GTFS and GTFS-RT API Bridge is a tool that fetches GTFS (General Transit Feed Specification) Realtime and Static data from various transit agency sources, processes the data, and publishes it to Kafka topics using SASL PLAIN authentication. This tool can be integrated with systems like Microsoft Event Hubs or Microsoft Fabric Event Streams.
GTFS is a set of open data standards for public transportation schedules and associated geographic information. GTFS-RT is a real-time extension to GTFS that allows public transportation agencies to provide real-time updates about their fleet. Over 2000 transit agencies worldwide provide GTFS and GTFS-RT data.
The Mobility Database provides a comprehensive list of GTFS and GTFS-RT feeds from around the world.
- GTFS-RT Data Polling: Poll GTFS Realtime feeds for vehicle positions, trip updates, and alerts.
- GTFS Static Data Processing: Fetch GTFS static data (routes, stops, schedules) and send it to Kafka topics.
- Kafka Integration: Supports sending data to Kafka topics using SASL PLAIN authentication.
The tool is written in Python and requires Python 3.10 or later. You can download Python from here or from the Microsoft Store if you are on Windows.
Once Python is installed, you can install the tool from the command line as follows:
pip install git+
If you clone the repository, you can install the tool as follows:
git clone
cd real-time-sources/gtfs
pip install .
For a packaged install, consider using the instructions.
After installation, the tool can be run using the gtfs
command. It supports several arguments for configuring the polling process and sending data to Kafka.
The events sent to Kafka are formatted as CloudEvents, documented in
: Comma-separated list of Kafka bootstrap servers.--kafka-topic
: The Kafka topic to send messages to.--sasl-username
: Username for SASL PLAIN authentication.--sasl-password
: Password for SASL PLAIN authentication.--connection-string
: Microsoft Event Hubs or Microsoft Fabric Event Stream connection string (overrides other Kafka parameters).--gtfs-rt-urls
: URL(s) for GTFS Realtime feeds.--gtfs-urls
: URL(s) for GTFS Static schedule feeds.--mdb-source-id
: Mobility Database source ID for GTFS Realtime or Static feeds.--agency
: Agency ID to poll data for.--route
: (Optional) Route ID to poll data for. If not provided, data for all routes will be polled.--poll-interval
: Interval in seconds to wait between polling vehicle locations.--force-schedule-refresh
: Force a refresh of the GTFS schedule data.
gtfs feed --connection-string "<your_connection_string>"
gtfs feed --connection-string "<your_connection_string>" --route "<route_id>"
If you do not want to use a connection string, you can provide the Kafka parameters directly:
gtfs feed --kafka-bootstrap-servers "<bootstrap_servers>" --kafka-topic "<topic_name>" --sasl-username "<username>" --sasl-password "<password>"
You can provide a connection string for Microsoft Event Hubs or Microsoft Fabric Event Streams to simplify the configuration by consolidating the Kafka bootstrap server, topic, username, and password.
Prints the GTFS-RT data for a single request:
gtfs printfeed --gtfs-rt-url "<gtfs_rt_url>"
Lists the agencies in the Mobility Database:
gtfs agencies
Lists the routes from a GTFS Static feed:
gtfs routes --gtfs-url "<gtfs_url>"
Lists the stops for a given route:
gtfs stops --route "<route_id>" --gtfs-url "<gtfs_url>"
You can avoid passing parameters via the command line by setting the following environment variables:
: List of Kafka bootstrap servers.KAFKA_TOPIC
: Kafka topic to send messages to.SASL_USERNAME
: Username for SASL PLAIN authentication.SASL_PASSWORD
: Password for SASL PLAIN authentication.CONNECTION_STRING
: Microsoft Event Hubs or Microsoft Fabric Event Stream connection string.GTFS_RT_URLS
: Comma-separated list of GTFS Realtime feed URLs.GTFS_URLS
: Comma-separated list of GTFS Static schedule feed URLs.MDB_SOURCE_ID
: Mobility Database source ID for the GTFS feed.AGENCY
: Agency ID to poll data for.
You can specify the CloudEvents mode (either structured
or binary
) when sending data to Kafka:
gtfs feed --cloudevents-mode structured