Template repository for Go projects. Contains an example Go application and a minimal Dockerfile.
Dependabot is configured to keep Go, Docker and Github Actions dependencies up to date by opening pull requests when new versions are released.
Multiple workflows are configured that will:
- Lint Go code
- Check that
is tidied - Check that generated files are up to date
- Test Go code and fuzz for 10 minutes
- Lint the Dockerfile with hadolint
- Lint workflow files with actionlint
- Build, publish and sign Docker images with cosign
- Build, sign, publish binaries and create releases with goreleaser and cosign
Almost all workflows will trigger when appropriate files are modified from pushes or pull requests. Binaries will only be released when a semver compatible tag is pushed however.
Use this repository as a template and build your project from it.
Almost all workflow files will work without modification, as will releasing Docker images and binaries with goreleaser.
Note that only linux/amd64
images and binaries are built by default, so you may need to add more target
operating systems and/or architectures based off of your requirements.
The Check generated files
job assumes code generation tools will be installed by running go generate
The Test
workflow will still pass if no tests or fuzz tests are present, so when you
do add tests and fuzz tests the workflow will run them without needing any changes from you.
When you want to change the Go version that is used in workflows, simply change the version of Go in the go
directive of go.mod
Verifying binaries or Docker images both require cosign.
Download the checksums file, certificate and signature and the archive to the same directory.
Extract the binary from the archive, verify the checksums file and verify the contents of the binary:
tar xfs go-project-template_<version>_linux_amd64.tar.gz
cosign verify-blob --certificate checksums.txt.crt --signature checksums.txt.sig checksums.txt
sha256sum -c checksums.txt
Simply check the signature of the image with cosign
COSIGN_EXPERIMENTAL=true cosign verify ghcr.io/capnspacehook/go-project-template | jq
You can verify the image was built by Github Actions by inspecting the Issuer
and Subject
fields of the output.