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"","LACA Summer Fellowships","NO_BUTTON",,"April 2024","Announcing the LACA 2024 Summer Fellows! <br /> <table><thead><tr><th><b>Name</b></th><th><b>Program</b></th><th><b>Advisor</b></th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>Anna Jurisch</td><td>ES</td><td>Teamrat Ghezzehei</td></tr><tr><td>Amir Kouravand</td><td>ME</td><td>Reza Ehsani</td></tr><tr><td>Leila Wahab</td><td>ES</td><td>Sora Kim</td></tr><tr><td>Thomas (Teddy) Adams</td><td>Physics</td><td>Sayatani Ghosh</td></tr><tr><td>Liying Li</td><td>ES</td><td>Josue Medellín-Azuara</td></tr></tbody></table>"
"Cover_Breznitz_Flyer","Innovation and the Future of Inland California: A Discussion with Dan Breznitz","/images/news/Breznitz_Flyer_v2.jpg",View Full Flyer,"Monday April 8, 2024","The LACA Inland California group hosted Dan Breznitz, a leading scholar on innovation, for a whirlwind tour of challenges and opportunities for green innovation in the San Joaquin Valley and Southern Sierra. <br /><br /> <b>Monday 4/8</b>: meeting with CITRIS and the Banatao Institute and UC Berkeley faculty; presentation in San Francisco to the Bay Area Council with Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and Public Policy Institute of California (see flyer) <br /> <b>Tuesday 4/9</b>: Yosemite - tour highlighting the recreation economy, wildfire and forest fuels, and carbon/water issues <br /> <b>Wednesday 4/10</b>: Phoenix Energy Community Power Plant tour, hosted by Greg Stangl, followed by a metting with Central Valley Community Foundation in Fresno <br /> <b>Thursday 4/11</b>: University of California, Merced Roundtable visit, hosted by Valley Institute for Sustainability, Technology & Agriculture (VISTA)"
"amy-wu-event","Author event with Amy Wu highlights women in agrifoodtech","https://snri.ucmerced.edu/sites/snri.ucmerced.edu/files/documents/amywu_flyer.pdf","View Full Flyer","Tuesday April 12, 2022| 4:00 - 5:30pm","“We need more women at the table and it begins with giving voice to the journey of women who are already contributing to the food systems.” In person event at UC Merced with Amy Wu, creator of “From Farms to Incubators,” the book, the multimedia platform, the movement: connecting and empowering women in agrifoodtech and amplifying their voices, contributions, and innovations. <b>Free book to first 25 attendees</b>; undergraduate and graduate students in ag and STEM are particularly encouraged to attend. Light refreshments provided. This is a <a href=https://sustainability.ucmerced.edu/initiatives/food/no-food-left-behind target=_blank>No Food Left Behind</a> event. <br><br> <b>About the Author: </b><br>Amy Wu is the Creator and Chief Content Director of From Farms To Incubators. In 2020 Amy was named on Worth magazine's 'Groundbreakers 2020 list of 50 Women Changing the World' list. She was also a recipient of the Women in Agribusiness Demeter Award of Excellence. <br><br>Prior to starting From Farms to Incubators, Amy spent over two decades as an investigative reporter at media outlets including the USA Today Network where she reported on agriculture and agtech for The Salinas Californian. <br><br><b>Location: UC Merced Campus Conference Center Room 110 || April 12, 4:00 - 5:30</b>"
"facts-banner2","FACTS AG-FOOD-TECH INTERNSHIP","https://citris.ucmerced.edu/facts","Learn More and Apply","November 4th, 2021","CITRIS is offering a new, innovative summer research program to give students who are entering UC Merced (first-year and transfer students) and students who are in the process of completing their first year (rising sophomore students) an opportunity for research experience in ag-food-tech."
"","The challenge of the digital agricultural revolution:<br>A comparison between advanced economies and developing countries","https://financeincommon.org/moving-towards-sustainable-agri-food-systems-analysis-and-strategic-scenarios","Read More","By: Martin Kenney, M. Anne Visser, and John Zysman","LACA investigators Martin Kenny, Anne Visser, and John Zysman recently completed an article in which they consider the opportunities offered by digital technologies in agriculture from the perspective of enhancing sustainability and reducing inequalities locally and globally. The work was submitted by invitation to the <b>2021 Finance in Commons</b> meeting hosted by the prominent Italian investment bank <i>Cassa Depositi e Prestiti</i> (CDP)."
"","A View of AgTech Progress: The advancements within the AgTech field with Distinguished Professor Martin Kenney and Professor Anne Visser","https://citris.ucmerced.edu/news/laca-agbag","Read More","November 2, 2021","AgBag is the Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society and the Banatao Institute’s latest series of seminar events where respected professors and professionals within their field discuss the latest advancements in the burgeoning field of agricultural technology. CITRIS’s ag-food-tech research initiative with UC Merced’s leading research organizations NSF Engineering Research Center <a href=https://iot4ag.us target=_blank>IoT4Ag</a> and UCOP Multi Campus Research Initiative Labor and Automation in California Agricuture (<a href=https://laca.ucmerced.edu target=_blank>LACA</a>) hosted Distinguished Professor Martin Kenney and Professor Anne Visser to share their work-in-progress on the “Digitalization and Platformization in Agriculture.” I am Miriam Martinez, a third-year Psychology major and the graphic and media intern at CITRIS here to discuss the topics explored in the recent AgBag."
"AgBagLACA","CITRIS RESEARCH ON AG-FOOD TECH: HYBRID AGBAG","https://ucmerced.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYpdO2ppjwqGtZUL0qtuOp5N57vSW5RF_mS","Register to attend","October 12, 2021","Automation, digitization, and platformization continue to impact and reshape CA agriculture presenting new opportunities and quandaries for the industry and its workers. In our presentation we review our research related to these issues."
SWIM-VIERS,UC MERCED LEADS INNOVATIVE EFFORT TO SECURE WATER FOR AGRICULTURE AND ECOSYSTEMS,https://citris.ucmerced.edu/news/SWIM,Learn More,"October 6, 2021","UC Merced's largest research grant in its 16-year history aims to improve agricultural and environmental water resilience. The new $10 million collaborative focuses on water banking, trading and improvements in data-driven management practices to arrive at a climate-resilient future in water-scarce regions of the United States."
"","2021 AG Tech Summit: Adapt + Thrive","https://valleyagtech.org/schedule","Learn More","March 23, 2021","The 3rd Annual Ag Tech Summit focusing on advancing Ag Technology in the Central Valley will take a look at industry insights into key technologies in ag along with information and resources to deal with the COVID pandemic. <br><br> The event will take place from 8:30 am - 11:45 am on March 23rd, 2021, and from 8:30 am - 10:30 am on March 24th, 2021."
"2021women-in-tech-symposium","Registration is now open for the 2021 Women in Tech Symposium","https://citris.ucmerced.edu/news/2021women-in-tech-symposium","Read More","March 12, 2021","Join us for the Human Computer Interaction and Agriculture session hosted by LACA's Erin Hestir on March 12th, 2021."
"","LACA selected for the prestigious Biennial MRPI Grant Program","https://citris.ucmerced.edu/news/2020MRPI","Read More","January 14, 2021","Awarded every two years, the highly competitive MRPI program seeks to leverage the world-renowned research capabilities of the UC system to develop real-world solutions to significant problems facing the state and the world. This year’s competition garnered 94 proposals that spanned the breadth of UC’s expertise, from computer science and particle physics to anthropology and human rights. Fifteen projects — totaling $19 million — were selected based on their compelling approaches to advancing research areas that are important to UC and the state one of which was the LACA MRPI led by Professor Thomas Harmon of UCMerced."
"cress-seminar","LACA Lead Investigator, Thomas Harmon speaks at CITRIS RESEARCH EXCHANGE SEMINAR","https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FEahBKNhl4g","Watch the Seminar","February 17, 2021","Principal Investigator of LACA, Thomas Harmon, will introduce LACA at the 2021 CITRIS Research Exchange Seminar on Wednesday February 17, 2021 from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm via Zoom!<div class=container-video><iframe class='responsive-iframe' width=1200 height='715' src='https://www.youtube.com/embed/FEahBKNhl4g' frameborder=0 allow='accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture' allowfullscreen></iframe></div>"