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RobKraft edited this page Dec 22, 2024 · 14 revisions


Task List on Basecamp

Notes about the code logic

  • setup emails seem to often go to spam

Problem Solving history

  • 2024.12.21 - 2024.12.22 I created a new account but when I logged in I couldn't edit my profile. After much logging and research I found that the session cookie containing the profile is too large sometimes, greater than 4096. We have a very simple/common/basic setup so I'm boggled why this could be the case. I finally resolved it, at least temporarily, by "not" returning the picture for each person (usually a gravatar) that comes from Auth0 when they log in. To do that I had to make 2 customizations in Auth0 (I don't know why either one of the two is not sufficient).
    • Created a Post Login custom action:

exports.onExecutePostLogin = async (event, api) => { api.idToken.setCustomClaim("picture", "") };

  • In the Client App in Auth0, in Advanced settings, and added Application Metadata, custom key value pair for "Picture" and "null"

  • 2024.12.22 Auth0 has never been able to allow a user to reset their password because Auth0 did not have correct access key to send emails using Reusefull's AWS SES account. Rob created an IAM in reuse-auth0-emailsender. He created a permission/policy named anotherpolicytryingtogetemailssentfromauth0 that has ses:SendEmail and ses:SendRawEmail actions and assigned that policy to reuse-auth0-emailsender. Then in the Security Credentials tab for reuse-auth0-emailsender I created a new Access Key. I copied the secret and the access key into my local keepas, and also entered them into Auth0 in Branding/Email Provider for Amazon SES in Auth0 (as Access Key Id and Secret Access Key). The From email is still

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