A summary of facts about the first ClojureBridge Berlin workshop for future reference
- Nicola
- Malwine
- Martin
- Jelle
- Bettina
- Arne
- Andrei
Coaches training: 2015-06-11 from 19:30 meetup page
Installfest: 2015-07-10 from 18:00 till about 22:00
Workshop: 2015-07-11 from 9:00 till about 18:00
Event page on ClojureBridge.org
All three events happened at the offices 6Wunderkinder, Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 32, Berlin, Germany
- 29 students (16 Mac, 6 Windows, 3 Linux, 4 unspecified)
- 17 coaches
cfr Issue #2 Find sponsors
cfr Issue #34 Finances
- 6Wunderkinder: use of the offices
- InnoQ €400
- Github 560 USD (about €500 + VAT)
- Soundcloud €400
- Babbel €157.24
- Ticketsolve: €655.21
- Dawanda: €220
Total: €2332.45
- Pizzas for the coaches training cost: € 73.80
- Pizzas installfest: €360
- T-shirts: €655.21
- Workshop catering: 560 USD
- Stickers €87.24
- Cupcakes €95
- Croissants €84
- Take away coffee €54.40
- Drinks: €220
- Postage: €15
Total: €2144.65
Coaches training pizzas were ordered via Lieferando from Crunchy.
We ordered 12 vegan/vegetarian pizzas of 28cm for €73.80.
Boxhagenerstr 68
10245 Berlin
030 - 66766724
Installfest pizzas were ordered directly from La Pausa.
We got 20 large vegan/vegetarian pizzas for €360. (this was way too much)
Torstr. 125
10119 Berlin
U-Bhf Rosenthaler Platz U8
Tel: 030 - 24 08 31 08
We got vegan lunch for 50 people (2 curries, rice, salad) at €10.00 each. (converted to USD and with VAT this came to USD 560 charged to Github)
Due to circumstances the original caterer, Fineartz, was unable to provide lunch, but instead forwarded us to:
Miriam Lappenberg
Café Federica
Reichenberger Str. 61a
D-10999 Berlin
Tel. 030/61209643
Mob. +49(0)157 30102948
We had two food alergies to care about
- Roggenallerie (rye allergy)
- Laktoseintoleranz (lactose intolerance)
This was not a problem since none of the food contained rye or milk products.
cfr. Issue #21 Get a quote for lunch
Came from http://www.cupcakeberlin.de/
Bader & Nelson GbR
Krossener Strasse 12
10245 Berlin
- 50 Mini Cupcakes a 1,30 Euro/Stk + 15 delivery + 15 logos = €95
cfr. Issue #23 Cupcakes or Cookies
Came from Brezel Company Berlin
60 croissants for 84 euros
Dawanda ordered through their supplier, paid for drinks and delivery. Water was made available by Wunderlist.
with caffeine
- 24 bottles FRITZ COLA ZUCKERFREI (sugarfree if diabetes or non sugar person)
- 24 bottles FRITZ COLA
- 20 bottles CLUB MATE
without caffeine
- 48 bottles ALMDUDLER (yummi)
Total: 170 bottles
We ordered quality cotton T-shirts of the type "Stella & Stanley" from Black Star (Cotton.de). (fitted = "Stella Wants", straight = "Stanley Acts")
Black Star
Heidelberger Str 65/66, 12435 Berlin
Phone 030 - 5302398-0 Fax. 030 - 5302398-10
E-Mail: info@cotton.de, www.cotton.de
- 27 x Stella Wants (navy blue): 9 S, 16 M, 1 L, 1 XXL
- 32 x Stanley Acts (navy blue): 1 S, 21 M, 7 L, 1 XL, 2 XXL
1-farbiger Frontdruck
herzseitig, inkl. Unterdruck, Film- & Siebkosten
Druckbreite: ca. 10 cm
Druckfarbe: weiß
1-farbiger Rückendruck
inkl. Unterdruck, Film- & Siebkosten
Druckbreite: max. 28,5 cm
Druckfarbe: weiß
Total: €655.21
cfr. Issue #19 T-shirts
We got 1000 stickers at Flyeralarm
flyeralarm GmbH
Alfred-Nobel-Str. 18
97080 Würzburg
500x Clojurebridge logo
- Outdoor-Aufkleber
- Vorderseite mit glänzendem UV-Lack veredelt, Rückseite ist nicht geschlitzt
- Ausführung: Rund/Oval
- Format: Rund Durchmesser 4,5 cm
- Material: 90μm Haftfolie transparent - Lasierender Druck: Steuersatz 36,81
- Untergrund scheint hindurch
- Weiße Flächen sind transparent
- Farbigkeit: 4/0-farbig
500x Clojure Berlin
- Outdoor-Aufkleber
- Vorderseite mit glänzendem UV-Lack veredelt, Rückseite ist nicht geschlitzt
- Ausführung: Rund/Oval
- Format: Rund Durchmesser 4,5 cm
- Material: 90μm Haftfolie weiß
- Farbigkeit: 4/0-farbig
Total: €87.24
cfr. Issue #27 Stickers
For the coaches training we adapted the Teacher Training slides from RailsBridge and made them more suitable to our needs.
- Original RailsBridge slides and source on Github
- ClojureBridge Berlin Coaches training slides and source on Github
We had an introductory talk
We used the main ClojureBridge curriculum slides
We used NightCode as the recommended editor/environment, and installed it by passing around USB sticks at the installfest.
We used google forms to register coaches and students
- student form
- coaches form
We set up a GMail account (clojurebridge.berlin@gmail.com) that forwards to the organizers.
We tweet as @ClojureBerlin.
Most discussion and tracking of tasks happened through Github issues on the clojurebridge-berlin/organization repo.
We sent out emails to both coaches and students asking to confirm close to the event, to limit no-shows.
The various emails that went out to attendees can be found here: All emails to attendees.