Set up:
export CONFIG=cats-config.json
cf api
cf login -u admin
cf t -o system -s system
If you're running the Docker tests ("include_docker": true
cf enable-feature-flag diego_docker
If you're running CredHub-related tests:
"credhub_mode": "assisted",
"credhub_client": "credhub_admin_client",
"credhub_secret": "xxxx",
Remember you need to pull the CredHub secret from the BOSH's CredHub instance, but first you need to authenticate to that instance, which means pulling it from the BOSH Director's manifest:
bosh int --path /instance_groups/name=bosh/jobs/name=uaa/properties/uaa/scim/users bosh-vsphere.yml
Now that we have the user & password, we can authenticate to CredHub:
credhub api --skip-tls-validation
credhub login --username=credhub_cli_user --password=yyy
Finally we can retrieve the credhub_secret
credhub find -n / # we don't need this, but it gives us a list of creds
credhub get -n /bosh-vsphere/cf/credhub_admin_client_secret
id: 1b238b69-72ac-4a73-a124-b67da71da572
name: /bosh-vsphere/cf/credhub_admin_client_secret
type: password
value: xxxx
version_created_at: "2021-11-18T23:25:53Z"
That secret ("xxxx") goes into the cats-config.json
file under the property
But we're still not done: we need to create a security group that allows the apps to communicate with CredHub.
cf create-security-group credhub <(echo '[{"protocol":"tcp","destination":"","ports":"8443,8844","description":"credhub"}]')
cf bind-running-security-group credhub
cf bind-staging-security-group credhub
Is this the reason that we have to wait for CAPI's ASG data to propagate?
Down to 3 failures:
[Fail] [tasks] v3 tasks when associating a task with an app and binding a space-specific ASG [It] applies the associated app's ASGs to the task
[Fail] [routing] Session Affinity when two apps have different context paths [BeforeEach] Sticky session should work
[Fail] [routing] Session Affinity when one app has a root path and another with a context path [BeforeEach] Sticky session should work
Ran 170 of 228 Specs in 2058.645 seconds
FAIL! -- 167 Passed | 3 Failed | 3 Pending | 55 Skipped
The "Session Affinity" errors appear to be caused by apps taking too long to
start, maybe caused by my slow hardware. The fix? Double . Halving the nodes from 12 to 6, i.e.
from 240 seconds to 480 secondsbin/test -nodes=6
. On the downside, the acceptance tests take 48 minutes to
Note the following log messages where it takes almost two minutes for the container to become healthy:
2022-05-28T19:28:06.87-0700 [CELL/0] OUT Starting health monitoring of container
2022-05-28T19:29:55.49-0700 [CELL/0] OUT Container became healthy
Down to one failure:
[Fail] [tasks] v3 tasks when associating a task with an app and binding a space-specific ASG [It] applies the associated app's ASGs to the task
cf push cats-app -b go_buildpack -m 256M -p assets/proxy -f assets/proxy/manifest.yml
# is a hard-coded random IP address
cf run-task cats-app --command "curl --fail --connect-timeout 10" --name woof
cf logs cats-app --recent # look for "Failed to connect" "Connection refused"
cf create-security-group cats-sg <(echo '[{"protocol":"tcp","destination":"","ports":"80","description":"cats-sg"}]')
cf bind-security-group cats-sg system --space system
cf restart cats-app
cf run-task cats-app --command "curl --fail --connect-timeout 10" --name woof
cf logs cats-app --recent # look for "Failed to connect"