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Noah Kim edited this page Jan 22, 2020 · 6 revisions

Note: everything you need to use the CSCI 104 Docker image is provided in the README.

The manage script should handle standard use-scenarios for the docker environment. However, if you're looking to fix issues you're having with the system or are interested in how it works, the following sections provide a thorough explanation of the three main commands used to manage the container.

Starting the Image

Before we actually run a container with our image, we need to know where to mount the course material folder from. Locate wherever you cloned it to on your computer and get the full path. For example, on Windows that path might look like C:\Users\username\Documents\hw-username\, and on macOS it might look like /Users/username/Documents/hw-username.

The base command for running an image is:

# Don't run this yet
docker run image

However, there are several configurations we want to include:

  • -v /path/to/material/:/work/ mounts the work folder on our machine to /work in the container
  • -d runs the container in the background
  • -t allocates a command prompt for us to access when we interact with the container
  • --cap-add SYS_PTRACE will allow GDB to correctly access executable runtimes
  • --security-opt seccomp=unconfined allows memory allocation and debugging to work correctly
  • --name csci104 gives the container a name to reference in other docker commands

Thus, our complete command is:

docker run -v /Users/username/Documents/hw-username/:/work/ -dt --cap-add SYS_PTRACE --security-opt seccomp=unconfined --name csci104 csci104

Or, you can make a copy of the provided setup script, setup.bat for Windows and for macOS, and fill in the path to your material folder. After that, simply running that script in the command line will correctly run the Docker container.

Note that you only need to run the Docker container once, as it will remain active in the background until you shut down your computer or manually stop it.

Accessing the Command Line

Finally, to access the command line of the container you've started, we want to use the exec command. We will add two options to make the command prompt usable:

  • -i allows the exec to be interactive
  • -t provides us access to an actual shell

Thus, the final command is:

docker exec -it csci104 bash

Stopping the Image

First, find the ID of the container you started by running docker container ls. In case you are for any reason running other containers, make sure to locate the one with image csci104.

Now, simply run the Docker kill command with that ID:

docker kill containerid

Or, if you ran the image with the --name flag, you can use its name:

docker kill csci104
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