export GOVC_URL=root:pass@esxi.nono.io GOVC_INSECURE=true
# but for vCenter
export GOVC_USERNAME=administrator@vsphere.local GOVC_PASSWORD=pas GOVC_URL=vcenter-67.nono.io GOVC_INSECURE=true
govc datastore.ls
govc datacenter.info
Name: ha-datacenter
Path: /ha-datacenter
Hosts: 1
Clusters: 0
Virtual Machines: 3
Networks: 1
Datastores: 1
govc vm.info -debug -vm.dns=fedora # `-debug` Trace requests and responses to `~/.govmomi/debug`
Name: fedora.nono.io
Path: /ha-datacenter/vm/fedora.nono.io
UUID: 564da3d4-70fb-74e1-747e-31a7c31285ff
Guest name: Red Hat Fedora (64-bit)
Memory: 1024MB
CPU: 2 vCPU(s)
Power state: poweredOn
Boot time: 2017-02-18 21:32:57.629643 +0000 UTC
IP address:
Host: esxi.nono.io
govc vm.info /ha-datacenter/vm/fedora.nono.io
govc vm.info /*/*/fedora.nono.io
govc ls network
govc dvs.portgroup.info /private/network/wild-192.168.0
govc: /private/network/wild-192.168.0 (OpaqueNetwork) is not a DVS
govc vm.network.add -vm /private/vm/delete-me/19333421-b078-48fb-929b-388666076b05/vm-c9fdf99e-7488-47a9-b18a-c7cc241d4d38 -net wild-192.168.0
govc snapshot.create -m=true -vm="/dc/vm/Discovered virtual machine/w19-stemcell" foo
govc snapshot.revert -vm="/dc/vm/Discovered virtual machine/w19-stemcell" foo
govc snapshot.remove -r=true -vm="/dc/vm/Discovered virtual machine/w19-stemcell" foo
Detailed host info:
govc host.info -host=/dc/host/cl/esxi-1 -json
Registering a VM because we're migrating VMs from vcenter-70.nono.io to vcenter-80.nono.io:
govc vm.register -ds=NAS-0 -pool=cunnie $VM/$VM.vmx
govc vm.network.change -vm $VM -net nono ethernet-0
govc vm.upgrade -vm $VM