- Use strict types
- Remove support for 32 bit platforms
- Bump PHP requirement from 5.3 to 7.2
- Change namespace from PHP\BitTorrent to BitTorrent
- Added method to check if the torrent is private (@stormwalkerec)
- Made
- Added parameters for the Encoder. The only parameter currently used it "encodeEmptyArrayAsDictionary" which will cause the encoder to encode empty arrays as "de" (empty dictionary) instead of "le" (empty list).
- Introduced a getEncodedHash method in the Torrent component to get the URL-encoded hash (Daniel Espendiller)
- Fix issue with integer overflow on 32-bit platforms
- Added method to get the hash of the torrent file (Daniel Espendiller)
- Dictionaries are now sorted by keys before they are encoded (as specified in in http://bittorrent.org/beps/bep\_0003.html)
- Fixed parse error in composer.json (Daniel Espendiller)
- Added interfaces for the encoder and the decoder (Matt Drollette)
- Fixed autoloader issues in composer.json (Matt Drollette)
- Library is from now on available as a PHAR archive as well
- Allow getting/setting extra fields from the torrent meta data (Matt Drollette)
- Use proper namespaces
- Changed API to use instance methods instead of static methods
- Initial release