You need to create a New Relic account.
Once you have logged in to your account, you need to collect your Ingest Key
which will be needed in the next steps. You can find it on your New Relic UI, from your Profile
- API Keys
menu. Find your INGEST - LICENSE
| License Key
and then Copy Key
from the 3 dots options.
Assuming you have access to Confluent Cloud and have a Kafka Cluster running, you need to create some API Keys needed for this configuration.
You create a Cloud API Key in different ways:
Terraform provider
: It is recommended to create Service Accounts and API Keys in an automated way and the Confluent Terraform provider allows us to do so:Confluent CLI
: You can find all the steps to create a Service Account, a Cloud API Key and assign a MetricsViewer role from the CLI in this documentation.Cloud GUI
: From the hamburger menu on the upper right corner of your browser selectCloud API Keys
- from here selectAdd Key
, then selectGranular Access
and you canCreate a new Service Account
if you do not already have one. Once you create the Service Account, you’ll get anAPI Key pair
. Make sure you download it and store it somewhere secure (e.g. aKey Management System
). Going back to the hamburger menu, from theAccounts & Access
management you can assign the new Service Account arole
, in this case theMetricsViewer
Similarly to the Cloud API Key, you can create a Cluster API Key in different ways:
Terraform Provider
: An automated creation of Service Accounts and API Keys would be the recommended choice. With the Confluent Terraform provider you can follow these steps: -
Confluent CLI
: From the CLI you need to follow these steps:
confluent login
Select your environment and Kafka Cluster:
confluent environment list
confluent environment use <env-id>
confluent kafka cluster list
confluent kafka cluster use <cluster-id>
Create a new Service Account:
confluent iam service-account create "new-relic-sa" --description "Service account for New Relic Collector"
Assign a role to the Service Account:
confluent iam rbac role-binding create --principal User:sa-123456 --role CloudClusterAdmin
Create API Key:
confluent api-key create --service-account $serviceAccountId --resource $clusterId
Cloud GUI
: From the hamburger menu on the upper right corner of your browser selectAccounts & Access
- from here you need to create a newService Account
. Once you have created the Service Account, you can assign it arole
by selecting theAccess
tab - you can assign it a role ofCloudClusterAdmin
for your Kafka cluster.
For this example I am working on Azure Cloud.
Create a Linux Virtual Machine
on your VNet
(I’m using Ubuntu v20.04
), with access to Confluent Cloud. Make sure it has GoLang
installed (version should be 1.19.x
) and make (sudo apt install make)
is also installed to build the collector.
You need to clone the following GitHub repository and build the Collector using make.
git clone
cd opentelemetry-collector-contrib
make otelcontribcol
If the make command returns an error like the following:
build cannot load no Go source files
Build the AzCore SDK and then run the make
command again:
go get -u
make otelcontribcol
At the end of the build it’ll create a binary in the ./bin
Once your OpenTelemetry Collector
is built, you can work on the configuration. Create a config.yaml
file containing the following:
You need to replace the highlighted placeholders with the API Key pairs
created previously, your Confluent Cloud
cluster information (bootstrap url
and cluster id
), the OTLP url
for New Relic and the New Relic license key
Make sure you use the correct url for the OTLP endpoint
in your configuration file, based on your New Relic region:
You can find here an example of Confluent Cloud Dashboard that you can import to your New Relic account.
You need to update the dashboard JSON file with your accountId
information as it is set to 0 in multiple places. You will also find an accountIds
array at the bottom of the dashboard which also needs to include your accountId.
Create a new dir for your Terraform configuration.
Save your dashboard to dashboards/cc-dashboard.json
Create the Terraform configuration
which will contain your configuration as below: