Constructs a CDP Public Cloud Environment and Datalake. Uses the terraform-cdp-modules, called via Ansible, to generate the AWS infrastructure pre-requisite resources and the CDP artifacts.
NOTE: This deployment example does not use a
based configuration file. Instead a standard Ansible extra vars configuration file is used.
To run, you need:
- Docker (or a Docker alterative)
- AWS credentials (set via
) - CDP credentials (set via
First, set up your ansible-navigator
aka cdp-navigator
environment -- follow the instructions in the NAVIGATOR document in cloudera-labs/cldr-runner
Then, clone this project and change your working directory.
git clone; cd cloudera-deploy/public-cloud/aws/datalake-tf
Set the required environment variables:
export AWS_PROFILE=your-aws-profile
export CDP_PROFILE=your-cdp-profile
Tweak the config.yml
parameters to your liking. Notably, you should add and/or change:
name_prefix: ex01 # Keep this short (4-7 characters)
infra_region: us-east-2 # CSP region for infra
deployment_template: public # Specify the deployment pattern below. Options are public, semi-private or private
You can override these parameters with any typical Ansible extra variables flags, i.e. -e admin_password=my_password
. See the cldr-runner FAQ for details.
This definition will create a new SSH keypair on the host of the name <name_prefix>-ssh-key.{pem,pub}
. This is stored in the ./pbc_infra_tf
directory. A AWS Keypair will be created using the generated public key.
Then set up the CDP Public Cloud by running the playbook:
ansible-navigator run main.yml -e @config.yml
The Terraform root module resource files run by the playbook are in the ./pbc_infra_tf/
(for cloud infrastructure deployment) ./pbc_deploy_tf/
(CDP deployment) sub-directories.
Standard Terraform commands - e.g. terraform output
, terraform console
, can be run from within these directories.
Tear down the CDP Public Cloud by running the playbook:
ansible-navigator run teardown.yml -e @config.yml