This tutorial illustrates how to create an SBOM from software projects using the cdxgen CLI.
Docker (optional)
Homebrew (optional)
Java 21 (conditional)
Run the command most pertinent to your system and configuration.
npm install -g @cyclonedx/cdxgen
brew install cdxgen
$ winget install cdxgen
deno install --allow-read --allow-env --allow-run --allow-sys=uid,systemMemoryInfo,gid,homedir --allow-write --allow-net -n cdxgen "npm:@cyclonedx/cdxgen/cdxgen"
docker run --rm -e CDXGEN_DEBUG_MODE=debug -v /tmp:/tmp -v $(pwd):/app:rw -t -r /app -o /app/bom.json
docker run --rm -e CDXGEN_DEBUG_MODE=debug -v /tmp:/tmp -v $(pwd):/app:rw -t -r /app -o /app/bom.json
docker run --rm -e CDXGEN_DEBUG_MODE=debug -v /tmp:/tmp -v $(pwd):/app:rw -t -r /app -o /app/bom.json
Verify installation by running:
cdxgen -h
You should see the resultant output:
cdxgen [command]
cdxgen completion Generate bash/zsh completion
-o, --output Output file. Default bom.json
[default: "bom.json"]
-t, --type Project type. Please refer to https://cyclonedx.g for supported lan
guages/platforms. [array]
--exclude-type Project types to exclude. Please refer to https:/
/ for s
upported languages/platforms.
-r, --recurse Recurse mode suitable for mono-repos. Defaults to
true. Pass --no-recurse to disable.
[boolean] [default: true]
-p, --print Print the SBOM as a table with tree. [boolean]
-c, --resolve-class Resolve class names for packages. jars only for n
ow. [boolean]
--deep Perform deep searches for components. Useful whil
e scanning C/C++ apps, live OS and oci images.
--server-url Dependency track url. Eg: https://deptrack.cyclon
--skip-dt-tls-check Skip TLS certificate check when calling Dependen
cy-Track. [boolean] [default: false]
--api-key Dependency track api key
--project-group Dependency track project group
--project-name Dependency track project name. Default use the di
rectory name
--project-version Dependency track project version
[string] [default: ""]
--project-id Dependency track project id. Either provide the i
d or the project name and version together
--parent-project-id Dependency track parent project id [string]
--required-only Include only the packages with required scope on
the SBOM. Would set compositions.aggregate to inc
omplete unless --no-auto-compositions is passed.
--fail-on-error Fail if any dependency extractor fails. [boolean]
--no-babel Do not use babel to perform usage analysis for Ja
vaScript/TypeScript projects. [boolean]
--generate-key-and-sign Generate an RSA public/private key pair and then
sign the generated SBOM using JSON Web Signatures
. [boolean]
--server Run cdxgen as a server [boolean]
--server-host Listen address [default: ""]
--server-port Listen port [default: "9090"]
--install-deps Install dependencies automatically for some proje
cts. Defaults to true but disabled for containers
and oci scans. Use --no-install-deps to disable
this feature. [boolean]
--validate Validate the generated SBOM using json schema. De
faults to true. Pass --no-validate to disable.
[boolean] [default: true]
--evidence Generate SBOM with evidence for supported languag
es. [boolean] [default: false]
--spec-version CycloneDX Specification version to use. Defaults
to 1.6 [number] [default: 1.6]
--filter Filter components containing this word in purl or Multiple values allo
wed. [array]
--only Include components only containing this word in p
url. Useful to generate BOM with first party comp
onents alone. Multiple values allowed. [array]
--author The person(s) who created the BOM. Set this value
if you're intending the modify the BOM and claim
authorship.[array] [default: "OWASP Foundation"]
--profile BOM profile to use for generation. Default generi
[choices: "appsec", "research", "operational", "threat-modeling", "license-com
pliance", "generic", "machine-learning", "ml", "deep-learning", "ml-deep", "ml
-tiny"] [default: "generic"]
--exclude Additional glob pattern(s) to ignore [array]
--include-formulation Generate formulation section with git metadata an
d build tools. Defaults to false.
[boolean] [default: false]
--include-crypto Include crypto libraries as components.
[boolean] [default: false]
--standard The list of standards which may consist of regula
tions, industry or organizational-specific standa
rds, maturity models, best practices, or any othe
r requirements which can be evaluated against or
attested to.
[array] [choices: "asvs-5.0", "asvs-4.0.3", "bsimm-v13", "masvs-2.0.0", "nist_
ssdf-1.1", "pcissc-secure-slc-1.1", "scvs-1.0.0", "ssaf-DRAFT-2023-11"]
--min-confidence Minimum confidence needed for the identity of a c
omponent from 0 - 1, where 1 is 100% confidence.
[number] [default: 0]
--technique Analysis technique to use
[array] [choices: "auto", "source-code-analysis", "binary-analysis", "manifest
-analysis", "hash-comparison", "instrumentation", "filename"]
--auto-compositions Automatically set compositions when the BOM was f
iltered. Defaults to true
[boolean] [default: true]
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
-v, --version Show version number [boolean]
cdxgen -t java . Generate a Java SBOM for the current di
cdxgen -t java -t js . Generate a SBOM for Java and JavaScript
in the current directory
cdxgen -t java --profile ml . Generate a Java SBOM for machine learni
ng purposes.
cdxgen -t python --profile research . Generate a Python SBOM for appsec resea
cdxgen --server Run cdxgen as a server
for documentation, visit
To generate an SBOM run:
cdxgen -o <filename>
Where filename
is the name of the output json file.
Additionally, the language of the project can be defined explicitly via the -t
cdxgen -t <type> -o <filename>
Multiple languages can be specified by invoking the -t
flag for each language.
Where type
is one of the potential programming languages/frameworks (python, java, rust, npm, go, etc)
To specify the CycloneDX specification version, use the --spec-version
flag with the desired version, e.g. 1.6. 1.5 etc.
Without specifying the type, cdxgen may sometimes create inaccurate outputs.
C SBOMs require Java 21 to be installed.
The following section illustrates a CycloneDX JSON SBOM of the following codebases, created via cdxgen:
- Asciinema (Rust)
- Htop (C)
- Pip (Python)
- Springwolf (Java)
CycloneDX. (n.d.). CycloneDX/cdxgen: Creates CycloneDX Bill of materials (BOM) for your projects from source and container images. supports many languages and package managers. integrate in your CI/CD pipeline with automatic submission to dependency track server. slack: Https:// GitHub.
cdxgen documentation. (n.d.).
Asciinema. (n.d.). GitHub - asciinema/asciinema: Terminal session recorder 📹. GitHub.
Pypa. (n.d.). GitHub - pypa/pip: The Python package installer. GitHub.
Htop-Dev. (n.d.). GitHub - htop-dev/htop: htop - an interactive process viewer. GitHub.
Springwolf. (n.d.). GitHub - springwolf/springwolf-core: Automated documentation for event-driven applications built with Spring Boot. GitHub.