This is a toy project I built to scrape Subaru dealer inventory in the USA. For the most part, the code isn't in the best shape because there's a lot of proof-of-concept stuff everywhere. However, it does (mostly) work!
The part you're probably interested in is located in the cmd/subiescraper
folder. To use, you must have a Golang toolchain installed:
- Clone this repo:
$ git clone
$ cd cmd/subiescraper
$ go build .
$ ./subiescraper --help
A future TODO is to have CI running on this repo publishing ready-to-use binaries.
A lot. In no particular order:
- Only works on Subaru dealers at the moment.
- Hard-coded to search for Subaru WRXes and BRZs.
- Fetches dealer inventory sequentially, though this is on purpose.