What are business trends like for Olist, in general?
What data features impact review scores the most?
Can we predict review scores using machine learning?
- Background on Olist, internet platform for small to large businesses to expand onto an online market
- Olist goes live on the internet on October 2016, dataset includes transactions from 10/2016 to 12/20218.
Switch from Google Slides to Tableau
Here we see the beginning quarter of operations for Olist, how they performed in their hub and begin to spread throughout the country.
At the end of 2018 Olist is strong among other platforms within the country, most popular categories of items sold are home related.
Here we wanted to see the relation between seller and customer, how many customers there are to seller to see if this influenced in the review scores. Olist also offers freight and this was also graphed, cost with relation of proximity of seller to buyer.
(Reviews Dashboard and machine learning was completed but not presented, individual graphs were presented to show detail)
Now Manupryia will go over reviews and machine learning.