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developer notes
- returns effort in Nm e.g. 50
- how wide to open the gripper before grasping, in m or radiants
get-action-grasp(object-type arm object-transform-in-base)
- returns a lazy list of keywords that repreent the possible grasp orientations
get-object-type-carry-config (object-type grasp)
- When carrying an object, which arm configuration to use. The return value is a symbol (keyword), which associates with a robot-specific joint state, specified in the robot description.
get-action-trajectory (action-type arm grasp location objects-acted-on)
- Returns a list of TRAJ-SEGMENTs.
is the keyword describing the reasoning engine that calculates trajectories,action-type
describes for which type of action the trajectory will be,arm
a single keyword eg. :left,grasp
describes grasp orientation to use, e.g., :top, :left-side,location
is the location type of the action, e.g., counter-top or shelfobjects-acted-on
are designators describing the objects used by the action.
- Returns a list of TRAJ-SEGMENTs.
get-location-poses (location-designator)
- Returns a (lazy) list of cl-transforms-pose-stamped that,
according to the reasoning engine, correspond to the given
- Returns a (lazy) list of cl-transforms-pose-stamped that,
according to the reasoning engine, correspond to the given
get-object-likely-location (object-type environment-name human-name context)
- Returns a location designator representing the
location, where an object with given type
can typically be found at. The likely location can depend on theenvironment-name
, the human preferences represented ashuman-name
representing the name of the action context, e.g. :table-setting.
- Returns a location designator representing the
location, where an object with given type
get-object-destination (object-type environment-name human-name context)
- Returns a location designator representing the
location, where an object with given type
usually should be brought to in the given action contextcontext
, e.g., :table-setting.. The likely destination can additionally depend on theenvironment-name
and the human preferences represented ashuman-name
- Returns a location designator representing the
location, where an object with given type
get-container-opening-distance (container-name)
- Returns a value describing the distance a container can
be openend.
is a designator describing the container.
- Returns a value describing the distance a container can
be openend.
get-container-closing-distance (container-name)
- Returns a value describing the distance for which a container is considered closed.
get-arms-for-object-type (object-type)
- Returns the arm to use for grasping the object of
. If nil is returned, it does not matter, which arm is used.
- Returns the arm to use for grasping the object of
- On (ccl:start-episode) the Knowrob/Rosprolog node gets stuck and the last Warning it shows is:
Warning: Singleton variables: [Event] Warning: /home/alina/ros_ws/k4r/cram_ws/src/cram/cram_knowrob/cram_cloud_logger/src/neem-interface.pl:36: Warning: Singleton variables: [Start] Warning: /home/alina/ros_ws/k4r/cram_ws/src/cram/cram_knowrob/cram_cloud_logger/src/neem-interface.pl:47: Warning: Singleton variables: [Event,Start,End] Warning: /home/alina/ros_ws/k4r/cram_ws/src/cram/cram_knowrob/cram_cloud_logger/src/neem-interface.pl:71: Warning: Singleton variables: [Position,Orientation]```
:::info Fixed by updating the environment-urdf to e.g: (defparameter environment-urdf "'package://iai_kitchen/urdf_obj/iai_kitchen_popcorn_python.urdf'") Ideally, this should be read from the parameter server so that one wouldn't need to update this manually, since it will change for every scenario... Also make sure the urdf is correctly build and uploaded. If you build it with: rosrun xacro xacro my-urdf.urdf.xacro > my-urdf.urdf and it looks to small, something might be wrong with the macros pr a xacro prefix is missing somewhere. ::: :::success the getting stuck of the prolog node can be prevented by commenting out the last query in the neem-interface.pl. aka: %test__query :- ask([triple('http://www.ontologydesignpatterns.org/ont/dul/DUL.owl#Action_DCJBWPIE',dul:'hasTimeInterval',_O), triple(_O, soma:'hasIntervalBegin', _T2)]),time_scope(=<(_T2), >=(_T2), QScope),writeln(_T2),tf_get_pose('base_footprint', ['map',Position,Orientation], QScope, _),!.
Why? Who the hell knows... :::
Getting the bread out of the oven should be easy kinematically, but the tray within the oven is not modeld in the URDF.
:::info I will prolly add a prismatic joint soon, since i want to pull out the tray. I dont think i will model the 3d Part tho. :::
sudo apt install ros-noetic-rosbridge-server ros-noetic-robot-state-publisher ros-noetic-joint-state-publisher-gui ros-noetic-tf ros-noetic-tf2 ros-noetic-tf2-ros ros-noetic-pr2-arm-kinematics
mkdir -p ~/unreal_project_ws/src
cd ~/unreal_project_ws/src
wstool init
wstool merge https://raw.githubusercontent.com/urobosim/DemoProject/master/rosinstall/unreal_demo_project.rosinstall
wstool up
rosdep update
rosdep install --from-paths --ignore-src . -r
==Error: 0== Dont use python3-rosdep2 use python3-rosdep.
==Error: 1== :::success Fixed by: /opt/ros/noetic/share/roslisp/scripts/make_exe_script change from: "true"; exec /usr/bin/env sbcl --noinform --load $ROSLISP_PATH/scripts/roslisp-sbcl-init --script "$0" "$@" to: "true"; exec /usr/bin/env sbcl --dynamic-space-size 2048 --noinform --load $ROSLISP_PATH/scripts/roslisp-sbcl-init --script "$0" "$@" ::: ==Error: 2== while running melodic demos on noetic: if there seems to be issues with the launch files which load the URDF's, it could be caused by xacro. Change the xacro.py call into xacro. The --inorder prefix is also no longer needed since xacro processes stuff inorder by default now.
==Error: 3==
appears when (roslisp-utilities::startup-ros) is called
[(ROSNODE) INFO] 1640713105.398: ROS init #.
An error occurred while executing the lisp function APPLY':
The assertion
It freezes entierly. Bullet world might get unresponsive or CRAM get's stuck in the "Init Projection" step.
Make sure your urdf is up to date!
Everything needs to be prefixed with the xacro: tag.
Otherwise this error happens and if you try to generate one urdf for the environment from all the urdf.xacro files, the file will be small and some imports will be missing. This will also lead to potential KnowRob Errors down the line.
==Error: 4== Catkin_make master knowrob:
- No package 'json-glib-1.0' found
Had a missing single development package:
sudo apt-get install libjson-glib-dev
::: - No package 'libmongoc-1.0' found
Had a missing single development package:
sudo apt install libmongoc-dev
- Cram is responsible for 1. define which actions to execute to achieve the goal, 2. infer which parameters to use for each actionm, 3. monitor task execution and react to failures
- Generlized plans: We call a robot action plan generlized if the same plan can accomplish a large amount of variations of one action category.
- Scalability is achieved by underspecified symbolic action description.
- Reactive planning approach, such that the plans perform the actions and monitor their execution concurrently.
- Finding suitable action parameters -> a parameter is considered suitable if it results in successful execution of the action, first, in simulation and then also on the real robot.
- Experience logs = episodic memories, they contain not only the low-level data streams, such as joint positions or camera images, but also the semantically annotated steps of the plan and their relations.
- To perceive an object in the environment, the plan executive send a vague object description to the perception system.
- Motion Planning send a goal-poses, this can contain poses for different end effectors, e.g., for a dual-arm motion.
- The collision-mode can be any of: avoid-all, allow-all, allow-arm, allow-hand, allow-fingers or allow-fingers-and-objects, which specifies if collisions are allowed between the robot body parts or the grasped object.
- Goals are defined as a task function f(o) with limits its first derivative. The vector of observable variables, o, contains the robot joint positions, but can also contain goal parameters, poses of environment objects, contact information, etc.
- Installation instruction works.