To run ThotKeeper, you need a few bits of software. Unfortunately, this list may be incomplete, and we have no idea what versions of anything are required. Sorry 'bout that. Anyway, here's the list:
Python 3.4 or newer [] The Python programming language and interpreter.
wxPython 4.0.0 or newer [] Python interfaces to the wxWidgets cross-platform GUI library.
Requests [] Python HTTP library (optional; used only by the feature that checks for new versions of ThotKeeper).
ThotKeeper uses the standard Python setuptools for installation. Simply explode the source distribution archive file on your system, change your working directory to the top-level directory of the exploded archive, and run:
$ ./ install
On a Unix system, you might need to do so as 'root'. On Windows, consider doing so using a command shell with elevated privileges ("Run as Administrator").
ThotKeeper can generally be run directly from a checkout of its source code tree. Unix-like systems, you should be able to simply do:
$ ./bin/thotkeeper
If that doesn't work, of you're not on a Unix-like system, try:
$ python ./bin/thotkeeper
On Windows, you probably need to create a shortcut that invokes your Python interpreter with the path of the 'thotkeeper' script as its argument. Or, if your Python interpreter can be found in the %PATH% environment variable, you can run the following at a command prompt:
C:\> python .\bin\thotkeeper
Question, comments, and code contributions are always welcome at our GitHub project page,