Send GET /ping
to check if the server is online. The server will return
200 and "pong" if working.
If the server encountered a problem while evaluating your message it will
send an error to me/error
. These messages will be of the form:
{ event: string, errorCode: number }
where event
is the name of the event that you sent the server and
is an integer indicating what went wrong. Codes 0 - 9 are
reserved for universal errors, while codes 10 and up are related to the
specific message you sent.
- 0 = Room does not exist
- 1 = Player does not exist
- 2 = Player does not have permission for this action
- 3 = Player does not have access to the room
- 4 = The message was missing some important property
- 5 = Item does not exist
A player may open a new room on the server by sending it their name. The server will create a room with the player as its host. It will then send back the id of this room as well as the player's unique id. This id will be used to authenticate the player in future exchanges.
Client -> Server server/host
{ playerName: string }
OK: Server -> Client me/host
{ playerId: number, roomId: number }
- 10 = Bad player name
A player may join an existing room. For this they need to have a name and the id of the room they want to join. The server will attempt to add the player to the given room. If successful it will send back the unique id of the joined player.
Client -> Server server/join
{ playerName: string, roomId: number }
OK: Server -> Client me/join
{ playerId: number }
- 10 = Bad name
- 11 = Duplicate name
Sent to the client if the lobby changes.
Server -> Client lobby/changed
{ playerId: number, action: "JOINED" | "LEFT" }
Send this to the server to get all the players which are currently in the lobby.
Client -> Server lobby/players
{ playerId: number, roomId: number }
Server -> Client lobby/players
{ players: { id: number, name: string }[] }
Sent from host to server to indicate that all players have joined and the room is now ready to choose a rule-set. The server will send a message to all players in the room, notifying them of this event, so that they can transition to the game. It will also send them the duration of the game in minutes.
Client -> Server lobby/ready
{ playerId: number; roomId: number, location: {lat: number, lng: number} }
Server -> Client game/start
{ minutes: number, gameCenter: {lat: number, lng: number} }
Send the player's location to the server, so it can store it. The server will respond with all items the player is in range to pick-up
Client -> Server game/location
{ playerId: number, roomId: number, location: {lat: number, lng: number}}
Server -> Client me/items-in-range
id: number,
type: number
stats: Object
Send the id of an item to the server to pick it up.
Client -> Server game/pick-up-item
{ playerId: number, roomId: number, itemId: number }
If successful the server will not answer.
- 10 = You are not in range to pick up this item
Get all actors around the player. Server responds with array of players and items.
Client -> Server game/get-actors
playerId: number,
roomId: number
Server -> Client me/actors
players: [
id: number,
location: {lat: number, lng: number}
items: [
id: number,
location: {lat: number, lng: number}
Get the current robot for a player.
Client -> Server game/robot
{ playerId: number, roomId: number }
Server -> Client me/robot
Get the info of all robots.
Client -> Server game/robots
{ roomId: number }
Server -> Client game/robots
{ robot: Object }
The server keeps track of the game time. Once it is over, it will send this message to all players to indicate to move to the results page.
Server -> Clients game/done