Let's generate a CSR for a recognized Certificate Authority (CA). Our hostname is vcenter-67.nono.io. Note that I override the algorithm and key size to accommodate VMware vCenter VCSA 6.7. Normally this change would not be necessary, and the defaults, which are the newer elliptic-curve algorithm, are more than adequate.
Comodo, the CA that we use, requests, in addition to the defaults, an email
address and an organization, so we supply those. cfssl
seem to allow the injection of
an email address in the standard place, so I'm re-purposing Organization Unit
# if vCenter Appliance (VCSA) then use RSA, otherwise skip `jq` filter
cfssl print-defaults csr | sed s/example.net/$CN/g |
jq -r '.key = {"algo":"rsa","size":2048} | .names[0].O = "nono.io" | .names[0].OU = "brian.cunnie@gmail.com"' \
> $CN.json
cfssl genkey $CN.json | cfssljson -bare $CN
# Let's examine the CSR
cfssl certinfo -csr $CN.csr
Important outputs:
- CSR: $CN.csr
- key: $CN-key.pem
Changing gears, we create a Certificate Authority (CA) which we will use to sign additional certificates that we will create:
cfssl print-defaults config | sed s/example.net/$CA/g > ca-config.json
# if vCenter Appliance (VCSA) then use RSA, otherwise skip `jq` filter
cfssl print-defaults csr | sed s/example.net/$CA/g |
jq -r '.key = {"algo":"rsa","size":2048}' \
> ca-csr.json
cfssl gencert -initca ca-csr.json | cfssljson -bare ca.$CA
# Let's examine the certificate
cfssl certinfo -cert ca.$CA.pem
Now let's generate and sign the certificates using our newly-created CA:
# if vCenter Appliance (VCSA) then use RSA, otherwise skip `jq` filter
cfssl print-defaults csr | sed s/example.net/$CN/g |
jq -r '.key = {"algo":"rsa","size":2048}' \
> $CN.json
cfssl gencert -ca=ca.$CA.pem -ca-key=ca.$CA-key.pem -config=ca-config.json -profile=www $CN.json | cfssljson -bare $CN
# Let's examine the certificate
cfssl certinfo -cert $CN.pem