Create an AWS account if necessary. (Sign up here. Detailed instructions)
Create a key pair as described last week.
Go to this page, and click on "Launch with 1-click." (This will only cost 65c, as long as you complete the next step within the hour. 65c/hour after that, so don't dally.)
Go to your Management Console, right click on the row for the instance you just created, then "Instance State" and "Terminate." Official instance-termination instructions.
When you try to launch, you may get the following message:
You have requested more instances (1) than your current instance limit of 0 allows for the specified instance type. Please visit http://aws.amazon.com... to request an adjustment to this limit.
If that happens, go to the limit-increase request page, and
choose "US East (Northern Virginia)" for the region,
set "New Limit Value" to 1,
put the URL for this meetup in the "Use Case Description,"
click "Submit" at the bottom of the page.