Abstraction: This is a project to implement version control. There is still many upgrades to be done. The basic features that was implemented in this project is given below
- Authentication
- Account Recovery
- Resend Email
- Upload one or multiple files
- Manage version of files
- Rebase file
- Edit file that was uploaded
- Download file or project
- Comment on a file
- Report a Issue on a file or project
- Assign other users to project
- Search Other users and projects
- Notify users about comment,issue,assign developer
- Maintain project accessability
- Show project analytics
- Maintain a project-progress
- Manage profile of a user
- Merge files that were given by different users
Installation: 1.Install python3.6.x
2.Install virtualenv
3.Install django1.11.8
4.Install mysql5.7
5.Install passlib,multiselectfield
Run: 1.Go to SPL2-> settings.py here you have to set mysql account and password. 2.From the current directory where manage.py is located go to command line and type the following -python manage.py makemigrations -python manage.py migrate -python manage.py runserver
- Go to the given link in command prompt in any browser
- If everything is setup properly you will see a # page of our project.
Detail user manual is given in our project. Use that for further usage.
Thank you.