How would you "recover" that "remote" commit?
If you've fetched then you use can use the commit hash as normal, which will be in the reflog.
> git log origin/my_master
928b167 refs/remotes/origin/my_master@{0}: fetch: fast-forward
> git log --graph --oneline --decorate 0ae6ce0
* 928b167 Working remotely again
* fdff1be Merge branch 'master' of ../test into my_master
* | 6a9bac9 Working locally
| * c6756d7 (origin/master) Working remotely
* 41ce7fa Third commit
* 672e562 (origin/hello) Second commit
* 406bb3b Initial commitk
And then use git branch
to create a new branch at that commit.
If you haven't fetched you're in a spot of bother. You have to track down someone who has that commit locally and ask them to push again, possibly to a different branch.
No really, I'm not joking.
Otherwise, the alternative solution will depend on where you pushed (eg. Github)
It's probably redundant at this point to mention again that force pushing is really dangerous, and should be used with extreme care.