Releases: christofmuc/KnobKraft-orm
Major update, plus Prophet 5 Rev4, MS2000, Deepmind, Blofeld
This is a major update with a month full of changes accumulated. The most importnant ones:
- New synths (untested, please give feedback)
- Sequential Prophet 5 Rev 4
- Korg MS2000
- Behringer Deepmind 12
- Waldorf Blofeld
- Now supporting multiple database files - the File menu has open/save and recent file list. Makes testing much easier, and can be used to sort patches by projects
- Allowing to permanently delete all currently listed patches from the database. This is important for an undo of an import.
- MIDI USB device plug'n'play support, at least on Windows. Now you can connect or disconnect devices while the software is running, and it tries to do the right thing
- New and better layout of Setup tab, now that the synth list grows that fast
- Many bugfixes in Setup tab around manually assigning channels and interfaces, and better unboxing experience to start in the SetupView when no synth has been selected yet
- Added a quick check for MIDI loop (echo) detection into the Setup tab. The Kawai K3M and the Roland MKS-80 in my setup tend to create those loops, if the filtering in the interface is not setup correctly.
- Added missing user consent for the Sentry based crash reporting (Windows only). If you build yourself, this is disabled anyway, but the installer files I upload to Github contain crash reporting for me to make better quality software
- Storing last used synth and opening its library again on startup
- Switched to JUCE 6
Prophet 12 bugfix - bank has only 99 patches
This fixes the bank download for the Prophet 12, a bank has only 99 patches, not 100 and not 128. Sequential is somehow funny.
Bug fixes for Prophet Rev2, Prophet 12
Some regression caused the Prophet Rev2 to only think it has 100 patches per bank, not 128. This was caused by me implementing the OB-6 - in a wrong way. Fixed.
Also, the Prophet 12 continuous to amaze - the Omni mode was not handled in the python adaption, this was now hacked to make it think the synth is on channel 1 when it really is on Omni.
Added more logging on successful quick detect, as users tend to overlook the green bar (or if they never got a successful auto-detect, don't know that the bar can be green).
Stability fixes, adding Korg DW-6000 and DW-8000
This minor release contains a list of little features and fixes:
- Bugfix: Prophet 12 patch name should be layer A and not layer B
- Bugfix: Properly disable the Audio interface so no Microphone icon shows up on Windows suggesting the software might record something
- Bugfix: Adapt correctly to system font scaling of 125%
- Better responsive behavior for screen resolutions with less than 1024 lines to display, added a new scale factor 75%
- Added save function to log view and MIDI log view to encourage users to send their MIDI logs with bug reports
And two new synths are supported:
- Korg DW-8000 gets a full native code support including the parameter list for the patch diff display
- Korg DW-6000 is an untested experimental adaption, looking for testers!
Improved progress logging during multi-bank download
Improved logging during multi-bank download, so you can actually see what is happening. Also improved the status messages during auto-detection.
Fixing Sentry crash reporting
For some reason the crash logging did not work in 1.7.0 (Windows only), fixed it with 1.7.1
Exporting patches, crash reporting via Sentry.IO, smaller fixes
- Adding an export patches function that will save the current patch set (filter result) as a ZiP file with lots of individual edit buffers to disk. Good for sending patches to a friend.
- Added multi-selection for the Bank download, in case you want to download all banks in one go
- Making the "forward MIDI" default off, as it is too easy to created MIDI loops while this is turned on
- Supporting Behringer BCR2000 as a Librarian, so you can archive your BCR2000 presets with the Orm as well
- Manage the backup space which might grow quickly in case you often start and stop the software
- Adding support for crash reporting over the Internet via Sentry.IO, Windows-only for now. This will be disabled by default when you compile yourself, but to help us with fixing more bugs it is turned on in the downloadable release here on Github.
- Fixing the detection of the Prophet 12 module, which has a different ID than the Prophet 12 keyboard
- Fixing support of the edit buffer request for the Access Virus B
Targeting all macOS from 10.9 (beta)
Somehow the specification of the minimum required SDK didn't work with 1.6.2. This is another try, and according to the documentation this should run on any Mac with at least Maverick (10.9). Has to be tested, though.
Target macOS 10.13 High Sierra
This is to try to target an older version of macOS via a CMake flag. The previous versions have been reported to require 10.14
macOS beta, Python upgrade
I had to update to Python 3.7, as this is version that is normally installed on Mac when you use home brew, version 3.6 is no longer found as an installer on as well. If Python still doesn't work, I added a python kill switch with the environment variable ORM_NO_PYTHON to be defined before launch.
Additionally fixed the bundled adaptions problem, they should now work out of the box.