The course has one homework.
Prove a basic knowledge of licencing. Submit the short report in a text file hw01.txt
to the homework vault in the information system.
- Locate the licence information of the open-source project you contribute to. Write the URL to the licence file into the report.
- Read the licence in full (or skim through it if it's long).
- Imagine you develop a product that would benefit from using this open source project. Are there any conditions you must meet if you use the open source project? Are you then restricted in choice of a licence for your product? Are there any additional restrictions when you sell your product? Write your reasoning into the report.
- Imagine you want to integrate the QGIS project into the open-source project you're contributing to. Are the licenses compatible? Write your reasoning (with links to used sources, if applicable) into the report. (Note: This may be more complicated than it sounds depending on your project. Don't spend an excessive amount of time on this part.)