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David Banas edited this page Jul 8, 2017 · 41 revisions

Instant Gratification

In order to get PyBERT up and running on your machine, right now, do this:

  1. If you haven't already, install the Anaconda Python Distribution.
    Note: Select Python v2.7 and select 32 vs. 64 bit, to match your OS. Do not make your 32/64-bit decision, based on the particular IBIS-AMI models you intend to run in PyBERT. That difference is handled, via the creation of custom Anaconda environments, below.

Note: I assume, here, that you've installed the 64-bit version of Anaconda, because that is by far the most common scenario. If you're working with a 32-bit OS and have installed the 32-bit version of Anaconda, give the steps, below, a try and contact me, if things don't work right. I'll try to help you get up and running.

Linux / MacOS:

Note: I'm assuming you're working at a Bash, or Sh, prompt. If you're using Csh, please, make the necessary translations to the following commands.

  1. Create two custom Anaconda environments: one for 32-bit IBIS-AMI models, and one for 64-bit models:

    • conda create -n pybert64
    • CONDA_FORCE_32BIT=1 conda create -n pybert32
  2. Activate the 64-bit environment:

    • source activate pybert64
  3. Install PyBERT into the 64-bit environment, and test:

    • conda install -c dbanas pybert
    • python -m pybert
  4. Activate the 32-bit environment:

    • export CONDA_FORCE_32BIT=1
    • source activate pybert32
  5. Install PyBERT into the 32-bit environment, and test:

    • conda install -c dbanas pybert
    • python -m pybert
  6. Deactivate the 32-bit environment (only when you're done running 32-bit models in PyBERT, obviously):

    • source deactivate
    • unset CONDA_FORCE_32BIT


Note: I'm assuming you're working at a Windows command prompt. If you're using one of the "Bash/Sh for Windows" variants, please, use the Linux / MacOS instructions, above.

  1. Create two custom Anaconda environments: one for 32-bit IBIS-AMI models, and one for 64-bit models:

    • conda create -n pybert64
    • set CONDA_FORCE_32BIT=1
    • conda create -n pybert32
  2. Activate the 64-bit environment:

    • unset CONDA_FORCE_32BIT
    • activate pybert64
  3. Install PyBERT into the 64-bit environment, and test:

    • conda install -c dbanas pybert
    • python -m pybert
  4. Activate the 32-bit environment:

    • set CONDA_FORCE_32BIT=1
    • activate pybert32
  5. Install PyBERT into the 32-bit environment, and test:

    • conda install -c dbanas pybert
    • python -m pybert
  6. Deactivate the 32-bit environment (only when you're done running 32-bit models in PyBERT, obviously):

    • deactivate
    • unset CONDA_FORCE_32BIT

Any trouble with above instructions, please, send Anaconda command prompt full window screen shot to: "David Banas".

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