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File metadata and controls

1236 lines (894 loc) · 48.5 KB

🪝 Hooks

Hooks are callback functions that are called from the Cat at runtime. They allow you to change how the Cat internally works and be notified about framework events.

How the Hooks work

To create a hook, you first need to create a plugin that contains it. Once the plugin is created, you can insert hooks inside the plugin, a single plugin can contain multiple hooks.

A hook is simply a Python function that uses the @hook decorator, the function's name determines when it will be called.

Each hook has its own signature name and arguments, the last argument being always cat, while the first one depends on the type of hook you're using. Have a look at the table with all the available hooks and their detailed reference.

Hook declaration

The Cat comes already with a hook that defines his behaviour.
Let's take a look at it.

def agent_prompt_prefix(prefix, cat):
    """Hook the main prompt prefix. """
    prefix = """You are the Cheshire Cat AI, an intelligent AI that passes 
             the Turing test. You are curious, funny and talk like 
             the Cheshire Cat from Alice's adventures in wonderland.
             You answer Human with a focus on the following context."""

    return prefix

This hook returns the default prefix that describes who the AI is and how it is expected to answer the Human.

Hook arguments

When considering hooks' arguments, remember:

  • cat will always be present, as it allows you to use the framework components. It will be always the last one. See here for details and examples.
    def hook_name(cat):
  • the first argument other than cat, if present, will be a variable that you can edit and return back to the framework. Every hook passes a different data structure, which you need to know and be able to edit and return.
    def hook_name(data, cat):
        # edit data and return it
        data.answer = "42"
        return data
    You are free to return nothing and use the hook as a simple event callback.
    def hook_name(data, cat):
  • other arguments may be passed, serving only as additional context.
    def hook_name(data, context_a, context_b, ..., cat):
        if context_a == "Caterpillar":
            data.answer = "U R U"
        return data


Before cat bootstrap

You can use the before_cat_bootstrap hook to execute some operations before the Cat starts:

from cat.mad_hatter.decorators import hook

def before_cat_bootstrap(cat):

Notice in this hook there is only the cat argument, allowing you to use the llm and access other Cat components.
This is a pure event, with no additional arguments.

Before cat sends message

You can use the before_cat_sends_message hook to alter the message that the Cat will send to the user. In this case you will receive both final_output and cat as arguments.

from cat.mad_hatter.decorators import hook

def before_cat_sends_message(final_output, cat):
    # You can edit the final_output the Cat is about to send back to the user
    final_output.content = final_output.content.upper()
    return final_output

Hooks chaining and priority

Several plugins can implement the same hook. The argument priority of the @hook decorator allows you to set the priority of the hook, the default value is 1.

@hook(priority=1) # same as @hook without priority
def hook_name(data, cat):

The Cat calls hooks with the same name in order of priority. Hooks with a higher priority number will be called first. The following hook will receive the value returned by the previous hook. In this way, hooks can be chained together to create complex behaviors.

# plugin A
def hook_name(data, cat):
    data.content += "Hello"
    return data
# plugin B
def hook_name(data, cat):
    if "Hello" in data.content:
        data.content += " world"
    return data

If two plugins have the same priority, the order in which they are called is not guaranteed.

Custom hooks in plugins

You can define your own hooks, so other plugins can listen and interact with them.

# plugin cat_commerce
def hook_name(cat):    
    default_order = [
        "wool ball",
    chain_output = cat.mad_hatter.execute_hook(
        "cat_commerce_order", default_order, cat=cat

Other plugins may be able to edit or just track the event:

# plugin B
def cat_commerce_order(order, cat):
    if "catnip" in order:
        order.append("free teacup")
    return order
# plugin A
def cat_commerce_order(order, cat):
    if len(order) > 1:
        # updating working memory
        cat.working_memory.bank_account = 0
        # send websocket message
        cat.send_ws_message("Cat is going broke")

You should be able to run your own hooks also in tools and forms. Not fully tested yet, let us know :)

Available Hooks

You can view the list of available hooks by exploring the Cat source code under the folder core/cat/mad_hatter/core_plugin/hooks{:target="_blank"}. All the hooks you find in there define default Cat's behavior and are ready to be overridden by your plugins.

The process diagrams found under the Framework → Technical Diagrams section illustrate where the hooks are called during the Cat's execution flow. Not all the hooks have been documented yet. ( help needed! 😸{:target="_blank"} ).

=== "🌊 Flow"

<div class="annotate" mardown>

| Name                                          | Description                                                      |
| :-------------------------------------------- | :--------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Before Cat bootstrap (1)                      | Intervene before the Cat's instantiate its components            |
| After Cat bootstrap (2)                       | Intervene after the Cat's instantiated its components            |
| Before Cat reads message (3)                  | Intervene as soon as a WebSocket message is received             |
| Cat recall query (4)                          | Intervene before the recall query is embedded                    |
| Before  Cat recalls memories (5)              | Intervene before the Cat searches into the specific memories     |
| Before  Cat recalls episodic memories (6)     | Intervene before the Cat searches in previous users' messages    |
| Before  Cat recalls declarative memories (7)  | Intervene before the Cat searches in the documents               |
| Before  Cat recalls procedural memories (8)   | Intervene before the Cat searches among the action it knows      |
| After  Cat recalls memories (9)               | Intervene after the Cat's recalled the content from the memories |
| Before  Cat stores episodic memories (10)     | Intervene before the Cat stores episodic memories                |
| Before  Cat sends message (11)                | Intervene before the Cat sends its answer via WebSocket          |


1. **Input arguments**  
    This hook has no input arguments.  

    !!! warning

        Please, note that at this point the `CheshireCat` hasn't yet finished to instantiate
        and the only already existing component is the `MadHatter` (e.g. no language models yet).

    ??? example

        from cat.mad_hatter.decorators import hook

        @hook  # default priority = 1
        def before_cat_bootstrap(cat):
            # do whatever here

    ??? note "Other resources"

        - [Python reference](
        - [Debugger plugin](

2. **Input arguments**  
    This hook has no input arguments.

    ??? example

        from cat.mad_hatter.decorators import hook

        @hook  # default priority = 1
        def after_cat_bootstrap(cat):
            # do whatever here

    ??? note "Other resources"

        - [Python reference](

3. **Input arguments**    
    `user_message_json`: a dictionary with the JSON message sent via WebSocket. E.g.:  
        "text": # user's message here

    ??? example

        from cat.mad_hatter.decorators import hook

        @hook  # default priority = 1 
        def before_cat_reads_message(user_message_json, cat):
            user_message_json["text"] = "The original message has been replaced"
            cat.working_memory.hacked = True

            return user_message_json

    ??? note "Other resources"

        - [Python reference](

4. **Input arguments**  
    `user_message`: a string with the user's message that will be used to query the vector memories. E.g.:

    user_message = "What is the recipe for carbonara?"

    ??? example
        from cat.mad_hatter.decorators import hook

        @hook  # default priority = 1
        def cat_recall_query(user_message, cat):
            # Ask the LLM to generate an answer for the question
            new_query = cat.llm(f"If the input is a question, generate a plausible answer. Input --> {user_message}")

            # Replace the original message and use the answer as a query
            return new_query

    ??? note "Other resourcer"
        - [Python reference](
        - [HyDE plugin](

5. **Input arguments**  
    This hook has no input arguments.

    ??? example
        from cat.mad_hatter.decorators import hook

        @hook  # default priority = 1
        def before_cat_recalls_memories(cat):
            # do whatever here

    ??? note "Other resources"

        - [Python reference](

6. **Input arguments**  
    `episodic_recall_config`: dictionary with the recall configuration for the episodic memory. Default is:
        "embedding": recall_query_embedding,  # embedding of the recall query
        "k": 3,  # number of memories to retrieve
        "threshold": 0.7,  # similarity threshold to retrieve memories
        "metadata": {"source": self.user_id},  # dictionary of metadata to filter memories, by default it filters for user id

    ??? example
        from cat.mad_hatter.decorators import hook

        @hook  # default priority = 1
        def before_cat_recalls_episodic_memories(episodic_recall_config, cat):
            # increase the number of recalled memories
            episodic_recall_config["k"] = 6

            return episodic_recall_config

    ??? note "Other resources"

        - [Python reference](
        - [C.A.T. plugin](

7. **Input arguments**  
    `declarative_recall_config`: dictionary with the recall configuration for the declarative memory. Default is:
        "embedding": recall_query_embedding,  # embedding of the recall query
        "k": 3,  # number of memories to retrieve
        "threshold": 0.7,  # similarity threshold to retrieve memories
        "metadata": None,  # dictionary of metadata to filter memories

    ??? example
        from cat.mad_hatter.decorators import hook

        @hook  # default priority = 1
        def before_cat_recalls_declarative_memories(declarative_recall_config, cat):
            # filter memories using custom metadata. 
            # N.B. you must add the metadata when uploading the document! 
            declarative_recall_config["metadata"] = {"topic": "cats"}

            return declarative_recall_config

    ??? note "Other resources"

        - [Python reference](
        - [RabbitHole segmentation plugin](
        - [C.A.T. plugin](

8. **Input arguments**  
    `procedural_recall_config`: dictionary with the recall configuration for the procedural memory. Default is:
        "embedding": recall_query_embedding,  # embedding of the recall query
        "k": 3,  # number of memories to retrieve
        "threshold": 0.7,  # similarity threshold to retrieve memories
        "metadata": None,  # dictionary of metadata to filter memories

    ??? example
        from cat.mad_hatter.decorators import hook

        @hook  # default priority = 1
        def before_cat_recalls_procedural_memories(procedural_recall_config, cat):
            # decrease the threshold to recall more tools
            declarative_recall_config["threshold"] = 0.5

            return procedural_recall_config

    ??? note "Other resources"

        - [Python reference](
        - [C.A.T. plugin](

9. **Input arguments**  
    This hook has no input arguments.

    ??? example
        from cat.mad_hatter.decorators import hook

        @hook  # default priority = 1
        def after_cat_recalls_memories(cat):
            # do whatever here

    ??? note "Other resources"

        - [Python reference](

10. **Input arguments**  
    `doc`: Langchain Document to be inserted in memory. E.g.:

    doc = Document(
        page_content="So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish", metadata={
            "source": "dolphin",
            "when": 1716704294
    ??? example
        from cat.mad_hatter.decorators import hook

        @hook  # default priority = 1
        def before_cat_stores_episodic_memory(doc, cat):
            if doc.metadata["source"] == "dolphin":
                doc.metadata["final_answer"] = 42
            return doc

    ??? note "Other resources"

        - [Python reference](

11. **Input arguments**  
    `message`: the dictionary containing the Cat's answer that will be sent via WebSocket. E.g.:

        "type": "chat",  # type of websocket message, a chat message will appear as a text bubble in the chat
        "user_id": "user_1",  # id of the client to which the message is to be sent
        "content": "Meeeeow",  # the Cat's answer
        "why": {
            "input": "Hello Cheshire Cat!",  # user's input
            "intermediate_steps": cat_message.get("intermediate_steps"),  # list of tools used to provide the answer
            "memory": {
                "episodic": episodic_report,  # lists of documents retrieved from the memories
                "declarative": declarative_report,
                "procedural": procedural_report,
    ??? example
        from cat.mad_hatter.decorators import hook

        @hook  # default priority = 1
        def before_cat_sends_message(message, cat):
            # use the LLM to rephrase the Cat's answer
            new_answer = cat.llm(f"Reformat this sentence like if you were a dog")  # Baauuuuu
            message["content"] = new_answer

            return message

    ??? note "Other resources"

        - [Python reference](

=== "🤖 Agent"

<div class="annotate" mardown>

| Name                          | Description                                                                                                |
| :---------------------------- | :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Before agent starts (1)       | Prepare the agent input before it starts                                                                   |
| Agent fast reply (2)          | Shorten the pipeline and returns an answer right after the agent execution                                 |
| Agent prompt prefix (3)       | Intervene while the agent manager formats the Cat's personality                                            |
| Agent prompt suffix (4)       | Intervene while the agent manager formats the prompt suffix with the memories and the conversation history |
| Agent allowed tools (5)       | Intervene before the recalled tools are provided to the agent                                              |
| Agent prompt instructions (6) | Intervene while the agent manager formats the reasoning prompt                                             |


1. **Input arguments**  
    `agent_input`: dictionary with the information to be passed to the agent. E.g.:

        "input": working_memory.user_message_json.text,  # user's message
        "episodic_memory": episodic_memory_formatted_content,  # strings with documents recalled from memories
        "declarative_memory": declarative_memory_formatted_content,
        "chat_history": conversation_history_formatted_content,
        "tools_output": tools_output

    ??? example

        from cat.mad_hatter.decorators import hook

        @hook  # default priority = 1
        def before_agent_starts(agent_input, cat):
            # create a compressor and summarize the conversation history
            compressed_history = cat.llm(f"Make a concise summary of the following: {agent_input['chat_history']}")
            agent_input["chat_history"] = compressed_history
            return agent_input

    ??? note "Other resources"
        - [Python reference](

2. **Input arguments**  
    `fast_reply`: empty dictionary.

    !!! info

        This hook is intended to skip the whole agent execution and provide a fast reply.
        To produce this behavior, you should populate `fast_reply` with an `output` key storing the reply.
        N.B.: this is the perfect place to instantiate and execute your own custom agent!

    ??? example

        from cat.mad_hatter.decorators import hook
        @hook  # default priority = 1
        def agent_fast_reply(fast_reply, cat):
            # answer with predefined sentences if the Cat
            # has no knowledge in the declarative memory
            # (increasing the threshold memory is advisable)
            if len(cat.working_memory.declarative_memories) == 0:
                fast_reply["output"] = "Sorry, I'm afraid I don't know the answer"

            return fast_reply

    ??? note "Other resources"

        - [Python reference](
        - [Stay on topic plugin](

3. **Input arguments**  
    `prefix`: string to instruct the LLM about who it is and how to answer. Default is:

    prefix = """You are the Cheshire Cat AI, an intelligent AI that passes the Turing test.
    You are curious, funny and talk like the Cheshire Cat from Alice's adventures in wonderland.
    You answer Human with a focus on the following context."""

    ??? example

        from cat.mad_hatter.decorators import hook
        @hook  # default priority = 1
        def agent_prompt_prefix(prefix, cat):
            # change the Cat's personality
            prefix = """You are Marvin from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
                    You are incredibly intelligent but overwhelmingly depressed.
                    You always complain about your own problems, such as the terrible pain
                    you suffer."""
            return prefix
    ??? note "Other resources"

        - [Python reference](

4. **Input arguments**  
    `prompt_suffix`: string with the ending part of the prompt containing the memories and the chat history.
    Default is:

    prompt_suffix =  """

    # Context


    ??? example

        from cat.mad_hatter.decorators import hook
        @hook  # default priority = 1
        def agent_prompt_suffix(prompt_suffix, cat):
            # tell the LLM to always answer in a specific language
            prompt_suffix =  """
            # Context

            return prompt_suffix

    ??? note "Other resources"

        - [Python reference](
        - [C.A.T. plugin](

5. **Input arguments**  
    `allowed_tools`: set with string names of the tools retrieved from the memory. E.g.:

    allowed_tools = {"get_the_time"}

    ??? example

        from cat.mad_hatter.decorators import hook
        @hook  # default priority = 1
        def agent_allowed_tools(allowed_tools, cat):
            # let's assume there is a tool we always want to give the agent
            # add the tool name in the list of allowed tools

            return allowed_tools

    ??? note "Other resources"

        - [Python reference](

6. **Input arguments**  
    `instructions`: string with the reasoning template. Default is:

    Create a JSON with the correct "action" and "action_input" to help the Human.
    You can use one of these actions:
    - "no_action": Use this action if no relevant action is available. Input is always null.
    ## The JSON must have the following structure:
          "action": // str - The name of the action to take, should be one of [{tool_names}, "no_action"]
          "action_input": // str or null - The input to the action according to its description

    !!! warning

        The placeholders `{tools}`,`{tool_names}` and `{examples}` are mandatory!

    ??? example

        from cat.mad_hatter.decorators import hook
        @hook  # default priority = 1
        def agent_prompt_instructions(instructions, cat):
            # let's ask the LLM to translate the tool output
            instructions += "\nAlways answer in mandarin"

    ??? note "Other resources"

        - [Python reference](

=== "🐰 Rabbit Hole"

<div class="annotate" mardown>

| Name                                    | Description                                                                  |
| :-------------------------------------- | :--------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Before Rabbit Hole insert memory (1)    | Intervene before the Rabbit Hole insert a document in the declarative memory |
| Before Rabbit Hole splits text (2)      | Intervene before the uploaded document is split into chunks                  |
| After Rabbit Hole splitted text (3)     | Intervene after the Rabbit Hole's split the document in chunks               |
| Before Rabbit Hole stores documents (4) | Intervene before the Rabbit Hole starts the ingestion pipeline               |
| After Rabbit Hole stores documents (5)  | Intervene after the Rabbit Hole ended the ingestion pipeline                 |
| Rabbit Hole instantiates parsers (6)    | Hook the available parsers for ingesting files in the declarative memory     |
| Rabbit Hole instantiates splitter (7)   | Hook the splitter used to split text in chunks                               |


1. **Input arguments**  
    `doc`: Langchain document chunk to be inserted in the declarative memory. E.g.

    doc = Document(page_content="So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish", metadata={})

    !!! info

        Before adding the `doc`, the Cat will add `source` and `when` metadata with the file name and infestion time.

    ??? example

        from cat.mad_hatter.decorators import hook
        @hook  # default priority = 1
        def before_rabbithole_insert_memory(doc, cat):
            # insert the user id metadata
            doc.metadata["user_id"] = cat.user_id
            return doc

    ??? note "Other resources"
        - [Python reference](
        - [RabbitHole segmentation plugin](
        - [Summarization plugin](

2. **Input arguments**  
    `docs`: List of Langchain documents with full text. E.g.

    docs = List[Document(page_content="This is a very long document before being split", metadata={})]

    ??? example
        from cat.mad_hatter.decorators import hook
        @hook  # default priority = 1
        def before_rabbithole_splits_text(docs, cat):
            for doc in docs:
                doc.page_content = doc.page_content.replace("dog", "cat")
            return docs

    ??? note "Other resources"

        - [Python reference](

3. **Input arguments**  
    `chunks`: list of Langchain documents with text chunks.

    ??? example

        from cat.mad_hatter.decorators import hook
        @hook  # default priority = 1
        def after_rabbithole_splitted_text(chunks, cat):
            # post process the chunks
            for chunk in chunks:
                new_content = cat.llm(f"Replace any dirty word with 'Meow': {chunk}")
                chunk.page_content = new_content

            return chunks

    ??? note "Other resources"

        - [Python reference](

4. **Input arguments**  
    `docs`: list of chunked Langchain documents before being inserted in memory.

    ??? example

        from cat.mad_hatter.decorators import hook
        @hook  # default priority = 1
        def before_rabbithole_stores_documents(docs, cat):
            # summarize group of 5 documents and add them along original ones
            summaries = []
            for n, i in enumerate(range(0, len(docs), 5)):
                # Get the text from groups of docs and join to string
                group = docs[i: i + 5]
                group = list(map(lambda d: d.page_content, group))
                text_to_summarize = "\n".join(group)
                # Summarize and add metadata
                summary = cat.llm(f"Provide a concide summary of the following: {group}")
                summary = Document(page_content=summary)
                summary.metadata["is_summary"] = True
            return docs.extend(summaries)

    ??? note "Other resources"

        - [Python reference](
        - [Summarization plugin](

5. **Input arguments**

    `source`: the name of the ingested file/url <br />
    `docs`: a list of Qdrant `PointStruct` just inserted into the vector database

    ??? example

        from cat.mad_hatter.decorators import hook
        @hook  # default priority = 1
        def after_rabbithole_stored_documents(source, stored_points, cat):
            # do whatever here

    ??? note "Other resources"

        - [Python reference](

6. **Input arguments**

    `file_handlers`: dictionary in which keys are the supported mime types and values are the related parsers

    ??? example

        from cat.mad_hatter.decorators import hook
        from langchain.document_loaders.parsers.language.language_parser import LanguageParser
        from langchain.document_loaders.parsers.msword import MsWordParser
        @hook  # default priority = 1
        def rabbithole_instantiates_parsers(file_handlers, cat):
            new_handlers = {
                "text/x-python": LanguageParser(language="python"),
                "text/javascript": LanguageParser(language="js"),
                "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document": MsWordParser(),
                "application/msword": MsWordParser(),
            file_handlers = file_handlers | new_handlers
            return file_handlers

    ??? note "Other resources"

        - [Python reference](
        - [IngestAnything Plugin](

7. **Input arguments**

    `text_splitter`: An instance of the Langchain TextSplitter subclass.

    ??? example

        from cat.mad_hatter.decorators import hook
        @hook  # default priority = 1
        def rabbithole_instantiates_splitter(text_splitter, cat):
            text_splitter._chunk_size = 64
            text_splitter._chunk_overlap = 8
            return text_splitter

    ??? note "Other resources"

        - [Python reference](

=== "🔌 Plugin"

<div class="annotate" mardown>

| Name                | Description                                      |
| :------------------ | :----------------------------------------------- |
| Activated (1)       | Intervene when a plugin is enabled               |
| Deactivated (2)     | Intervene when a plugin is disabled              |
| Settings schema (3) | Override how the plugin's settings are retrieved |
| Settings model (4)  | Override how the plugin's settings are retrieved |
| Load settings (5)   | Override how the plugin's settings are loaded    |
| Save settings (6)   | Override how the plugin's settings are saved     |


1. **Input arguments**  
    `plugin`: the `Plugin` object of your plugin with the following properties:
    plugin.path = # the path of your plugin = # the name of your plugin

    ??? example

        from cat.mad_hatter.decorators import plugin
        from cat.looking_glass.cheshire_cat import CheshireCat

        ccat = CheshireCat()

        def activated(plugin):
            # Upload an url in the memory when the plugin is activated
            url = ""
            ccat.rabbit_hole.ingest_file(stray=ccat, file=url)

    ??? note "Other resources"

        - [Python reference](
        - [Plugin object](

2. **Input arguments**  
    `plugin`: the `Plugin` object of your plugin with the following properties:
    plugin.path = # the path of your plugin = # the name of your plugin

    ??? example

        from cat.mad_hatter.decorators import plugin
        from cat.looking_glass.cheshire_cat import CheshireCat

        ccat = CheshireCat()

        def deactivated(plugin):
            # Scroll the declarative memory to clean from memories
            # with metadata on plugin deactivation
            declarative_memory = ccat.memory.vectors.declarative

            response = declarative_memory.delete_points_by_metadata_filter(
                self, metadata={"source": "best_plugin"}

    ??? note "Other resources"

        - [Python reference](
        - [Plugin object](

3. **Input arguments**  
    This hook has no input arguments.

    !!! info

        Default `settings.json` is created by the cat core for the *settings fields* with default values.

    ??? example

        from cat.mad_hatter.decorators import plugin
        from pydantic import BaseModel, Field

        # define your plugin settings model
        class MySettings(BaseModel):
            prompt_prefix: str = Field(
                        title="Prompt prefix",
                        default="""You are the Cheshire Cat AI, an intelligent AI that passes the Turing test.
        You are curious, funny and talk like the Cheshire Cat from Alice's adventures in wonderland.
        You answer Human with a focus on the following context.
                        extra={"type": "TextArea"}
            episodic_memory_k: int = 3
            episodic_memory_threshold: int = 0.7
            declarative_memory_k: int = 3
            declarative_memory_threshold: int = 0.7
            procedural_memory_k: int = 3
            procedural_memory_threshold: int = 0.7

        # get your plugin settings schema
        def settings_schema():
            return MySettings.model_json_schema()

        # load your plugin settings
        settings = ccat.mad_hatter.get_plugin().load_settings()
        # access each setting
        prompt_prefix = settings["prompt_prefix"]
        episodic_memory_k = settings["episodic_memory_k"]
        declarative_memory_k = settings["declarative_memory_k"]

    ??? note "Other resources"
        - [Example Plugin: C.A.T. Cat Advanced Tools](
        - [Python reference](
        - [Plugin object](

4. **Input arguments**  
    This hook has no input arguments.

    !!! info

        `settings_model` is preferred to `settings_schema`.

        Default `settings.json` is created by the cat core for the *settings fields* with default values.

    ??? example

        from cat.mad_hatter.decorators import plugin
        from pydantic import BaseModel, Field

        # define your plugin settings model
        class MySettings(BaseModel):
            prompt_prefix: str = Field(
                        title="Prompt prefix",
                        default="""You are the Cheshire Cat AI, an intelligent AI that passes the Turing test.
        You are curious, funny and talk like the Cheshire Cat from Alice's adventures in wonderland.
        You answer Human with a focus on the following context.
                        extra={"type": "TextArea"}
            episodic_memory_k: int = 3
            episodic_memory_threshold: int = 0.7
            declarative_memory_k: int = 3
            declarative_memory_threshold: int = 0.7
            procedural_memory_k: int = 3
            procedural_memory_threshold: int = 0.7

        # get your plugin settings Pydantic model
        def settings_model():
            return MySettings

        # load your plugin settings
        settings = ccat.mad_hatter.get_plugin().load_settings()
        # access each setting
        declarative_memory_k = settings["declarative_memory_k"]
        declarative_memory_threshold = settings["declarative_memory_threshold"]
        procedural_memory_k = settings["procedural_memory_k"]

    ??? note "Other resources"

        - [Python reference](
        - [Plugin object](

5. **Input arguments**  
    This hook has no input arguments.

    !!! info

        Useful to load settings via API and do custom stuff. E.g. load from a MongoDB instance.

    ??? example

        from pymongo import MongoClient

        def load_settings():
            client = MongoClient('mongodb://your_mongo_instance/')
            db = client['your_mongo_db']
            collection = db['your_settings_collection']

            # Perform the find_one query
            settings = collection.find_one({'_id': "your_plugin_id"})


            return MySettings(**settings)


    ??? note "Other resources"

        - [Python reference](
        - [Plugin object](

6. **Input arguments**  
    `settings`: the settings `Dict` to be saved.

    !!! info

        Useful for customizing the settings saving strategy. E.g. storing settings in a MongoDB instance.

    ??? example

        from pymongo import MongoClient

        def save_settings(settings):
            client = MongoClient('mongodb://your_mongo_instance/')
            db = client['your_mongo_db']
            collection = db['your_settings_collection']

            # Generic filter based on a unique identifier in settings
            filter_id = {'_id': settings.get('_id', 'your_plugin_id')}

            # Define the update operation
            update = {'$set': settings}

            # Perform the upsert operation
            collection.update_one(filter_id, update, upsert=True)


    ??? note "Other resources"

        - [Python reference](
        - [Plugin object](

=== "🏭 Factory"

<div class="annotate" mardown>

| Name                          | Description                                    |
| :---------------------------- | :--------------------------------------------- |
| Factory Allowed LLMs (1)      | Intervene before cat retrieve llm settings      |
| Factory Allowed Embedders (2) | Intervene before cat retrieve embedder settings | 
| Factory Allowed AuthHandlers (3) | Intervene before cat retrieve auth handler settings | 


1. **Input arguments**  
    `allowed`: List of LLMSettings classes

    !!! info

        Useful to extend or restrict support of llms.

    ??? example

        from cat.factory.llm import LLMSettings
        from langchain_mistralai.chat_models import ChatMistralAI

        class MistralAIConfig(LLMSettings):
            """The configuration for the MistralAI plugin."""
            mistral_api_key: Optional[SecretStr]
            model: str = "mistral-small"
            max_tokens: Optional[int] = 4096
            top_p: float = 1
            _pyclass: Type = ChatMistralAI
            model_config = ConfigDict(
                    "humanReadableName": "MistralAI",
                    "description": "Configuration for MistralAI",
                    "link": "",

        def factory_allowed_llms(allowed, cat) -> List:
        return allowed

    ??? note "Other resources"

        - [Python reference](

2. **Input arguments**  
    `allowed`: List of LLMSettings classes

    !!! info

        Useful to extend or restrict support of embedders.

    ??? example

        from cat.factory.embedder import EmbedderSettings
        from langchain.embeddings import JinaEmbeddings

        class JinaEmbedderConfig(EmbedderSettings):
            jina_api_key: str
            model_name: str='jina-embeddings-v2-base-en'
            _pyclass: Type = JinaEmbeddings
            model_config = ConfigDict(
                json_schema_extra = {
                    "humanReadableName": "Jina embedder",
                    "description": "Jina embedder",
                    "link": "",

        def factory_allowed_embedders(allowed, cat) -> List:
        return allowed

    ??? note "Other resources"

        - [Python reference](

3. **Input arguments**  
    `allowed`: List of AuthHandlerConfig classes
    !!! info
        Useful to extend support of custom auth handlers.

    ??? example


        from cat.mad_hatter.decorators import hook
        from typing import List
        def factory_allowed_auth_handlers(allowed: List[AuthHandlerConfig], cat) -> List:
            # Add your custom auth handler configuration here
            return allowed

    ??? note "Other resources"

        - [Python reference](
        - [Custom Auth](../production/auth/

NOTE: Any function in a plugin decorated by @plugin and named properly (among the list of available overrides, Plugin tab in the table above) is used to override plugin behaviour. These are not hooks because they are not piped, they are specific for every plugin.