Within the Stratos DC, the Nautilus storage server hosts a directory named /data
, serving as a repository for various developers' non-confidential data. Developer Kirsty has requested a copy of their data stored in /data/kirsty
Create a compressed archive named kirsty.tar.gz
of the /data/kirsty
directory. - Transfer the archive to the /home
directory on the Storage Server.
- Log in to each app server as a user with sudo privileges:
ssh your_username@app_server_ip
- Create the Compressed Archive:
sudo tar -czvf /data/kirsty.tar.gz -C /data kirsty
- Transfer the Archive:
sudo mv /data/kirsty.tar.gz /home/
- Verify the Archive:
ls -l /home/kirsty.tar.gz
- Command Explanation:
ssh your_username@storage_server_ip: Log in to the Storage Server using your username. sudo tar -czvf /data/kirsty.tar.gz -C /data kirsty: Create a compressed archive of the `/data/kirsty` directory. - sudo: Execute the command with superuser privileges. - tar: Archive utility to create compressed archives. - czvf: Options for `tar` (create, compress with gzip, verbose, file name). - /data/kirsty.tar.gz: The name and location of the archive file to be created. - C /data: Change to the `/data` directory before performing the archiving. - kirsty: The directory to be archived. sudo mv /data/kirsty.tar.gz /home/: Move the archive file to the `/home` directory. ls -l /home/kirsty.tar.gz: Verify the existence of the archive in the `/home` directory.