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Common workflow language conformance test suite

The conformance tests are intended to test feature coverage of a CWL implementation. It uses the module cwltest from


You will need both the cwltest Python package and the CWL runner you would like to test installed.

Installing the cwltest Python package using a virtualenv:

$ python3 -m venv cwltest_env
$ source cwltest_env/bin/activate
$ pip install cwltest

or via bioconda

$ conda install -c bioconda cwltest


$ ./
--- Running conformance test draft-3 on cwl-runner ---
Test [49/49]
All tests passed



The CWL implementation to be tested.

Test Selection


A comma separated list of tags; only tests with these tags will be tested. --tags shell_command will run all tests with shell_command in their tags list.


Run only the specific test numbers. {test_range} is a comma separated list of single test numbers and/or numeric ranges. -n5-7,15 == only runs the 5th, 6th, 7th, and 15th tests.


Like the lowercase -n option, except that the specified tests will not be run. Can be mixed with the other test selectors: -n5-7,15 -N6 == only runs the 5th, 7th, and 15th tests, skipping the 6th test.


Run the specific tests according to their ids. {test_names} is a comma separated list of test identifiers (the id field). -scl_optional_bindings_provided,stdout_redirect_docker,expression_any_null achieves the same effect as -n5-7,15 -N6 and it will still work if the tests are re-ordered.


Excludes specific tests according to their ids. {test_names} is a comma separated list of test identifiers (the id field). --tags shell_command -Sstderr_redirect_shortcut will run all tests with expression_tool in their tags list except the test with the id of stderr_redirect_shortcut.


EXTRA="--parallel --singularity"

Extra options to pass to the CWL runner (check your runner for exact options)


The number of different tests to run at the same time


Store results in JUnit XML format using the given FILENAME.


In the JUnit XML, tag the results with the given CLASSNAME. Can be useful when multiple test runs are combined to document the differences in EXTRA=.

For example, to run conformance test 15,16,17, and 20 against the "cwltool" reference implementation using the podman container engine and parallel execution of workflow steps

$ ./ RUNNER=cwltool -n15-17,20 EXTRA="--parallel --podman"
Test [15/49]
Test [16/49]
Test [17/49]
Test [20/49]
All tests passed

OS X / macOS Notes

NOTE: For running on OSX systems, you'll need to install coreutils via brew. This will add to your system some needed GNU-like tools like greadlink.

  1. If you haven't already, install brew package manager in your mac
  2. Run brew install coreutils

Format of the conformance test file

A single conformance test consist of the path to an input CWL document plus an input CWL object and the expected outputs (or should_fail: true if the test is deliberately broken)

They are stored in conformance_tests.yaml (or a file $imported into that one)

You can examine the formal schema of this file, or just continue reading here for an explanation.

The conformance test file is a YAML document: a list of key-value pairs.

We will use this single entry to explain the format

- doc: Test command line with optional input (missing)
   id: cl_optional_inputs_missing
   tool: tests/cat1-testcli.cwl  
   job: tests/cat-job.json
     args: [cat, hello.txt]
   tags: [ required, command_line_tool ]
  • doc: A unique, single-line sentence that explain what is being tested. Will be printed at test execution time, so please don't make it too long! Additional documentation can go as comments in the CWL document itself.
  • id: a short list of underscore (_) separated words that succinctly identifies and explains the test.
  • tool the path to the CWL document to run
  • job: the CWL input object in YAML/JSON format. If there are no inputs then use tests/empty.json.
  • output the CWL output object expected.
  • tags: a yaml list of tag names, see the list of canonical tags below. Must include one or more of the following tags: command_line_tool, expression_tool or workflow. If the test does not test any optional features, the tag required is required.

Because conformance_tests.yaml is a schema-salad processed document, $import can be used to organize the tests into separate files.

Currently, the main file is too big (over 3400 lines); we are slowly re-organizing it.

Eventually it would be good to organize the tests so that the test for each optional feature and other logical groups of tests are in their own separate file; with the supporting CWL documents and their inputs in separate sub-folders of tests as well.

Example: - $import: tests/string-interpolation/test-index.yaml adds all the entries in tests/string-interpolation/test-index.yaml as entries in the main conformance test file.

Output matching

In each test entry there is an output field that contains a mapping of the expected outputs names and their values.

If a particular value could vary and it doesn't matter to the proper functioning of the test, then it can be represented by the special token Any.

At any level, if there is an extra field, then that will be considered an error. An exception to this is class: File and class: Directory objects, the cwl-runner under test can add additional fields here without causing a test to fail. Likewise, if you don't want to test some aspect of a class: File or class: Directory object (like nameext) you can just omit it.

According to the CWL standards, the format of the location field in class: File and class: Directory is implementation specific and we should not be testing them. Please remember to use location: Any for them.

Currently, we do test the contents of the location field in some older tests, but we should stop If you are editing those old tests, you may be interested in some special processing for class: File and class: Directory output objects: any location value specified will succeed if there is either an exact match to the real output, or it matches the end of the real output. Additionally, for class: Directory the location reported by the actual execution will have any trailing forward slash (/) trimmed off before comparison.

Likewise, please do not test the path for class: File and class: Directory.

Writing a new conformance test

To add a new conformance test:

  1. Ensure the CWL document you have tests the desired feature or aspect.
  2. The cwlVersion should be the latest version (cwlVersion: v1.2), unless testing the mixing of versions as in the tests/mixed-versions directory.
  3. All CommandLineTools need a software container (via DockerRequirement) for better reproducibility, preferably under hints. Please limit your container usage to the following:
    • dockerPull:
    • dockerPull:
    • dockerPull:
    • dockerPull:
  4. Run your test using the CWL reference runner (cwltool) or another CWL runner that shows the correct behavior to collect the output, or confirm that validation/execution fails as expected
  5. Add the CWL document and output object to the subdirectory tests in this repository.
  6. Fill out a new entry in conformance_tests.yaml following the format of the conformance test file
  7. Send a pull request to current staging branch for the next revision of the CWL standards with your changes

Tags for conformance tests

Each test in the conformance_tests.yaml should be tagged with one or more tags.

  1. A command_line_tool, expression_tool or workflow tag to identify whether a CommandLineTool, ExpressionTool or Workflow is being tested
  2. If the test does not test any optional features, the tag required
  3. The name of any features that are being tested:
    1. docker for DockerRequirement
    2. env_var for EnvVarRequirement
    3. format_checking for checking format requirement annotation on File inputs
    4. initial_work_dir for InitialWorkDirRequirements
    5. inline_javascript for InlineJavascriptRequirement
    6. inplace_update for InplaceUpdateRequirement
    7. input_object_requirements for tests that use cwl:requirements in the input object
    8. multiple_input for MultipleInputFeatureRequirement
    9. networkaccess for NetworkAccess
    10. resource for ResourceRequirement
    11. scatter for ScatterFeatureRequirement
    12. schema_def for SchemaDefRequirement
    13. shell_command for ShellCommandRequirement
    14. step_input for StepInputExpressionRequirement
    15. subworkflow for SubworkflowRequirement
    16. timelimit for ToolTimeLimit