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Build the container with podman

cd ~/.local/src/TLC
podman build -t computateorg/rerc:latest .

Push the container up to

podman login
podman push computateorg/rerc:latest

Run the container for local development

podman run --rm -it --entrypoint /bin/bash computateorg/rerc:latest
java $JAVA_OPTS -cp .:* org.southerncoalition.enus.vertx.AppVertx


What is the first step to creating my own website?

Choose a domain name.

For Red Hat employees, see Christopher Tate for details about a domain name you can use for development, or feel free to obtain your own for practice.

What can I do once I have purchased a domain name?

Obtain a valid TLS certificate for free, for security and credibility.

For Red Hat employees, see Christopher Tate for details about the TLS certificates you can use for development, or feel free to generate your own for practice.

Where can I host the project online?

Red Hat OpenShift Online is the very best open source cloud hosting available.

For Red Hat employees, you can get permission from your manager to create a free OpenShift account to deploy to:


The installation of the project for both development and production in containers is completely automated with Ansible. Begin by installing both the ansible and python3 packages.

sudo yum install -y ansible python3 python3-pip
sudo pip3 install psycopg2

If psychopg2 does not install, run:

sudo pip3 install psycopg2-binary

Ansible on older operating systems.

If you have an older operating system that does not yet support python3, you may struggle to deploy the application on OpenShift in the cloud. The OpenShift Ansible modules seem to require python3 as the system library, so I recommend updating your operating system to something more recent, for example CentOS8 or RHEL8.

On older operating systems, to deploy the development applications you might want to configure ansible for python2.

To deploy to OpenShift, you will want to configure ansible to point to python3.

You might update your ansible configuration like this to make it work:

sudo vim /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg

Your dependencies might be different on an older operating system.

sudo yum install -y ansible python python-pip
sudo pip install psycopg2

Ansible training.

For training on ansible and automation, I recommend the following Red Hat course. By completing the course and taking the exam, you can be a Red Hat Certified Specialist in Ansible Automation.

Development installation of southerncoalition.

Create an ansible inventory for development.

You will want to create your own directory to store your ansible inventories for both development and production in the cloud.

Create a directory for your ansible scripts.

sudo install -d -o $USER -g $USER /usr/local/src/southerncoalition-ansible

Create a directory for your development inventory.

install -d /usr/local/src/southerncoalition-ansible/inventories/$USER-localhost/host_vars/localhost

Create a hosts file for your development inventory.

echo 'localhost' > /usr/local/src/southerncoalition-ansible/inventories/$USER-localhost/hosts

echo "









" > /usr/local/src/southerncoalition-ansible/inventories/$USER-localhost/hosts

Create an ansible vault for the application secrets.

The contents of the vault will contain the secrets needed to override any default values you want to change in the southerncoalition defaults defined here.

There are descriptions for each of the fields. There are several sections of fields, including:

  • southerncoalition system defaults
  • Ansible defaults
  • Zookeeper defaults
  • Solr defaults
  • PostgreSQL defaults
  • computate-medical global defaults
  • southerncoalition US English defaults
  • SMTP defaults
  • OpenID Connect auth server defaults
  • SSL/TLS defaults

To add the neccesary variables to your vault, run:

cp inventories/southerncoalition-local/host_vars/localhost/vault inventories/$USER-localhost/host_vars/localhost/vault

Edit the encrypted ansible vault with a password for the host secrets for your development inventory.

ansible-vault edit /usr/local/src/southerncoalition-ansible/inventories/$USER-localhost/host_vars/localhost/vault

In the ansiable vault file, replace:

  • USERNAME: the username of your machine
  • PASSWORD: the password of your machine

Also, make sure your machine allows ssh. If you are on a linux machine (Fedora):

yum install -y openssh-server
systemctl start sshd.service
systemctl enable sshd.service
ssh localhost (say yes to creating the fingerprint)

Clone the computate project to run the ansible scripts.

Create a directory for the computate project containing the ansible scripts to run.

sudo install -d -o $USER -g $USER /usr/local/src/computate

Clone the computate project.

git clone /usr/local/src/computate

Change to the computate ansible directory.

cd /usr/local/src/computate/ansible

Run the playbook to install a PostgreSQL server on your development computer.

ansible-playbook computate_postgres.yml -i /usr/local/src/southerncoalition-ansible/inventories/$USER-localhost/hosts --vault-id @prompt

Run the playbook to install a Zookeeper cluster manager on your development computer.

ansible-playbook computate_zookeeper.yml -i /usr/local/src/southerncoalition-ansible/inventories/$USER-localhost/hosts --vault-id @prompt

Run the playbook to install a Solr search engine on your development computer.

ansible-playbook computate_solr.yml -i /usr/local/src/southerncoalition-ansible/inventories/$USER-localhost/hosts --vault-id @prompt

Run the playbook to install the southerncoalition project for development.

ansible-playbook southerncoalition.yml -i /usr/local/src/southerncoalition-ansible/inventories/$USER-localhost/hosts --vault-id @prompt

If you are on an older operating system with an older version of ansible, you may run into the following error:

ERROR! no action detected in task. This often indicates a misspelled module name, or incorrect module path.

The error appears to have been in '/usr/local/src/computate/ansible/roles/southerncoalition/tasks/main.yml': line 62, column 3, but may
be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.

The offending line appears to be:

  become_user: "{{POSTGRES_BECOME_USER}}"
- name: Grant enUS user access to database
  ^ here

This means that the older version of ansible probably doesn't support the postgresql_pg_hba module and you will have to remove that task before running the ansible playbook successfully. You will need to configure the PostgreSQL hba configuration yourself in this situation.

Start the development project in English.

Maven build the southerncoalition project.

cd /usr/local/src/southerncoalition
mvn clean insta..

Make sure the Eclipse Marketplace and Git integration are installed.

Help -> Install

Work with: Oxygen -

Or whatever your eclipse release is.

  • General Purpose Tools -> Marketplace Client
  • Collaboration -> Git integration for Eclipse

Install the Eclipse maven plugin.

Install from Marketplace "Maven Integration for Eclipse"

Import the southerncoalition project into Eclipse.

File -> Import... -> Maven -> Existing Maven Projects

Click [ Next > ]

Root Directory: /usr/local/src/southerncoalition

Click [ Finish ]

Eclipse Debug Configuration.

Main Project: southerncoalition

Main class: org.southerncoalition.enUS.vertx.AppVertx

Environment Variables:

  • configPath: /usr/local/src/southerncoalition/config/southerncoalition-enUS.config
  • zookeeperHostName: localhost
  • zookeeperPort: 2181

Deploy southerncoalition in US English to OpenShift.

For training on OpenShift and modern cloud application development, I recommend the following Red Hat course. By completing the course and taking the exam, you can be a Red Hat Certified Specialist in OpenShift Application Development.

Create an ansible inventory for production.

You will want to create your own directory to store your ansible inventories for production in the cloud.

Create a directory for your ansible scripts.

sudo install -d -o $USER -g $USER /usr/local/src/southerncoalition-ansible

Create a directory for your production inventory.

install -d /usr/local/src/southerncoalition-ansible/inventories/$USER-openshift

Create a hosts file for your production inventory.

echo 'localhost' > /usr/local/src/southerncoalition-ansible/inventories/$USER-openshift/hosts

Create an ansible vault for the application secrets.

Create an encrypted ansible vault with a password for the host secrets for your production inventory.

ansible-vault edit /usr/local/src/southerncoalition-ansible/inventories/$USER-openshift/host_vars/localhost/vault

The contents of the vault will contain the secrets needed to override any default values you want to change in the southerncoalition defaults defined here.

There are descriptions for each of the fields. There are several sections of fields, including:

  • Ansible defaults
  • Zookeeper defaults
  • Solr defaults
  • PostgreSQL defaults
  • computate-medical global defaults
  • southerncoalition US English defaults
  • SMTP defaults
  • SSL/TLS defaults
  • OpenID Connect auth server defaults

Change to the computate ansible directory.

cd /usr/local/src/computate/ansible

Run the playbook to install a PostgreSQL server in your OpenShift environment.

ansible-playbook postgres_openshift.yml -i /usr/local/src/southerncoalition-ansible/inventories/$USER-openshift/hosts --vault-id @prompt

Run the playbook to install a Zookeeper cluster manager in your OpenShift environment.

ansible-playbook computate_zookeeper_openshift.yml -i /usr/local/src/southerncoalition-ansible/inventories/$USER-openshift/hosts --vault-id @prompt

Run the playbook to install a Solr search engine in your OpenShift environment.

ansible-playbook computate_zookeeper_openshift.yml -i /usr/local/src/southerncoalition-ansible/inventories/$USER-openshift/hosts --vault-id @prompt

Run the playbook to install a Red Hat SSO server in your OpenShift environment.

ansible-playbook redhat_sso_openshift.yml -i /usr/local/src/southerncoalition-ansible/inventories/$USER-openshift/hosts --vault-id @prompt

Run the playbook to install the southerncoalition project in your OpenShift environment.

ansible-playbook southerncoalition_openshift.yml -i /usr/local/src/southerncoalition-ansible/inventories/$USER-openshift/hosts --vault-id @prompt