.
--minAF [VALUE]
: Filter alleles by minimum frequency. Requires the 'AD' tag to be specified in the VCF. If both --minAD1
and --minAF
options specified, --minAD1
is applied to the parents and --minAF
is applied to the offspring for maximally conservative DNM calling.
-w, --window [VALUE]
: Sequence window length (bp) for bootstrapping (Default = 1000000).
-S, --step [VALUE]
: Window step (bp) for bootstrapping (Default = 1000000).
-b, --bootstrap [VALUE]
: Number of bootstrap replicates (Default = 0).
-l, --minbootstraplength [VALUE]
: Minimum bootstrap window length (bp) to retain (Default = 1000000).
-M, --minwindows [VALUE]
: Minimum number of bootstrap windows to retain chromosome/contig (Default = 10).
-g, --gvcf
: Input is a gVCF (Default = false).
--rng [VALUE]
: Random number seed.
Program information options (Do not use other options with the following):
-v, --version
: Show program version.
-h, --help
: Show help.
NB: Double-forward sites count as two mutations, so the number of identified double-forward mutations is twice the number of observed double-forward sites.
This script provides a library of methods and classes used by the remaining Ruby scripts in the RatesTools pipeline.
The dnm_summary_stats.rb script summarizes retained site counts from the various filtration steps of the RatesTools pipeline. It also classifies DNM by their substitution class. It optionally removes clumped candidates and sites overlapping between siblings. It then recalculates mutation rates and confidence intervals. It will output a list of retained sites to standard error.
Usage is: dnm_summary_stats.rb <logs_directory> <output_prefix> <clump_window_range_in_bp> > <out.csv> 2> <retained sites.tsv>
NB: Double-forward sites count as two mutations, so the number of identified double-forward mutations is twice the number of observed double-forward sites.
The filterGM.rb script filters a GenMap [2] mappability bed file. The user specifies a mappability cut-off above which to retain sites (default behavior). Optionally, the user can output regions below the cut-off (e.g. for subsequent removal) by appending 'exclude' to the command line. Input files with the final extension '.gz' are assumed to be gzip-compressed.
Usage is: filterGM.rb <in_GenMap.bed[.gz]> <cutoff> [exclude] > <out.bed>
The indels2bed.rb script identifies indels in the unfiltered all-sites, multi-sample VCF. It then generates a bed file that specifies a set window upstream/downstream around the indel for later exclusion in the pipeline. Input files with the final extension '.gz' are assumed to be gzip-compressed.
Usage is: indels2bed.rb <indels.vcf[.gz]> <bp_to_exclude_upstream/downstream> > <out.bed>
Basic usage is: calc_denovo_mutation_rate.rb [options] > <outfile>
. Help is available using calc_denovo_mutation_rate.rb -h
The following calc_denovo_mutation_rate.rb options are available:
-i, --input [FILE]
: Input VCF (Required). Files with the final extension '.gz' are assumed to be gzip-compressed.
-s, --sire [NAME]
: Sire's name in VCF (Required).
-d, --dam [NAME]
: Dam's name in VCF (Required).
The kochDNp.rb script calculates the Koch et al. DNp statistic [1] for candidate de novo mutations and filters them by a specified cutoff value. The methods in this script are accessed by calc_denovo_mutation_rate if the DNp filter is turned on. Alternatively, the kochDNp script can be executed directly for post-hoc analysis of previously identified candidate de novo mutations. Results are printed to STDOUT.
Basic usage is: kochDNp.rb [options]
. Help is available using kochDNp.rb -h
The following kochDNp.rb options are available:
-i, --input [FILE]
: Input file of candidate denovo mutations (Required). Input file can either be a VCF or a log previously generated using calc_denovo_mutation_rate or summarize_denovo. Files with the final extension '.gz' are assumed to be gzip-compressed.
-s, --sire [NAME]
: Sire's name in VCF (Required).
-d, --dam [NAME]
: Dam's name in VCF (Required).
-m, --mu [VALUE]
: Mutation rate (mu) for Koch DNp (Default = 1e-6)
-t, --theta [VALUE]
: Heterozygosity (theta) for Koch DNp (Default = 0.008)
-c, --cutoff [VALUE]
: Koch DNp cutoff (Default = 0.3)
Program information options (Do not use other options with the following):
-v, --version
: Show program version.
-h, --help
: Show help.
The logstats.sh script extracts the VCFtools retained site counts from Nextflow's log file (.command.log) and checks the value for sanity. If VCFtools returns a non-sensical value (typically due to an overflow of sites causing VCFtools to report a negative site count), logstats.sh calculates these values using BCFtools [3] stats.
The nextflow_split.rb script splits an all-sites VCF by chromosomes/contigs for parallelization of filtering and de novo mutation rate calculations using the RatesTools pipeline.
Basic usage is: nextflow_split.rb -i <in.VCF> -o <outdir>
. Help is available using nextflow_split.rb -h
Options available:
-i, --input [FILE]
: Input VCF (Required). Files with the final extension '.gz' are assumed to be gzip-compressed.
-o, --output [DIRECTORY]
: Output Directory (Default is current directory).
-W, --writecycles [VALUE]
: Number of variants to read before writing to disk (Default = 1000000).
-h, --help
: Show help (Do not use with other options).
plotDPGQ.R summarizes extracted variant site DP and GQ values extracted using BCFtools [3] query. It also plots the distributions of these statistics.
Usage is: plotDPGQ.R <outfile_prefix>
RM2bed.rb converts a RepeatMasker [4] out file into a bed for later exclusion of repeat regions. Input files with the final extension '.gz' are assumed to be gzip-compressed.
Usage: RM2bed.rb <in_RM.txt[.gz]> > <out.bed>
summarize_denovo.rb calculates the genomic DNM rate from a directory of per-chromosome calc_denovo_mutation_rate.rb logs.
Usage: summarize_denovo.rb <directory> > <out.txt>
NB: Double-forward sites count as two mutations, so the number of identified double-forward mutations is twice the number of observed double-forward sites.
- Koch, E.M., Schweizer, R.M., Schweizer, T.M., Stahler, D.R., Smith, D.W., Wayne, R.K., Novembre, J. (2019). De novo mutation rate estimation in wolves of known pedigree. Mol Biol Evol, 36, 2536-2547, DOI: 10.1093/molbev/msz159.
- Pockrandt, C., Alzamel, M., Iliopoulos, C.S., Reinert, K. (2020) GenMap: ultra-fast computation of genome mappability. Bioinformatics, 36, 3687–3692, DOI: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btaa222.
- Danecek, P., Bonfield, J.K., Liddle, J., Marshall, J., Ohan, V., Pollard, M.O., Whitwham, A., Keane, T., McCarthy, S.A., Davies, R.M., Li, H. (2021) Twelve years of SAMtools and BCFtools. GigaScience, 10, giab008. DOI: 10.1093/gigascience/giab008.
- Smit, A.F.A., Hubley, R., Green, P. (2013-2015) RepeatMasker Open-4.0. (http://www.repeatmasker.org).