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How to Run the Content Team

gabeclasson edited this page Dec 24, 2022 · 6 revisions

A guide for how to be a CSM 61A SCM.

How to Use this Wiki

This Wiki is supposed to be a substantially complete reference of everything you need to know to run the content team from a technical standpoint. It is a work in progress, and should be updated regularly to reflect the current practices. However, past practices may also be maintained in the repository so that future semesters may benefits from the knowledge of past failures.

To learn how to run the content team, you should read this entire Wiki, starting with this page. It's long, but it's not that long. You should also update this Wiki during the semester because there will surely be some things that are out of date.

How to use this Repository

This repository contains everything needed to make worksheets for CS 61A.

Please keep the repository well. At the end of the semester, all irrelevant branches should be deleted, and all irrelevant issues and pull requests should be closed.

Your Job

The SCMs are chiefly responsible for creating all worksheets for the course. They are also responsible for spearheading all other content related initiatives, such as slides and guides.

Coord Relations

At least two weeks before the beginning of the semester, the CSM 61A coords should reach out to you to set up a meeting where you will be onboarded.

Course Staff Relations

You should be in regular correspondence with the CS 61A course staff content team. You should set up a meeting with the CS 61A content TA at the beginning of the semester to discuss the content calendar and what should be covered when. At that meeting, you should also create some way (group chat/slack/etc.) of keeping in touch with the course staff content team throughout the semester. Ideally, at least one of the SCMs would be on course staff and on course staff's content team to make this process smoother.

Occasionally, course staff will change content plans mid-way through the semester. Sometimes, you may also have questions about whether the questions you plan to use on the worksheet are identical or similar to those used on the homeworks/labs/discussions. Therefore, you will have to check in with the course staff content team throughout the semester.

Major contributors: Gabe Classon

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