pip install prefect coiled prefect-coiled
If you haven't used Prefect Cloud before, you'll need to create an account and log in:
prefect cloud login
If you haven't used Coiled before, you'll need to create a Coiled account and log in:
coiled login
and then connect Coiled to your cloud account (AWS, Google Cloud, or Azure) where Coiled will run your flows. You can either use our interactive setup CLI:
coiled setup
or via the web app UI at https://cloud.coiled.io/settings/setup
prefect work-pool create --type coiled example-coiled-pool
prefect deploy --prefect-file prefect.yaml
If you make any changes to the deployment (for example, if you want to run your flow on a VM with more memory or a GPU), then you'll rerun the deploy command after editing the YAML file. Otherwise, there's no need to run these commands more than once.
Start the worker which will poll for work and submit it to Coiled:
prefect worker start --pool 'example-coiled-pool'
This will automatically pick up the Coiled API token that was set when you ran coiled login
If you're running the worker elsewhere, you can specify the Coiled API token in various ways explained in
The Prefect worker is not where your flow will run, but it needs to be running in order to submit the flow to Coiled.
To run the deployment, you can either run this in another terminal window:
prefect deployment run 'my-flow/example-coiled-deploy'
or use the Prefect UI to initiate a run of the deployment.