feat: add parent and ancestor selectors
feat: add parent and ancestor selectors
Pull request merge
fix: find-in-text retun value (string -> hzip-loc)
fix: find-in-text retun value (string -> hzip-loc)
Pull request merge
ci - use org.clj-commons Clojars password
ci - use org.clj-commons Clojars password
ci - try and fix CI failures
ci - try and fix CI failures
Pull request merge
ci - try and fix CI failures
ci - try and fix CI failures
Force push
ci - try and fix CI failures
ci - try and fix CI failures
Force push
Update docs links in readme
Update docs links in readme
Pull request merge
Put Stringbuilder-based html escaping code inside clj block, to preve…
Put Stringbuilder-based html escaping code inside clj block, to preve…
Pull request merge
tests - update namespace to not use reader conditionals for clojure.test
tests - update namespace to not use reader conditionals for clojure.test
Pull request merge
tests - update namespace to not use reader conditionals for clojure.test
tests - update namespace to not use reader conditionals for clojure.test
add reader conditional for node-type test
add reader conditional for node-type test
Remove use of aget to make advanced compilation work
Remove use of aget to make advanced compilation work
Advanced compilation in CI
Advanced compilation in CI
Pull request merge
Advanced compilation in CI
Advanced compilation in CI
Force push
Advanced compilation in CI
Advanced compilation in CI
Force push