The ontologies for accessible travelling
- presentation @2011
- homepage
Accessibility Ontology, by IT Services, University of Oxford
[Place Access Ontology] (, by Chaohai Ding, University of Southampton
- Demo Website for crowdsourcing the Linked Open Accessibility Data
- Paper: Applying the linked data principles to open accessibility data for accessible way-finding
TRANSIT: A vocabulary for describing transit systems and routes . The TRANSIT schema is based on the General Transit Feed Specification published by Google. (deprecated)
Linked GTFS: The Linked General Transit Feed Specification (Linked GTFS) is a mapping of the GTFS in CSV reference towards RDF. It stays as close as possible to the CSV reference, including small additions to enhance usability.
PASSIM ontology This ontology is the description of the operation of a transport information service.
- Accessibility Property: passim:isAccessibilityForDisabledPerson,
- passim:isWebSiteAccessibilityForDisabledPerson
Transportation Ontology by Peter Clark, 1998
- Ontologies of Wayfinding: a Traveler's Perspective
- A public transportation ontology to support user travel planning
- Ontology of Transportation Networks
- Transportation ontology definition and application for the content personalization of user interfaces
- Travel domain ontology Travel domain language domain ontology, populated from English corpora. Created within the Portdial project
- Travel Ontology for Recommendation System based on Semantic Web Advanced Communication Technology, 2006. ICACT 2006. The 8th International Conference
Road Traffic Management An ontology that describes the management of the traffic in a straight road with two lanes, both in the same direction.
The Places Ontology The Places Ontology is a simple lightweight ontology for describing places of geographic interest.
- namespace:
- links in linked open vocabularies
LinkedGeoData ontology LinkedGeoData ontology has been derived from concepts defined by Open Street Map
- Multi-Languages
- Published by
ifc Ontology proposed by W3C Community Group on Linked Building Data
Ontology Modeling for Intelligent Domotic Environments: homepage The DogOnt ontology supports device/network independent description of houses, including both controllable and architectural elements.
The Places Ontology The Places Ontology is a simple lightweight ontology for describing places of geographic interest.
- namespace:
- links in linked open vocabularies
LinkedGeoData ontology LinkedGeoData ontology has been derived from concepts defined by Open Street Map
- Multi-Languages
- Published by
OWL representation of ISO 19107 (Geographic Information) An OWL representation of part of the model for geometry and space from ISO 19107:2003 Geographic Information - Spatial Schema
- Overview Of Methodologies For Building Ontologies Fern¨¢ndez L¨®pez, M Proceedings of the IJCAI-99 workshop on Ontologies and Problem-Solving Methods (KRR5) Stockholm, Sweden, August 2, 1999