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🚧 blocked
🚧 blocked
blocked issue
🐛 bug
🐛 bug
something isn't working
🧩 c#-plugin
🧩 c#-plugin
C# static analysis plugin
Continuous integration and deployment
📚 Code documentation
📚 Code documentation
Code related documentation
📈 conformance
📈 conformance
Linting, Formating, Benchmark
🧩 coverage-plugin
🧩 coverage-plugin
🧩 create-cli
🧩 create-cli
📣 discussion
📣 discussion
up for discussion
🐩 dogfooding
🐩 dogfooding
➕ enhancement
➕ enhancement
new feature or request
🛍️ epic
🛍️ epic
Group of issues
🧩 eslint-plugin
🧩 eslint-plugin
🧩 github-action
🧩 github-action
🧩 go-plugin
🧩 go-plugin
Golang static analysis
💡 good first issue
💡 good first issue
good for newcomers
🆘 help wanted
🆘 help wanted
assistance is required
🚨 Hotfix
🚨 Hotfix
Hotfix PR/issue
🍏 iOS
🍏 iOS
iOS OS related
🧩 js-packages-plugin
🧩 js-packages-plugin
Plugin for audit and outdated dependencies
🧩 lighthouse-plugin
🧩 lighthouse-plugin
🐧 linux
🐧 linux
Linux OS related
🧹 maintenance
🧹 maintenance
🧩 models
🧩 models
🌊 Nx
🌊 Nx
Nx related issues
🧩 nx-plugin
🧩 nx-plugin
🔥 performance
🔥 performance
performance optimization