All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
2025.3.1 - 2025-03-10
- Zoom on account profile picture.
- Warn when attending with insufficient balance.
- Climate sensors on floor plans.
- Add event to user calendar.
- New privacy screen to review app permissions.
- Explicit button to refresh home screen data.
- Retrieve floor plans state even as guest.
2025.2.4 - 2025-02-10
- Properly render events filter options on the list.
- Keep back button visible by shorting long title on most screens.
2025.2.3 - 2025-02-04
- (iOS only) Prefer login through a webview instead of default browser. See
2025.2.2 - 2025-02-02
- Quick action to contact.
- Crash during onboarding.
2025.2.1 - 2025-02-02
- Render multiple pictures in event detail screen.
- Change events calendar layout.
2025.1.2 - 2025-01-13
- Presence square colors depending on the activity.
2025.1.1 - 2025-01-11
- Account page to view personal data.
- Loading spinner on home profile picture when fetching data.
- Animation when changing theme.
- Colorize mobile phone animation in first onboarding step.
2024.12.3 - 2024-12-24
- Render activity, attendance and savings for each subscription.
- Bottom sheet to rate the app.
2024.12.2 - 2024-12-20
- Allow manual change of access and refresh tokens.
- Button touches are properly handled inside bottom sheets.
2024.12.1 - 2024-12-19
- Advanced settings screen for power users.
- Increase bottom sheets width.
- Keep services enabled in guest mode.
- Add gradient background color to rounded buttons.
- Logout should not require additional user interactions.
- Contact through direct message identify user.
2024.9.2 - 2024-09-27
- Render on premise state on both floor plans.
2024.9.1 - 2024-09-26
- New
P'ti Poulailler
floor plan. - Render
on presence graph when unauthenticated. - Color carbon dioxide level around its icon on workspace plan.
- Touch stale data text to refresh on home screen.
- Badge on ongoing event card.
- Events count on home screen.
- Increase intercom and parking buttons size.
- Remove
tag from parking button. - Touch title on unauthenticated empty state to login.
- Prefer render a member face instead of
on occupancy count. - Prefer external browser to login and logout.
- Onboarding does not freeze home screen on first launch.
2024.5.2 - 2024-05-27
- Do not crash when user pulls to refresh on home screen.
2024.5.1 - 2024-05-26
- Guest mode: unauthenticated user are now able to navigate inside the app with restrictions. They will be reminded that an account is needed to unlock all features.
- Remove login wall.
- Improve initial launch performances.
1.6.3 - 2024-04-26
- Limit user email to a single line on settings screen.
1.6.2 - 2024-04-24
- Properly select current subscription when opening bottom sheet.
- Carbon dioxide segmented level on the segmented arc.
1.6.1 - 2024-04-23
- Increase font size on carbon dioxide level description.
- Animation color on phone booths bottom sheet.
- Prefer onboarding label
in French.
- (Android only) Ease home screen pull to refresh.
- (Android only) Remove white flash when navigating.
- Persist the chosen theme option.
1.6.0 - 2024-04-21
- Refresh animations on home page.
1.5.1 - 2024-04-14
- User roles on settings screen.
- Use
voting member
term instead ofactive member
for member status.
- Properly computed non compliant dates and overconsumption.
1.5.0 - 2024-04-09
- Get the key box code on the workspace plan.
- Render the carbon dioxide level on the workspace plan.
- Swipe down to refresh on the workspace plan.
- Swipe down to dismiss fullscreen image view.
- Render total activity count and first activity date instead of year when scrolling presence graph.
- Reverse theme french translations.
1.4.1 - 2024-04-04
- Calendar event date format when happening next week.
- Properly report errors.
1.4.0 - 2024-04-02
- Appointment card on home screen.
- Disable slide to unlock deck door when missing capability.
- Disable instead of hide front gate card when missing capability.
- Disable instead of hide parking access card when missing capability.
- Ability to refresh home screen even when not a member.
- Keep parking barrier card icon visible on theme change.
1.3.0 - 2024-03-05
- Show whether the user is currently attending with a green badge.
- Add consumed tickets count to tickets sheet.
tag to parking barrier card.
- Add a linear gradient and change the period selection button on presence graph.
- Hide period selection if user presence is less than 6 months old.
- Typo in
in French. - Half days color on presence graph when user hasn't attended a full day not even once.
1.2.0 - 2024-02-23
- Manage on-premise appliances:
- Swipe to unlock open space door to get inside,
- View the occupancy rate and current status of telephone booths.
- Swipe between your current, past and future subscriptions.
- Week days indication on presence graph.
- Prompt a contact sheet when having a problem.
- Stale data text is absolute above 2 hours.
- Replace period selection by a button on presence graph.
1.1.0 - 2024-01-29
- (iOS only) Haptic feedback on Touchable elements.
- Render activity and status on the Membership bottom sheet.
- Change controls label to be more explicit.
- Animations properly change color when switching between light and dark theme.
- Decrease success icon color on the tickets card in dark theme.
- Bottom sheet content should slide below the handle.
Initial release with the following features:
- current occupancy,
- user profile (available tickets, current subscription and membership),
- events listing,
- services like opening the gate,
- user attendance history.