Simple example to show displays driven by the SSD1306 chip.
If using a Raspberry Pi Zero compiling will take a while. That's why we have set up a cross-compilation environment. Cross-compile means we compile the code in our local machine but we execute it in the Raspberry Pi.
For the cross compilation we need to have the toolchain for the Raspberry Pi Zero available:
This is the default tool chain for this repo, download from
# Download the tool chain from the Raspberry Pi tool repository.
# Takes about 8 mins.
git clone raspberrypi_tools
# Add the ARM target to the Rust environment.
export PATH="$(pwd)/raspberrypi_tools/arm-bcm2708/arm-linux-gnueabihf/bin:$PATH"
After installing the requirements we are ready to compile/copy to the pi via:
# Use graphics-spi for the spi example
cargo clean; cargo build --example graphics-i2c --release
# Transfer binary to your Pi
# Fill in target with target description for your tool chain.
scp target/<TARGET>/release/examples/graphics-i2c pi@<IP-ADDRESS>:graphics-i2c-xcomp