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File metadata and controls

1409 lines (1103 loc) · 41.5 KB

User Guide


Rewrite-clj is a library that can read, update and write Clojure, ClojureScript and EDN source code while preserving whitespace and comments.

Interesting Alternatives

If rewrite-clj is not your cup of tea, consider following alternatives:

Project Parsing? Writing? Whitespace Preserving? Includes Element Row/Col?












@xsc created rewrite-clj in 2013. Its original use was to upgrade dependencies in lein project.clj files. The library quickly took off in popularity and is the default choice for modifying Clojure/EDN from Clojure.

@rundis created rewrite-cljs in 2015 to match the features of rewrite-clj for ClojureScript developers. It was originally used for refactoring support in Light Table. In January of 2019, @rundis graciously transferred rewrite-cljs to clj-commons.

Seeing an opportunity to give back to the Clojure community, in 2019 @lread, with guidance and help from many friendly Clojurians, started work on rewrite-cljc. In December of 2020, @xsc graciously tranferred rewrite-clj to clj-commons. So rewrite-cljc is now dead, long live rewrite-clj!


To distinguish the the versions of rewrite-clj, I’ll use:

  • rewrite-clj v0 to refer to the classic

  • rewrite-clj v1 to refer to the reboot

When the distinction is unimportant, I’ll simply use rewrite-clj.

The goal of rewrite-clj v1 is to provide a thoughtfully maintained feature-complete library that can be used from either Clojure or ClojureScript. While merging rewrite-clj v0 and rewrite-cljs to create rewrite-clj v1 was not trivial, the real hard work was done over many years in rewrite-clj v0 and rewrite-cljs under the leadership of @xsc and @rundis (thanks guys!). Read Merging rewrite-clj and rewrite-cljs for details on the merge.

Upgrading from rewrite-clj v0 and/or rewrite-cljs

Thanks to @xsc’s transfer of rewrite-clj to clj-commons we’ll continue on with the rewrite-clj namespace and clojars deploy target.

To upgrade to rewrite-clj v1, update your project dependencies. If you were using both rewrite-cljs and rewrite-clj v0 in your project you should now drop the rewrite-cljs dependency.

Rewrite-clj unit tests are run against the current version of ClojureScript and Clojure versions >= v1.8.0. We recommend that while bumping your rewrite-clj dependency to v1, that you also bump your Clojure and ClojureScript dependencies to current official releases.

The most notable breaking changes from rewrite-clj v0 relate to handling of namespaced elements:

  • Namespaced map handling was incomplete in rewrite-clj, has been reworked a bit and now supports namespaced symbols

  • An sexpr on a namespaced key or symbol should now work even when navigating down to the key node

  • An sexpr that involves auto resolve never consults *ns* you can plugin your own auto-resolve behavior, see namespaced elements

Need to know more? See the change log.


As is a common convention, example code shows results of expression evaluation like so:

(+ 1 2 3)
;; => 6

We show distinctions between Clojure and Clojurescript results like so:

;; =clj=> \c
;; =cljs=> "c"

And we show output like so:

(println "hello there")
;; =stdout=>
; hello there


Rewrite-clj has an sexpr function that returns Clojure forms. Our usage of the terms "s-expression" and "forms" might be less nuanced than some formal definitions. I think we are in line with Clojure for the Brave and True’s description of forms. To us, a Clojure form is any parsed (but not evaluated) Clojure as it would be returned by the Clojure reader.

Rewrite-clj Nodes

Rewrite-clj parses Clojure source into rewrite-clj nodes.

While reviewing the following example, it helps to remember that Clojure source is data.

introduction parsed nodes

Each node carries the positional metadata :row, :col, :end-row and :end-col. The positional data is 1-based and :end-col is exclusive.

You can parse and work with nodes directly or take advantage of the power of the zip API.

Rewrite-clj offers easy conversion from rewrite-clj nodes to Clojure forms and back. This is convenient but does come with some caveats. As you get more experienced with rewrite-clj, you will want to review sexpr nuances.

Project Setup

Tools Deps

Include the following dependency in your deps.edn file:

rewrite-clj/rewrite-clj {:mvn/version "1.1.48"}


Include the following dependency in your project.clj file:

[rewrite-clj/rewrite-clj "1.1.48"]

Rewrite-clj APIs

There are 4 public API namespaces:


  2. rewrite-clj.parser

  3. rewrite-clj.node

  4. rewrite-clj.paredit


Traverse and modify Clojure/ClojureScript/EDN. This is considered the main rewrite-clj API and might very well be all you need.

You’ll optionally use the node API on the rewrite-clj nodes in the zipper.

A Brief Introduction to Zippers


Rewrite-clj uses a customized version of Clojure’s If you are not familiar with zippers, you may find the following resources helpful:

At a conceptual level, the rewrite-clj zipper holds:

  • a tree of rewrite-clj nodes representing your parsed Clojure source

  • your current location within the zipper

Because the zipper holds both the tree and your location within the tree, its variable is commonly named zloc. The zipper is immutable, as such, location changes and node modifications are always returned in a new zipper.

You may want to refer to rewrite-clj nodes while reviewing this introductory example:

(require '[ :as z])

;; define some test data
(def data-string
"(defn my-function [a]
  ;; a comment
  (* a 3))")

;; parse code to nodes, create a zipper, and navigate to the first non-whitespace node
(def zloc (z/of-string data-string))

;; explore what we've parsed
(z/sexpr zloc)
;; => (defn my-function [a] (* a 3))
(-> zloc z/down z/right z/node pr)
;; =stdout=>
; <token: my-function>
(-> zloc z/down z/right z/sexpr)
;; => my-function

;; rename my-function to my-function2 and return resulting s-expression
(-> zloc
    (z/edit (comp symbol str) "2")
;; => (defn my-function2 [a] (* a 3))

;; rename my-function to my-function2 and return updated string from root node
(-> zloc
    (z/edit (comp symbol str) "2")
;; =stdout=>
; (defn my-function2 [a]
;   ;; a comment
;   (* a 3))

The zip location movement functions (right, left, up, down, etc) skip over Clojure whitespace nodes and comment nodes. Remember that Clojure whitespace includes commas. If you want to navigate over all nodes, use the * counterparts (right*, left*, up*, down*, etc).

Similarily, the zipper creation functions of-node, of-string and of-file automatically skip over the the first Clojure whitespace and comment nodes. This is usually appropriate, but if you don’t want this auto-navigation on create use the * counterparts of-node*, of-string*, and of-file*.

Finding Elements with the Zip API

The namespace includes find operations to navigate to locations of interest in your zipper. Let’s assume you want to modify the following minimal project.clj by replacing the :description placeholder text with something more meaningful:

project.clj snippet
(defproject my-project "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
  :description "Enter description")

Most find functions accept an optional location movement function. Use:

  • (the default) - to search sibling nodes to the right

  • to search siblings to left

  • for a depth-first tree search

(require '[ :as z])

;; for sake of a runnable example we'll load from a string:
(def zloc (z/of-string
"(defproject my-project \"0.1.0-SNAPSHOT\"
  :description \"Enter description\")"))

;; loading from a file, looks like so:
;; (def zloc (z/of-file "project.clj")) ;; (1)

;; find defproject by navigating depth-first
(def zloc-defproject (z/find-value zloc z/next 'defproject))
;; verify that we are where we think we are
(z/sexpr zloc-defproject)
;; => defproject

;; search right for :description and then move one node to the right ;; (2)
(def zloc-desc (-> zloc-defproject (z/find-value :description) z/right))
;; check that this worked
(z/sexpr zloc-desc)
;; => "Enter description"

;; replace node at current location and return the result
(-> zloc-desc (z/replace "My first Project.") z/root-string println)
;; =stdout=>
; (defproject my-project "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
;   :description "My first Project.")
  1. reading from a file is only available from Clojure

  2. Remember that while whitespace is preserved, it is automatically skipped during navigation.

Familiar Functions for Updating Nodes with the Zip API

The zip API provides familiar ways to work with parsed Clojure data structures. It offers some functions that correspond to the standard Clojure seq functions, for example:

(require '[ :as z])

(def zloc (z/of-string "[1\n2\n3]"))
(z/vector? zloc)
;; => true
(z/sexpr zloc)
;; => [1 2 3]
(-> zloc (z/get 1) z/node pr)
;; =stdout=>
; <token: 2>
(-> zloc (z/assoc 1 5) z/sexpr)
;; => [1 5 3]
(->> zloc (z/map #(z/edit % + 4)) z/root-string)
;; => "[5\n6\n7]"

(def zloc (z/of-string "{:a 10 :b 20}"))
(z/map? zloc)
;; => true
(-> zloc (z/get :b) z/node pr)
;; =stdout=>
; <token: 20>
(-> zloc (z/assoc :b 42) z/sexpr)
;; => {:b 42, :a 10}
(->> zloc (z/map-vals #(z/edit % inc)) z/root-string)
;; => "{:a 11 :b 21}"
(->> zloc
     (z/map-keys #(z/edit %
                          (fn [v] (keyword "prefix" (name v))) ))
;; => "{:prefix/a 10 :prefix/b 20}"

Sub Editing with the Zip API

Sub editing allows you to effect changes to an isolated subtree (actually a sub zipper) while preserving your original location in the zipper

When sub editing, your sub zipper is isolated to the current node and its children. The sub zipper acts like, and is, a full zipper; will return true when you have navigated to the end of the sub zipper.

This can be useful when you:

  • Are interested in restoring your location after digging down deep to make a change

  • Want to restrict your changes to a node and its children. It can be helpful to bound your movement when using functions that also affect current location such as

(require '[ :as z])

;; A sample to illustrate
(def zloc (z/of-string "[a [b [c [d [e [f]]]]] g h]"))

;; ... and a little helper that navigates our location to the end node:
(defn to-end [zloc]
  (->> zloc
       (iterate z/next)
       (drop-while (complement z/end?))

;; ... and a little editor to show which node was hit:
(defn update-at-loc [zloc]
  (z/edit zloc #(symbol "UPDATED" (str %))))

;; If we don't use a sub zipper our end node is h:
(-> zloc
;; => "[a [b [c [d [e [f]]]]] g UPDATED/h]"

;; If we subedit on the first node in the vector, we are restricted to that node.
;; In our case that node is a:
(-> zloc
;; => "[UPDATED/a [b [c [d [e [f]]]]] g h]"

;; If we subedit on the second node in the vector, we are restricted to that node.
;; In our case that node is [b [c [d [f]]]] with subedit end node f
(-> zloc
;; => "[a [b [c [d [e [UPDATED/f]]]]] g h]"

;; To show our original location was preserved,
;; after a subedit of the last node within the 2nd node in the vector,
;; a movement right brings us to node g
(-> zloc
     (z/edit #(symbol "UPDATED" (str %))))
;; => "g"

The zip API walk functions also isolate your work to the current node. Let’s explore:

(require '[ :as z])

;; Let's contrive an example with multiple top level forms:
;; Let's contrive an example with multiple top level forms:
(def s "(def x 1) (def y [2 3 [4 [5]]])")

;; Now let's add 100 to all numbers:
(-> (z/of-string s)
    (z/postwalk (fn select [zloc] (number? (z/sexpr zloc)))
                (fn visit [zloc] (z/edit zloc + 100)))
;; => "(def x 101) (def y [2 3 [4 [5]]])"

;; Hmmm... what happened? Only the first number was affected.
;; A new zipper created by of-string automaticaly navigates to the first non-whitespace/non-comment node.
;; In our example, this is node (def x 1).
;; Our walk was isolated to current node (def x 1) so that's all that got updated

;; We can adapt to walk all nodes by instead using of-string* which does no auto navigation
(-> (z/of-string* s)
    (z/postwalk (fn select [zloc] (number? (z/sexpr zloc)))
                (fn visit [zloc] (z/edit zloc + 100)))
;; => "(def x 101) (def y [102 103 [104 [105]]])"

Tracking Position with the Zip API

If you need to track the source row and column while reading and updating your zipper, create your zipper with :track-position? true option. Note that the row and column are 1-based.


If you have no interest in the zipper updating positions when the zipper changes, but are still interested in node positions, you can use a zipper without :track-position? true option.

Read up on positional metadata under rewrite-clj nodes.

(require '[ :as z])

;; parse some Clojure into a position tracking zipper
(def zloc (z/of-string
           "(defn sum-me\n  \"Add 'em up!\"\n  [a b c]\n  (+ a\n     c))"
           {:track-position? true}))

;; let's see what that looks like printed out
(println (z/root-string zloc))
;; =stdout=>
; (defn sum-me
;   "Add 'em up!"
;   [a b c]
;   (+ a
;      c))

;; navigate to second z in zipper
(def zloc-c (-> zloc
            (z/find-value z/next '+)
            (z/find-value z/next 'c)))

;; check if current node is as expected
(z/string zloc-c)
;; => "c"

;; examine position of second z, it is on 6th column of the 5th row
(z/position zloc-c)
;; => [5 6]

;; insert new element b with indentation and alignment
(def zloc-c2 (-> zloc-c
                 (z/insert-left 'b)        ;; insert b to the left of c
                 (z/left)                  ;; move to b
                 (z/insert-newline-right)  ;; insert a newline after b
                 (z/right)                 ;; move to c
                 (z/insert-space-left 4))) ;; c has 1 space before it, add 4 more to line it up

;; we should still be at c
(z/string zloc-c2)

;; output our updated Clojure
(println (z/root-string zloc-c2))
;; =stdout=>
; (defn sum-me
;   "Add 'em up!"
;   [a b c]
;   (+ a
;      b
;      c))

;; and check that location of c has been updated, it should now be on the 6th column of the 6th row
(z/position zloc-c2)
;; => [6 6]

Zipper Options

When creating a new zipper you may optionally include an options map. These options will be carried by the zipper and live for the life of the zipper. Current options are:

After making changes via a zipper, the final step is typically to call root-string or print-root.

Less frequently, one might call root which affects changes and returns the root rewrite-clj node. This node might be fed back into a new zipper. The options passed into the original zipper on creation will not be automatically applied to the new zipper and must be respecified:

(require '[ :as z])

;; some contrived options to demonstrate:
(def zip-opts {:track-position? true
               :auto-resolve (fn [_alias] 'custom-resolved)})

(-> "(+ 10 20 30)"         ;; <- something more complicated would be here, of course
    (z/of-string zip-opts) ;; <- our opts are passed in on creation
    z/down z/right z/right
    (z/edit inc)
    z/root                 ;; <- applying changes and getting root node
    (z/of-node zip-opts)   ;; <- pass the original zip-opts on creation of new zipper
    z/down z/right z/right
    (z/edit inc)
;; => "(+ 10 22 30)"

Parser API

Parses Clojure/ClojureScript/EDN to rewrite-clj nodes. The zip API makes use of the parser API to parse Clojure into zippers.

If your focus is parsing instead of rewriting, you might find this lower level API useful. Keep in mind that if you forgo the zip API, you forgo niceties such as the automatic handling of whitespace.

You can choose to parse the first, or all forms from a string or, if using Clojure, a file.

Here we parse a single form from a string:

(require '[rewrite-clj.parser :as p])

(def form-nodes (p/parse-string "(defn my-function [a]\n  (* a 3))"))

You’ll likely use the node API on the returned nodes.

Node API

Inspect, analyze, create and render rewrite-clj nodes.

(require '[rewrite-clj.parser :as p]
         '[rewrite-clj.node :as n])

(def nodes (p/parse-string "(defn my-function [a]\n  (* a 3))"))

;; Explore what we've parsed
(n/tag nodes)
;; => :list

(pr (n/children nodes))
;; =stdout=>
; (<token: defn> <whitespace: " "> <token: my-function> <whitespace: " "> <vector: [a]> <newline: "\n"> <whitespace: "  "> <list: (* a 3)>)

(n/sexpr nodes)
;; => (defn my-function [a] (* a 3))

(n/child-sexprs nodes)
;; => (defn my-function [a] (* a 3))

;; convert the nodes back to a printable string
(n/string nodes)
;; => "(defn my-function [a]\n  (* a 3))"

;; coerce clojure forms to rewrite-clj nodes
(pr (n/coerce '[a b c]))
;; =stdout=>
; <vector: [a b c]>

;; create rewrite-clj nodes by hand
(pr (n/meta-node
      (n/token-node :private)
      (n/token-node 'sym)))
;; =stdout=>
; <meta: ^:private sym>

Creating Nodes

Rewrite-clj nodes can be created in a number of ways:

  1. Indirectly via the parser API:

    (-> (p/parse-string "[1 2 3]")
    ;; => "[1 2 3]"
  2. Indirectly via the zip API (which uses the parser API):

    (-> (z/of-string "[1 2 3]")
    ;; => "[1 2 3]"
  3. Via coercion from Clojure forms:

    (-> (n/coerce '[1 2 3])
    ;; => "[1 2 3]"
  4. By explicitly calling node creation functions.

    (-> (n/vector-node [(n/token-node 1)
                        (n/whitespace-node " ")
                        (n/token-node 2)
                        (n/whitespace-node " ")
                        (n/token-node 3)])
    ;; => "[1 2 3]"

    The node creation function are what the parser API uses to create nodes.

Which technique you use depends on our needs.

Coercion is convenient, but doesn’t offer control over whitespace. In some cases coercion might not give you the result you expect:

(-> (n/coerce '#(+ %1 %2))
;; => "(fn* [p1__10532# p2__10533#] (+ p1__10532# p2__10533#))"

Be aware that node creation functions do not force you to use rewrite-clj nodes (notice the raw 1 2 and 3):

(-> (n/vector-node [1 (n/spaces 1) 2 (n/spaces 1) 3])
;; => "[1 2 3]"

…​but no automatic coercion will be done on non rewrite-clj elements and their tag will return unknown.

(n/tag 1)
;; :unknown

Finally, there are a handful of node whitespace creation convenience functions such as spaces, newlines, line-separated and comma-separated, see the node API docs for details.

Paredit API

Structured editing was introduce by rewrite-cljs and carried over to rewrite-clj v1.

We might expand this section if there is interest, but the docstrings should get you started.

Map Nodes

Rewrite-clj parses two types of maps.

  1. unqualified {:a 1 :b 2}

  2. namespaced #:prefix {:x 1 :y 2}

Rewrite-clj models nodes as they appear in the original source.

map nodes

This is convenient when navigating through the source, but when we want to logically treat any map as a map the difference is admittedly bit awkward.

Parsing Peculiarities

Rewrite-clj might suprise Windows users and can, in some specific cases, parse technically invalid Clojure. Some folks have come to rely on this over the years, so these are behaviours we will preserve.

Newlines Always Normalize to \n

Window users might be suprised that \r\n newlines are converted to \n by rewrite-clj.

Rewrite-clj makes use of Clojure’s tools.reader to parse Clojure code. The tools.reader normalizes all recognized newline variants to \n. Rewrite-clj picks up this behaviour.

You can chime in and/or up-vote on this topic on Ask Clojure.

Unbalanced Maps

An unbalanced map is one where there is a key with no value.

Rewrite-clj can parse and emit unbalanced maps:

(require '[ :as z])

(-> "{:a 1 :b 2 :c}"
;; => "{:a 1 :b 2 :c}"

An attempt to convert an unbalanced map to a Clojure form will throw:

  (-> "{:a 1 :b 2 :c}"
  (catch Throwable e
    (.getMessage e)))
;; => "No value supplied for key: :c"
sexpr-able? considers the current node element type only and will return true for all maps, balanced or not.

Maps with Duplicate keys

Rewrite-clj can parse and emit maps with duplicate keys:

(-> "{:a 1 :b 2 :a 3 :a 4 :a 5 :a 6}"
;; => "{:a 1 :b 2 :a 3 :a 4 :a 5 :a 6}"

But when converting to a Clojure form, duplicate keys are not valid in a map, so only the last key/value pair for duplicate keys will be included:

(-> "{:a 1 :b 2 :a 3 :a 4 :a 5 :a 6}"
;; => {:b 2, :a 6}

Sets with Duplicate values

Rewrite-clj can parse and emit sets with duplicate values:

(-> "#{:a :b :a :a :a}"
;; => "#{:a :b :a :a :a}"

But when converting to a Clojure form, duplicate values in a set are not valid Clojure, so the duplicates are omitted:

(-> "#{:a :b :a :a :a}"
;; => #{:b :a}

Invalid Metadata

Clojure can read metadata that is any of:

Type Example Equivalent Long Form


^{:a 1 :b 2} foo

^{:a 1 :b 2} foo


^:private bar

^{:private true} bar


^SomeType baz

^{:tag SomeType} baz


^"SomeType" qux

^{:tag "SomeType"} qux

Rewrite-clj will happily read and write metdata that is technically invalid. When you sexpr a metadata node you are also effectively converting it to its long form. If you try to sexpr a node with invalid metadata you will get an exception:

  (-> "^(bad metadata) foobar"
  (catch Throwable e
    (.getMessage e)))
;; => "Metadata must be a map, keyword, symbol or string"

Invalid Escaped Characters

In Clojure, some escaped characters in strings are not valid. Rewrite-clj doesn’t much care, it will happily read and write strings with invalid escaped chars. If you sexpr a node with such a string, you will get an exception:

  (-> "\"some string is wrong here \\x\""
  (catch Throwable e
    (.getMessage e)))
;; => "Unsupported escape character: \\x."

Sexpr Nuances

Rewrite-clj parses arbitrary Clojure/ClojureScript source code into rewrite-clj nodes. Converting rewrite-clj nodes to Clojure forms via sexpr is convenient, but it does come with some caveats.

Within reason, Clojure’s read-string and rewrite-clj’s sexpr functions should return equivalent Clojure forms. To illustrate, some code:

(require '[ :as z]
         '[rewrite-clj.parser :as p]
         '[rewrite-clj.node :as n]
         #?(:cljs '[cljs.reader :refer [read-string]]))

(defn form-test [s]
  (let [forms [(-> s read-string)
               (-> s z/of-string z/sexpr)
               (-> s p/parse-string n/sexpr)]]
    (if (apply = forms)
      (first forms)
      [:not-equal forms])))

(form-test "a")
;; => a
(form-test "[1 2 3]")
;; => [1 2 3]
(form-test "(defn hello [name] (println \"Hello\" name))")
;; => (defn hello [name] (println "Hello" name))


The whitespace that a rewrite-clj so carefully preserves is lost when converting to a Clojure form.

(require '[rewrite-clj.parser :as p]
         '[rewrite-clj.node :as n])

;; parse some Clojure source
(def nodes (p/parse-string "{  :a 1\n\n   :b 2}"))

;; print it out to show the whitespace
(println (n/string nodes))
;; =stdout=>
; {  :a 1
;    :b 2}

;; print out Clojure forms and notice the loss of the specifics of whitespace and element ordering
(pr (n/sexpr nodes))
;; =stdout=>
; {:b 2, :a 1}

Not all Clojure Elements are Sexpr-able

Some source code element types are not sexpr-able:

  • Reader ignore/discard #_ (also known as "uneval" in rewrite-clj)

  • Comments

  • Clojure whitespace (which includes commas)

Both the zip and node APIs include sexpr-able? to check if sexpr is supported for the current node element type.


sexpr-able? only looks at the current node element type. This means that sexpr will still throw when:

  1. called on a node with an element type that is sepxr-able? but, for whatever reason, has a child node that fails to sexpr, see unbalanced maps, invalid metadata, and invalid escaped characters.

  2. called directly on an unbalanced maps or node with invalid metadata or node with invalid escaped characters.

(require '[rewrite-clj.node :as n]
         '[rewrite-clj.parser :as p]
         '[ :as z])

#?(:clj (import clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo))

;; Most nodes are sexpr-able

;; we can check sexpr-ability through the node API
(-> "hello" p/parse-string n/sexpr-able?)
;; => true

;; or through the zip API
(-> "hello" z/of-string z/sexpr-able?)
;; => true

;; But some nodes are not sexpr-able

;; the discard #_ node is not sexpr-able
(-> "#_42" z/of-string z/sexpr-able?)
;; => false

;; and will throw if an attempt is made to sexpr
  (-> "#_42" z/of-string z/sexpr)
  (catch ExceptionInfo e
    (ex-message e)))
;; => "unsupported operation"

;; comments nodes are not sexpr-able
(-> ";; can’t sexpr me!" z/of-string z/next* z/sexpr-able?) ;; (1)
;; => false

;; and will throw
  (-> ";; can’t sexpr me!" z/of-string z/next* z/sexpr) ;; (1)
  (catch ExceptionInfo e
    (ex-message e)))
;; => "unsupported operation"

;; and finally, Clojure whitespace nodes are not sexpr-able
(-> " " z/of-string z/next* z/sexpr-able?) ;; (1)
;; => false

;; and will throw
  (-> " " z/of-string z/next* z/sexpr) ;; (1)
  (catch ExceptionInfo e
    (ex-message e)))
;; => "unsupported operation"
  1. Notice the use of next* to include normally skipped nodes.

Remember that child nodes with element types that are not sexpr-able? are skipped for sexpr:

(-> (str "[1 #_:child-discard-will-be-skipped\n"
         " ;; comment will be skipped\n"
         " ,,, ,,, ,,, \n"
         " 2]")
;; => [1 2]

Differences in Clojure Platforms

Clojure and ClojureScript have differences. Some examples of what you might run into when using sexpr are:

(require '[ :as z])

;; ClojureScript has no Ratio type
(-> (z/of-string "3/4") z/sexpr)
;; =clj=> 3/4
;; =cljs=> 0.75

;; Integral type and behaviour is defined by host platforms
(+ 10 (-> (z/of-string "9007199254740991") z/sexpr))
;; =clj=> 9007199254741001
;; =cljs=> 9007199254741000

;; ClojureScript has no character type, characters are expressed as strings
(-> (z/of-string "\\a") z/sexpr)
;; =clj=> \a
;; =cljs=> "a"

Note that these differences affect sexpr only. Rewrite-clj should be able to parse and rewrite all valid Clojure/ClojureScript code.

Reader Macro Chars

Rewrite-clj can parse and write all reader macro chars. Be aware though, that it does have limitations when calling sexpr on rewrite-clj nodes representing some of these constructs.

Let’s take a look, using Clojure’s reader docs on macro characters as our reference.

(headers are description followed by rewrite-clj parsed node tag)

Parsed input Node sexpr

Quote :quote


(quote form)

Character :token







Comment :comment

; comment

<unsupported operation>

Deref :deref


(clojure.core/deref form)

Metadata :meta

^{:a 1 :b 2} [1 2 3]

^{:b 2, :a 1} [1 2 3]

^String x

^{String true} x

^:dynamic x

^{:dynamic true} x

Set :set

#{1 2 3}

#{1 3 2}

Regex :regex


(re-pattern "reg.*ex")

Var-quote :var


(var x)

Anonymous function :fn

#(println %)

(fn* [p12976#] (println p12976#))

Ignore next form :uneval

#_ :ignore-me

<unsupported operation>

Syntax quote :syntax-quote


(quote symbol)

Syntax unquote :unquote


(clojure.core/unquote symbol)

Unquote splicing :unquote-spliciing


(clojure.core/unquote-splicing symbol)

Tagged literal :reader-macro

#foo/bar [1 2 3]

(read-string "#foo/bar [1 2 3]")

#inst "2018-03-28T10:48:00.000"

(read-string "#inst \"2018-03-28T10:48:00.000\"")

#uuid "3b8a31ed-fd89-4f1b-a00f-42e3d60cf5ce"

(read-string "#uuid \"3b8a31ed-fd89-4f1b-a00f-42e3d60cf5ce\"")

Reader conditional :reader-macro

#?(:clj x :cljs y)

(read-string "#?(:clj x :cljs y)")

#@?(:clj [x] :cljs [y])

(read-string "#@?(:clj [x] :cljs [y])")


  1. I think it was a design decision of rewrite-clj v0 to return (read-string …​) for reader macros it did not want to deal with (or deal with yet). Rewrite-clj v1 will carry on.

    • It seems the idea might have been that the caller could eval the sexpr result if they wanted to?

    • Note for ClojureScript users, read-string is not available under cljs.core, but a version is available under

  2. Tag metadata is returned as boolean metadata. A user could infer the intent through inspection though.

Namespaced Elements

If the code you are parsing doesn’t use namespaced maps or you have no interest in using sexpr on the keys in those maps, the details in this section probably won’t be of concern to you.


In Clojure keywords and symbols can be qualified. A recap via examples:

  • Stand-alone keywords:






    auto-resolved current namespace


    auto-resolved namespaced alias


  • Namespaced keyword and symbols:

    keyword symbol

    unqualified (via _ prefix)

    #:prefix{:_/my-kw 1}



    #:prefix{:my-kw 1}

    '#:prefix{my-symbol 1}

    auto-resolved current namespace

    #::{:my-kw 1}

    '#::{my-symbol 1}

    auto-resolved namespaced alias

    #::my-ns-alias{:my-kw 1}

    '#::my-ns-alias{my-symbol 1}

Rewrite-clj Default Auto-Resolve Handling

When calling sexpr on an auto-resolved keyword or symbol node, rewrite-clj will resolve:

  • the current namespace to ?_current-ns_?

  • namespaced alias x to ??_x_??

To illustrate:

(require '[rewrite-clj.parser :as p]
         '[rewrite-clj.node :as n])

(-> (p/parse-string "::kw") n/sexpr)
;; => :?_current-ns_?/kw
(-> (p/parse-string "#::{:a 1 :b 2 s1 3}") n/sexpr)
;; => #:?_current-ns_?{s1 3, :b 2, :a 1}
(-> (p/parse-string "::my-alias/kw") n/sexpr)
;; => :??_my-alias_??/kw
(-> (p/parse-string "#::my-alias{:a 1 :b 2 s1 3}") n/sexpr)
;; => #:??_my-alias_??{s1 3, :b 2, :a 1}

Currently, symbols under syntax quote are never resolved.

Custom Auto-Resolve Handling

Rewrite-clj will not attempt to determine the current namespace and alias namespace mappings of the code it is parsing. It does, though, allow you to specify your own auto-resolve behavior.

The :auto-resolve function takes a single arg alias for lookup and must return symbol. The alias will be:

  • :current for a request for the current namespace

  • otherwise it will be a symbol for the namespace alias to lookup

For example, if you know namespace and alias info for the code rewrite-clj is operating on, you can specify it:

(require '[rewrite-clj.parser :as p]
         '[rewrite-clj.node :as n])

(defn resolver [alias]
  (or (get {:current 'my.current.ns
            'my-alias 'my.aliased.ns} alias)
      (symbol (str alias "-unresolved"))))

(-> (p/parse-string "::kw") (n/sexpr {:auto-resolve resolver}))
;; => :my.current.ns/kw
(-> (p/parse-string "#::{:a 1 :b 2 s1 3}") (n/sexpr {:auto-resolve resolver}))
;; => #:my.current.ns{s1 3, :b 2, :a 1}
(-> (p/parse-string "::my-alias/kw") (n/sexpr {:auto-resolve resolver}))
;; => :my.aliased.ns/kw
(-> (p/parse-string "#::my-alias{:a 1 :b 2 s1 3}") (n/sexpr {:auto-resolve resolver}))
;; => #:my.aliased.ns{s1 3, :b 2, :a 1}

The :auto-resolve option is accepted in the opts map arg for:

  • The rewrite-clj.node namespace functions sexpr and child-sexpr.

  • The namespace zipper creation functions of-node*, of-node, of-string*, of-string, of-file* and of-file. The resulting zipper will then automatically apply your :auto-resolve within any zip operation that makes use of sexpr, namely:

    • sexpr

    • find-value and find-next-value - sexpr is applied to each node to get the "value" for comparison

    • edit - the current node is sexpr-ed

    • get and assoc - sexpr is applied to the map key

Impact of Auto-Resolve

Let’s illustrate how functions that use sexpr internally are affected by exploring

(require '[ :as z])

;; get on unqualified keys is straightforward:
(-> "{:a 1 :b 2 c 3}" z/of-string (z/get :b) z/node pr)
;; =stdout=>
; <token: 2>

;; get on qualified keys is also easy to grok
(-> "{:a 1 :prefix/b 2 c 3}" z/of-string (z/get :prefix/b) z/node pr)
;; =stdout=>
; <token: 2>
(-> "#:prefix{:a 1 :b 2 c 3}" z/of-string (z/get :prefix/b) z/node pr)
;; =stdout=>
; <token: 2>
(-> "#:prefix{:a 1 :b 2 c 3}" z/of-string (z/get 'prefix/c) z/node pr)
;; =stdout=>
; <token: 3>

;; but when we introduce auto-resolved elements, the default resolver comes into play
;; and must be considered
(-> "{::ns-alias/a 1 ::b 2 c 3}" z/of-string (z/get :?_current-ns_?/b) z/node pr)
;; =stdout=>
; <token: 2>
(-> "{::ns-alias/a 1 ::b 2 c 3}" z/of-string (z/get :??_ns-alias_??/a) z/node pr)
;; =stdout=>
; <token: 1>
(-> "#::{:a 1 :b 2 c 3}" z/of-string (z/get :?_current-ns_?/b) z/node pr)
;; =stdout=>
; <token: 2>
(-> "#::{:a 1 :b 2 c 3}" z/of-string (z/get '?_current-ns_?/c) z/node pr)
;; =stdout=>
; <token: 3>

Impact of Namespaced Map Context on Keywords and Symbols

Namespaced map context is automatically applied to symbols and keywords in namespaced maps.

To illustrate with the zip API:

(require '[ :as z])

(def zloc (z/of-string "#:my-prefix {:a 1 :b 2 c 3}"))

;; An sexpr on the namespaced map returns the expected Clojure form
( -> zloc z/sexpr)
;; => #:my-prefix{:b 2, c 3, :a 1}

;; An sepxr on the an individual key in the namespaced map returns the expected Clojure form
(-> zloc z/down z/rightmost z/down z/sexpr)
;; => :my-prefix/a

Rewrite-clj applies the namespaced map context the namespaced map node children:

  • at create time (which is also parse time)

  • when the node’s children are replaced

This works well with the mechanics of the zipper. Updates are automatically applied when moving up through the zipper:

(require '[ :as z])

(def s "#:prefix {:a 1 :b 2 c 3}")

;; sexpr works fine on unchanged zipper
(-> s z/of-string z/sexpr)
;; => #:prefix{:b 2, c 3, :a 1}

;; changing the namespaced map prefix reapplies the context to the children
(-> s
    (z/replace (n/map-qualifier-node false "my-new-prefix"))
;; => #:my-new-prefix{:b 2, c 3, :a 1}

;; a new key/val gets the namespaced map context
(-> s
    z/down z/rightmost
    (z/append-child :d)
    (z/append-child 33)
;; => #:prefix{:b 2, c 3, :d 33, :a 1}

;; a replaced key gets namespaced map context
(-> s
    z/down z/rightmost z/down
    (z/replace :a2)
    z/up z/up
;; => #:prefix{:a2 1, :b 2, c 3}

;; but... be aware that the context is not applied...
(-> s
    z/down z/rightmost z/down
    (z/replace :a2)
;; => :a2

;; ... until we move up to the namespaced map node:
(-> s
    z/down z/rightmost z/down
    (z/replace :a2)
    z/up z/up
    z/down z/rightmost z/down
;; => :prefix/a2

Some limitations:

  • Keyword and symbol nodes will continue to hold their namespaced map context even when moved outside a namespaced map. Should you need to, you can use the zip API’s reapply-context to manually apply context from the current node downward.

  • The context auto-update is a feature of the zip API, when working with nodes directly the context will be applied at parse time, and when namespaced map node children are replaced only.

Dealing with Reader Generated Metadata

Rewrite-clj offers, where it can, transparent coercion from Clojure forms to rewrite-clj nodes.

Clojure will, in some cases, add location metadata that is not in the original source code, as illustrated here:

REPL session
(meta '(1 2 3))
;; => {:line 1, :column 8}

Rewrite-clj will, on coercion from Clojure forms to rewrite-clj nodes, omit location metadata. No rewrite-clj metadata node will will be created if resulting metadata is empty.

On conversion from rewrite-clj nodes to Clojure forms via sexpr, I don’t see a way to omit the location metadata. With the assumption that you will generally coerce Clojure forms back to rewrite-clj nodes, this should not cause an issue.

To support those using rewrite-clj under sci, in addition to :line and :column rewrite-clj also removes :end-line and :end-column metadata. Note that while Clojure only adds location metadata to quoted lists, sci adds it to all forms that accept metadata.