VanillaTransformer ships also in the form of console app which can be used directly from the command line. You can download it from the Releases page.
Here's the list of accepted options (they are the counterparts of MsBuildTask parameters):
-t, --TransformConfiguration
transformations.xml path
-f, --ConfigurationFormat
format of the transform configuration file. Available options: 'deployment', 'default'
-h, --PlaceholderPattern
placeholder pattern e.g.: ${KEY}
-r, --ProjectRootPath
(optional) root folder path (exec path will be taken if not provided)
-p, --PatternFile
pattern file path
-s, --ValuesSource
value file path
-o, --OutputPath
output file path
-?, --help
Print list of accepted parameters
Transform multiple pattern files using TransformConfiguration
VanillaTransformer.Console.exe --TransformConfiguration "../Configs/transformations.xml" --ConfigurationFormat "deployment"
Transform single pattern file:
VanillaTransformer.Console.exe -p "../Configs/Transformation settings\Web.pattern.config" -o "../Configs/Web.config" -s "../Configs\Transformation settings\" -h "${KEY}"