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Annual Digital Cleanup |
Tip of the Month - January 2024
Start the new year feeling fresh by cleaning up your work computer, your mobile phone, and your email.
Heavily inspired by Vitaly Friedman's Digital Clean-Up Checklist 2024.
Properly file documents that are saved on your desktop in your home drive or department folders.
Delete any desktop shortcuts you don't really use or need.
Review old documents in your home drive. Delete what you don't need.
Empty your Recycle Bin.
Turn off notifications that you don't need.
Uninstall apps that you haven't been using.
Install any updates you have been delaying.
Review the permissions your apps have been granted. Revoke what is not necessary.
Reserve "you time" in your calendar. Use it to get work done uninterrupted, or for personal things.
Delete email newsletters that you haven't read. Unsubscribe from email newsletters you don't need.
Use email rules to help with labeling and filing emails when they arrive.
Check if any of your account information has been compromised. Change passwords for accounts that have been affected.
Change passwords for accounts that haven't been changed in the past year.
Turn on two-factor authentication (2FA) or multi-factor authentication (MFA) wherever possible.
Remove old shared files from OneDrive, Dropbox, etc.