My MacBook Air has a Broadcom 4360 (14E4:43A0) wireless card. Almost all Linux distros don't provide support out of the box. Luckily, Silverblue supports USB tethering, so I can use my cellphone's network when installing necesarry packages.
Broadcom uses wl driver, which is in rpmfusion repository.
sudo rpm-ostree install$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm
sudo rpm-ostree install broadcom-wl
Reboot. Then you should be able to pick up wireless.
I am a fan of IBM Plex Mono. Thus
sudo rpm-ostree install google-droid-sans-mono-fonts ibm-plex-mono-fonts
There are some scripts and configs in this dir for that purpose.
I could have put these tools in a toolbox. But as I have to use them all the time, I want them to be available to as many aspects of the system as possible. So I compile ssr-native in a toolbox, copy the result to local bin dir, and installed privoxy as a layered package.
sudo rpm-ostree install privoxy
If you see error "error junk in handshake", check this out. Basically you need to run privoxy first and use the HTTP proxy.
Install tlp and tlp-rdw as layered package. Then start the service.
sudo rpm-ostree install tlp tlp-rdw
sudo systemctl enable tlp
sudo systemctl start tlp
Go to Flathub and enable the remote:
flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub
flatpak update
Firefox that comes with ostree cannot play mp4 video embeded in web pages for lacking of codecs. So I install the official flatpak from Flathub, and remove the Fedora one.
flatpak install org.mozilla.firefox
rpm-ostree override remove firefox
flatpak install org.blender.Blender org.shotcut.Shotcut fr.natron.Natron
Mainly GPG keys and some login credentials. Stored on my SDF machine.
export LOGIN_NAME=(redacted)
ssh $ creds/
scp $${LOGIN_NAME:0:1}/$LOGIN_NAME/ .
ssh $ rm /sdf/arpa/af/${LOGIN_NAME:0:1}/$LOGIN_NAME/
cd creds
Generate ssh keys and send them to github/lab as valid credentials.
ssh-keygen -C xhy@FedoraMBP -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa_github
ssh-keygen -C xhy@FedoraMBP -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa_gitlab
Edit the GPG keys to trust them. Then clone the password store:
git clone
Clone PaperWM. Run the install script.