- Provide keep position feature
- provide show top in reverse mode
- Reuse list item element to save performance
- Provide jumpToIndex
- Provide anmiteToIndex
- Integrate pull_to_refresh
- Add initIndex,initOffset and initOffsetBasedOnBottom
- Add Element Positions Callback
- Correct the items did not response the gesture event
- Correct sticky header may not response the gesture event
- Fix the exception when change size of child
- Fix drag down item will be clip if the items can't fill full screen.
- When reuse exist element, the same key will be priority reused it. avoid update one item twice in very short time.
- Resolve performance issue when without onItemHeight and onItemKey and child count more than 1M
- Add permanent item which will not to be reused and keep in FlutterListView util FlutterListView disposed
- Provide option to determine whether or not generate items during scrolling to make scroll to index more smooth
- Fix bug: It cause exception when the user stop scroll manually while invoke animite to index
- Add FlutterListView.builder and FlutterListView.separated
- Add ensureVisible(index) functionality
- Fixed jump to index or init index will scroll to wrong position
- Fixed jump to index or init index will scroll to wrong position when initOffsetBasedOnBottom: true
- Fixed when remove all items and jump to index was set, onItemKey will get wrong.
- Fixed when remove some items, onItemKey will get wrong.
- Sticky header support reverse
- Fixed support PopupMenuButton
- Support stickyAtTailer in FlutterListView
- Fixed detach issue
- Fixed touch item is incorrect when items can't fill full screen and firstItemAlign is FirstItemAlign.end
- Rewrite keep position logic.
- Add horizontal scroll support
- Add creating items when flutter list view created
- Add Flutter Key to reference items' element
- Add header is not override