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ImprovedTube edited this page Mar 28, 2023 · 71 revisions


You can help us by logging any issues you find. As a small team, prioritization is critical, so knowing which issues are impactful for many users can help us with that prioritization.


+Videos / screenshots +Content for Tooltips +Tags for search (multilanguage)


You can help us translate ImprovedTube into your language. Please, check the wiki page.


You can write a blog post or make YouTube video. If you did it, then send a link to our email, and we will publish it on the GitHub page. Also help get the word out by telling your friends, or discussing it on a forum you frequent.


We are volunteers. ImprovedTube is made out of love for our users. Your happiness is the currency of our hearts. We dare to keep ImprovedTube open-source and free, despite it is still a lot of work, that won't stop while YouTube releases updates.

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Adding features:
Bug fixing: 1. Find a broken feature 2. Open the youtube-scripts.js 3. Find the first comment "TABLE OF CONTENTS" (the list of features below is in the same order as the ImprovedTube settings) 4. Use the search function in your text editor and find the feature you want (eg "2.1.1 Player size") 5. ...

Dev. Convenience