conda create -n ont python=3.11
conda activate ont
# install pod5, dorado, remora, samtools, minimap2 ...
pip install pod5 ont-remora
conda install -c bioconda samtools==1.16 minimap2==2.26
wget | tar -xvzf -
First convert multiple fast5s to single pod5
cd RMaP_challenge_ManjaMerz_DataSet/challenge_1/challenge_1a/1a
pod5 convert fast5 ./fast5/*fast5 --output 1a.pod5 -t 12
then run dorado with --emit-moves
dorado basecaller ~/dorado_model/rna002_70bps_hac\@v3/ ./pod5 -x cuda:all --emit-moves > 1a.basecall.bam
Here use map-ont
for ivt data because reads are unspliced. For real bio data, should use the splice option splice -uf
and -y
are to pass all tags from basecall bam to fastq then to minimap2. --MD
is needed.
samtools fastq -T* 1a.basecall.bam | \
minimap2 -y -ax map-ont -k5 --secondary=no --MD -t 8 reference/template1.fa - | \
samtools view -F 2324 -bS --no-PG - | samtools sort -@ 8 > 1a.bam
samtools index -@ 8 1a.bam
Download direct RNA seq 5mer table from ONT:
this is another example:
bayespore run -b align/${sample}.bam \
-p pod5/${sample}.pod5 \
--kmer_table 5mer_levels_v1.txt \
--reverse_signal \
--contig reference \
--start 0 \
--end 1908 \
--iter_region 1-1901 \
--win_size 1 \
--middel_base_dist 0 \
--n_mod_status 3 \
--use_ref_levels \
--mod_type m6A \
-o ${sample}