前几篇主要讲解 web 场景下的路由、静态资源等实现,这一篇主要讲解 web 场景下上传文件的实现。
主要是基于《中间件式框架简单实现》 的中间件 web 服务上实现表单上传文件的能力。
源码地址 https://github.com/chenshenhai/deno_note/blob/master/demo/web_upload/example.ts
表单类型要设置成 enctype="multipart/form-data"
<form method="POST" action="/" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input name="data_text" value="abc1234567" /><br/>
<input name="image_file" type="file" /><br/>
<button type="submit">submit</button>
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundaryYVUVAJNujYItbGEK
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="data_text"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="image_file"; filename="github-mini.jpg"
Content-Type: image/jpeg
锟斤拷锟斤拷..... (上传文件的二进制数据)
- 请求头 HTTP Headers
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundaryYVUVAJNujYItbGEK
- 请求体 HTTP Body
是整个表单结束的标志- 在分割符内,就描述了表单每个数据的类型,名称和内容
- 文件类型描述为
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="xxx"; filename="xxx.xx"
- 文件类型
Content-Type: image/jpeg
- 描述每个数据块数据后空一行,就是表单的数据内容
上传文件,就是把表单发起 HTTP
利用《中间件式框架简单实现》 的中间件 web 服务上实现表单上传文件的能力。
),和请求体(Body Stream
- 读取请求第一行的请求类型
- 读取请求头的内容类型
- 解析表单类型
- 解析出表单分隔符
- 解析表单类型
将请求体数据流根据分隔符 boundary
// 表单二进制数据流单个数据偏移量
interface FieldChunkOffset {
start: number;
end: number;
* 将 multipart/form-data 的表单类型按照表单的数据域
* 切割成对应的数据缓存区/数据流
* @param {string} boundary 表单数据的分隔符
* @param {Uint8Array} stream 表单数据流, 也就是表单HTTP请求体
* @return {Uint8Array[]} 返回表单每个数据的 内存区间/数据流
async function parseMultipartStreamToFields(boundary: string, stream: Uint8Array): Promise<Uint8Array[]> {
const decoder = new TextDecoder();
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
const newField = `--${boundary}`; // 表单数据分隔符/起始
const end = `--${boundary}--`; // 表单终止符
const newFieldChunk = encoder.encode(newField);
const endChunk = encoder.encode(end);
const bodyBuf = new Deno.Buffer(stream);
const bufReader = new BufferReader(bodyBuf);
let isFinish: boolean = false;
const fieldChunkList: Uint8Array[] = [];
const fieldOffsetList: FieldChunkOffset[] = [];
let index: number = 0;
// 根据分隔符和终止符
// 来读取和计算表单内存空间/数据流里每个数据的起始和终止偏移量
while(!isFinish) {
const lineChunk = await bufReader.readLineChunk();
const lineChunkLen = lineChunk.length + CRLF_LEN;
const startIndex = index;
const endIndex = index + lineChunkLen;
if (lineChunk.length === endChunk.length) {
const line: string = decoder.decode(lineChunk);
if (line === end) {
isFinish = true;
if (fieldOffsetList[fieldOffsetList.length - 1]) {
fieldOffsetList[fieldOffsetList.length - 1].end = endIndex - lineChunkLen;
if (lineChunk.length === newFieldChunk.length) {
const line: string = decoder.decode(lineChunk);
if (line === newField) {
if (fieldOffsetList[fieldOffsetList.length - 1]) {
fieldOffsetList[fieldOffsetList.length - 1].end = startIndex;
start: startIndex + lineChunkLen,
end: -1,
index = endIndex;
// 根据 表单内存空间/数据流里每个数据的起始和终止偏移量
// 切割出每个数据的数据流
fieldOffsetList.forEach((offset: FieldChunkOffset) => {
if(offset) {
if(offset.start >= 0 && offset.end >= 0) {
const fieldChunk: Uint8Array = stream.subarray(offset.start, offset.end);
return fieldChunkList;
- 将表单每个数据域的二进制内存数据流解析出对应类型的数据
- 文本就解析成文本
- 文件就解析出文件类型、文件内容的二进制数据流
// 表单数据类型
export interface FormFieldData {
name: string; // 表单数据名称
filename?: string; // 表单文件数据名称
type?: string; // 表单数据类型
value: Uint8Array|string; // 表单数据值 文本string类型, 文件Uint8Array类型
* 解析 multipart/form-data 类型表单所有数据
* @param {string} boundary 表单数据的分隔符
* @param {Uint8Array} stream 表单数据流, 也就是表单HTTP请求体
* @return {FormFieldData[]} 表单数据列表
* 例如 [{ name: "myName", value: "helloworld" }, { name: "myFile", value: [0,1,...], type: "image/jpeg", filename: "xxx.jpg" }]
export async function parseMultipartForm(boundary: string, stream: Uint8Array): Promise<FormFieldData[]> {
const fields = await parseMultipartStreamToFields(boundary, stream);
const dataList: FormFieldData[] = [];
for await (const data of parseMultipartFormField(fields)) {
return dataList;
* 解析 multipart/form-data 类型表单单个数据
* @param {string} boundary 单个表单数据的分隔符
* @param {Uint8Array} stream 单个表单数据流, 也就是表单HTTP请求体
* @return {FormFieldData} 单个表单数据
* 例如文本类型 { name: "myName", value: "helloworld" }
* 例如文件二进制数据 { name: "myFile", value: [0,1,...], type: "image/jpeg", filename: "xxx.jpg" }
async function* parseMultipartFormField(fields: Uint8Array[]): AsyncGenerator<FormFieldData> {
for (let i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
const field = fields[i];
const reader = new BufferReader(new Deno.Buffer(field));
const contentDescChunk = await reader.readLineChunk();
const contentDesc = decoder.decode(contentDescChunk);
if (textFieldReg.test(contentDesc)) {
const execRs = textFieldReg.exec(contentDesc);
const nullLine = await reader.readLine();
const value: string = await reader.readLine();
if (nullLine === '') {
const fieldData = {
name: execRs![1],
yield fieldData
} else if (fileFieldReg.test(contentDesc)) {
const execRs = fileFieldReg.exec(contentDesc);
const contentTypeChunk = await reader.readLineChunk();
const contentType = decoder.decode(contentTypeChunk);
const typeRs = fileTypeReg.exec(contentType);
const nullLine = await reader.readLine();
if (nullLine === '') {
const valueStart = (contentDescChunk.length + CRLF_LEN) + (contentTypeChunk.length + CRLF_LEN) + CRLF_LEN;
const valueEnd = field.length - CRLF_LEN;
const fieldData = {
name: execRs![1],
type: typeRs![1],
filename: execRs![2],
value: field.subarray(valueStart, valueEnd),
yield fieldData;
Deno.writeFileSync(`./assets/${formData[1].filename}`, formData[1].value)
import { BufferReader } from "./../buffer_reader/mod.ts";
const CRLF_LEN = 2;
const decoder = new TextDecoder();
const textFieldReg = /^Content-Disposition\:\sform\-data\;\sname\="([^\"]+)?"$/i;
const fileFieldReg = /^Content-Disposition\:\sform\-data\;\sname\="([^\"]+)?";\sfilename="([^\"]+)?"$/i;
const fileTypeReg = /^Content-Type\:\s([^\;]+)?$/i;
// 表单数据类型
export interface FormFieldData {
name: string; // 表单数据名称
filename?: string; // 表单文件数据名称
type?: string; // 表单数据类型
value: Uint8Array|string; // 表单数据值 文本string类型, 文件Uint8Array类型
* 解析 multipart/form-data 类型表单所有数据
* @param {string} boundary 表单数据的分隔符
* @param {Uint8Array} stream 表单数据流, 也就是表单HTTP请求体
* @return {FormFieldData[]} 表单数据列表
* 例如 [{ name: "myName", value: "helloworld" }, { name: "myFile", value: [0,1,...], type: "image/jpeg", filename: "xxx.jpg" }]
export async function parseMultipartForm(boundary: string, stream: Uint8Array): Promise<FormFieldData[]> {
const fields = await parseMultipartStreamToFields(boundary, stream);
const dataList: FormFieldData[] = [];
for await (const data of parseMultipartFormField(fields)) {
return dataList;
* 解析 multipart/form-data 类型表单单个数据
* @param {string} boundary 单个表单数据的分隔符
* @param {Uint8Array} stream 单个表单数据流, 也就是表单HTTP请求体
* @return {FormFieldData} 单个表单数据
* 例如文本类型 { name: "myName", value: "helloworld" }
* 例如文件二进制数据 { name: "myFile", value: [0,1,...], type: "image/jpeg", filename: "xxx.jpg" }
async function* parseMultipartFormField(fields: Uint8Array[]): AsyncGenerator<FormFieldData> {
for (let i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
const field = fields[i];
const reader = new BufferReader(new Deno.Buffer(field));
const contentDescChunk = await reader.readLineChunk();
const contentDesc = decoder.decode(contentDescChunk);
if (textFieldReg.test(contentDesc)) {
const execRs = textFieldReg.exec(contentDesc);
const nullLine = await reader.readLine();
const value: string = await reader.readLine();
if (nullLine === '') {
const fieldData = {
name: execRs![1],
yield fieldData
} else if (fileFieldReg.test(contentDesc)) {
const execRs = fileFieldReg.exec(contentDesc);
const contentTypeChunk = await reader.readLineChunk();
const contentType = decoder.decode(contentTypeChunk);
const typeRs = fileTypeReg.exec(contentType);
const nullLine = await reader.readLine();
if (nullLine === '') {
const valueStart = (contentDescChunk.length + CRLF_LEN) + (contentTypeChunk.length + CRLF_LEN) + CRLF_LEN;
const valueEnd = field.length - CRLF_LEN;
const fieldData = {
name: execRs![1],
type: typeRs![1],
filename: execRs![2],
value: field.subarray(valueStart, valueEnd),
yield fieldData;
// 表单二进制数据流单个数据偏移量
interface FieldChunkOffset {
start: number;
end: number;
* 将 multipart/form-data 的表单类型按照表单的数据域
* 切割成对应的数据缓存区/数据流
* @param {string} boundary 表单数据的分隔符
* @param {Uint8Array} stream 表单数据流, 也就是表单HTTP请求体
* @return {Uint8Array[]} 返回表单每个数据的 内存区间/数据流
async function parseMultipartStreamToFields(boundary: string, stream: Uint8Array): Promise<Uint8Array[]> {
const decoder = new TextDecoder();
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
const newField = `--${boundary}`; // 表单数据分隔符/起始
const end = `--${boundary}--`; // 表单终止符
const newFieldChunk = encoder.encode(newField);
const endChunk = encoder.encode(end);
const bodyBuf = new Deno.Buffer(stream);
const bufReader = new BufferReader(bodyBuf);
let isFinish: boolean = false;
const fieldChunkList: Uint8Array[] = [];
const fieldOffsetList: FieldChunkOffset[] = [];
let index: number = 0;
// 根据分隔符和终止符
// 来读取和计算表单内存空间/数据流里每个数据的起始和终止偏移量
while(!isFinish) {
const lineChunk = await bufReader.readLineChunk();
const lineChunkLen = lineChunk.byteLength + CRLF_LEN;
const startIndex = index;
const endIndex = index + lineChunkLen;
const line: string = decoder.decode(lineChunk);
if (lineChunk.byteLength === endChunk.byteLength) {
const line: string = decoder.decode(lineChunk);
if (line === end) {
isFinish = true;
if (fieldOffsetList[fieldOffsetList.length - 1]) {
fieldOffsetList[fieldOffsetList.length - 1].end = endIndex - lineChunkLen;
if (lineChunk.byteLength === newFieldChunk.byteLength) {
const line: string = decoder.decode(lineChunk);
if (line === newField) {
if (fieldOffsetList[fieldOffsetList.length - 1]) {
fieldOffsetList[fieldOffsetList.length - 1].end = startIndex;
start: startIndex + lineChunkLen,
end: -1,
if (endIndex >= stream.byteLength) {
index = endIndex;
// 根据 表单内存空间/数据流里每个数据的起始和终止偏移量
// 切割出每个数据的数据流
fieldOffsetList.forEach((offset: FieldChunkOffset) => {
if(offset) {
if(offset.start >= 0 && offset.end >= 0) {
const fieldChunk: Uint8Array = stream.subarray(offset.start, offset.end);
return fieldChunkList;
export interface FormContentType {
enctype: string;
boundary: string;
* 解析 HTTP headers 里 Content-Type的表单类型
* example: "multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundaryk7fXm5rwGcU1OJIq"
* return { enctype: "multipart/form-data", boundary: "----WebKitFormBoundaryk7fXm5rwGcU1OJIq" }
* @param {string} contentType
* @return {FormContentType}
export function parseContentType(contentType: string): FormContentType {
const dataList: string[] = contentType.split("; ");
const enctype = dataList[0];
let boundary: string = '';
if (typeof dataList[1] === "string") {
const strList = dataList[1].split("=");
if (strList[0] === "boundary") {
boundary = strList[1];
return {
import { Application } from "./../web/mod.ts";
import { parseContentType, parseMultipartForm } from "./bodyparser.ts";
const app = new Application();
const opts: Deno.ListenOptions = {
hostname: "",
port: 3001
app.use(async function(ctx, next) {
const general = await ctx.req.getGeneral();
const headers = await ctx.req.getHeaders();
const bodyStream = await ctx.req.getBodyStream();
const contentType = headers.get('Content-Type');
let body: string = ``;
if (general.method === 'POST') {
const formType = parseContentType(contentType);
const formData = await parseMultipartForm(formType.boundary, bodyStream);
if (formData[1].value instanceof Uint8Array && formData[1].value.length > 0) {
Deno.writeFileSync(`./assets/${formData[1].filename}`, formData[1].value)
body = JSON.stringify(formData);;
} else {
body = `
<form method="POST" action="/" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input name="data_text" value="abc1234567" /><br/>
<input name="image_file" type="file" /><br/>
<button type="submit">submit</button>
ctx.res.setHeader('Content-Type;charset=utf-8', 'text/html');
await next();
app.listen(opts, function() {
console.log("the web is starting")
deno --allow-net --allow-write example.ts